A Naruto Roleplay (SasuHina NaruIno)


Feb 13, 2011
Rhode Island
It was the middle of the night when Hinata found herself wandering onto one of the training grounds. She was not planning to train. No...anything but train. As she saw the field she found herself moving to sit against one of the large trees off to the side. Hinata was shocked by what had happened just an hour earlier. Perhaps shocked was not the best term. She had been expecting it for years. Especially more so within the last few weeks. "He f-finally did it..." Hinata whispered to herself. Her forehead throbbed and her eyes did as well. She had finally been given the curse seal and been kicked out of the Hyuuga home. Her eyes hurt from all the crying she had been doing.

Hinata had no idea where she was going to go. She thought he would banish her to the Branch family. Obviously she was wrong. He had kicked her off the compound. So now she was all alone, with no where to go.


Ino stood by the front gate of Konoha waiting for her teammate. She should have expected Naruto to be late! Then again, perhaps she was just earlier? Either way she was annoyed. It was the middle of the night and she was not in the mood for this! She really could not understand why they needed to leave in the middle of the night. Then again the mission was extremely important and they needed to get moving immediately. They needed to gather supplies and spy on a rouge group of ninja to make sure they were not going to cause any trouble.

It was a simple mission but it involved keeping themselves. Hidden and spying on the rouge ninja. Ino also could use her mind jutsu to get into their minds. It would be an interesting mission. Normally these missions would be with Shikamaru...but he was away on a mission today and more fighting was expected on this mission, so Naruto was chosen. "Where is he?" She muttered under her breath.
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