Black Butler (Wiki234 & EddiEddi)


Jan 8, 2012
"Very well. The Contract is made, I will see you in the morning m'lady"

Sebastian knocked on his current contractor's bedroom door, walking in as per usual with a tray of tea.
"Good Morning m'lady, Today's tea is Lady Grey, Similar in taste to Earl gray it is a black tea however it is flavored with Lemon and orange oils for a less pungent taste first thing in the morning." He said as he set the tea on the table beside her and walked over to the large wardrobe selecting a dress. "Today's schedule is open to your digression. However this afternoon your younger cousin is coming over to discuss the matter of your uncles recent death." He informed her, hanging the dress from the edge of the bed and patiently waiting for her to finish the tea.
That was the last thing she would do before her plans for revenge was complete...

Serena slept quietly through the night as she was not bothered when the first Rays of the morning sun had slowly been shining through her window and into her large room. She had a new kind of fuel that consumed and destroyed her old self, but being reborn as a heartless new queen of revenge. She had a good sleep and with that she could wake up easily more than normal and it seemed this morning was one of those days.

She stretched her arms and sat up on her bed looking at him with both eyes open as she didn't care if he could see the symbol, it would be covered up anyway (has an eyepatch too) Serena took the tea and waited for a moment so it would cool down until she started to sip on it, " hmm that's fine then...I'll see to it this aftetoon then..." Serena finally finished with a sigh and put the teacup back on the plate and stood up finally.
"Is there anything specific M'lady would like to be prepared for dinner with said cousin or is it matter up to my descression?" Sebastian asked already beside her and helping her out of her sleepwear even though he'd been replacing the flowers on her windowsill not a moment before. "There has also been a upsurge in the letters of romantic interest to the house as of late. Would M'lady care to entertain any of these suitors or shall I disregard the letters entirely?" He asked making a little clicking noise with his tongue if she dragged her feet about getting dressed.
You handle it...." She said slipping on her dress and putting on her black gloves. "Well I want to see those letters first then."Serena soghed and took out the a small rounded oval shape with three little strings and gave it to him wanting to put it on her, since he was supposed to anyway.
"very well I shall see to it that they are brought up" He said and took the eye patch off her and put it round her head gently. "Breakfast is being served as we speak I shall collect the letters and bring them to you in the dining room m'lady." He said and once he'd helped he finish dressing he headed out the door and round one of the corners quickly disappearing out of sight. When she arrived at the dining hall she would find him standing there with a large stack of letters balanced in one hand while buttering toast with the other.
Serena just watched him and stretched her arms again fixing herself up a bit more before she headed down to the dining room to finally eat some breakfast. Once there, she sat down at the table and leaned back waiting to serve her though she did notice the letters right away. " Hmm...wonder why their so interested in me so much. They probably heard about the stupid wedding that was canceled about a month ago because of course apparently I didn't seem the type he was looking for...well doesn't matter because I just want him gone for good." She sighed and took one of the letter opening it up and reading it.
"Is that an order M'lady?" Sebastian asked, standing to her side and slightly behind, taking a moment to discreetly read the letter. "I think more likely m'lady they are interested in the estate and what they could gain from it." He observed. After a moment he glanced out the window and smiled "so, what does M'lady intend for the day? seeing as she has it free."
She sighed and threw the letter she was reading back into the pile, "I'll make plans to deal with him later, I want you to get rid of these stupid letters now...well this is an order..." She stood up and stretched, "after that maybe we could head to the town for a bit and look around for a while, I don't have any other meetings or plans so why not..." She looked over at him and turned to walk up the stairs, "just come get me in library then..." Serena turned and dissapeared as she walked down the hall to one of the upstairs rooms.
"As you order M'lady." He said and picked the pile up, heading towards the kitchens. after tossing the letters in the furnace. He waited a polite time, Letting Serena relax for a while, using the time to organize a carriage and a few bits and peaces he knew he'd have to pick up in town. after that he headed up to the library, Knocking on the door and stepping in. "M'lady, whenever you are ready to depart."
Serena was sitting down next to the window leaning back against the wall behind her and looking out as it was the perfect spot to get the most sunlight through the room and it was warm too. She could see the carriage coming to the front or the mansion, the city in the distance, the clouds and the sun slowly moving through the sky. She gave a small smile and looked as she heard he door and Sebastian coming in, " ok then we'll go now..." Serena stretched and walked past him down the hall and down the stairs until she was in the middle of the mansion waiting for him to follow.
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