Convergence (Me and Liam Dale)


Dec 27, 2014
Things around the city had been worse and worse and Seth Harbridge, award winning novelist, knew it better than anyone else, for he could feel the cause. He knew that the crime rate was jumping because the shadow plane, the home of negative energy and black magic, was growing closer to the 'normal' world he lived in. Then again, he wouldn't really call his world the 'Normal' one because he didn't believe there was such a thing. After all, if this world was so normal, then why had he been born there, someone that could feel the other planes, sometimes even pick up their stories in his dreams. He didn't know why no other people on his plane of existence could feel them, or even see them in the spots where the planes sometimes rubbed together or got close. Really the only planes that always touched his world was that of the dead, and he was mostly positive that every plane that held mortals also always touched the land of the dead.
The other plane that always touched his world was that of the Faery, more specifically the part of Faery that most nature sprites and the seasonal courts lived in. He supposed he should be glad that he had learned how to control when he saw the planes for the most part. He could block it out, and he could pull the power to him, though using his special sight, weather he called it or not, often left him unable to see for a small period of time or blurred his vision considerably. As it was, he tried to avoid using it as much as possible. That is, until one dark dreary night.

Seth had just spent most of his day in the local café, typing away at his new 'fiction' story, which was really just an adaption of something he had connected to in a dream when one of the planes had brushed by his own. As soon as he had realized what time it was, he had packed up his laptop and rushed out of the café, having already paid his bill because this happened frequently. The dark, dreary street and storm clouds didn't bother him, nor did the flickering of the street lights. The sense of foreboding he felt did not seem to have an answer just yet, however he believed his spine tingled in warning because the shadow plane was about to brush his. Suddenly, two very large men, both with shaved heads and gang looking tattoos jumped out of an alley and headed right for Seth, who in turn dashed down another alley like a frightened rabbit only to realize that this one dead ended.

Looking around frantically, the slender man searched for an escape. Not finding one, he did the last thing he could think of that would possibly save him from the two burly men heading towards him. He opened his eye sight to the other planes, only this time where as before he only brushed them with his power, he grabbed and pulled, doing this over and over and continuing to pull as the men stopped approaching him, freaked out by the glowing thing he was doing. Of coarse, they had no idea that they had just terrified a plane weaver into pulling realities together, all they knew was the ground was shaking and there were suddenly castles floating in the sky, which was now clearing to show that where there was normally one moon, two had replaced them. The two men stopped looking around and were now advancing on him once more, clearly realizing he was the cause of this.

Seth screamed, the power rushing through him scaring him as well as the fact there were two mean looking guys about to kill him or something.
The night was falling upon New Tristram and the shadows were closing around the city, Porthos hurried his way from the Cathedral. He moved as a shadow almost as dark as the night itself, followed by his companions, the Demon Hunter swiftly shortened the distance between him and the restored city, he could see it already. The eagerness to reach Tristram had no other purpose than to get his reward for slaying Diablo's spawns. He was reaching the city outskirts when suddenly his wolf stopped, eyes fixed on the apparent nothingness, the animal's ears flattened back and whined to its master. "What is it Blaez?" He whispered to his wolf. "Liwa..." Porthos sent his raven to scout the area from a safe height, just in case. The man's eyes narrowed as the bird floated in circles above a small area, just some feets away from him, Porthos stepped forward, slowly peering the area around him. The air around him seemed to disappear, dirt was being pulled into the middle of a small spot in the air, a small shiny sphere that slowly began to open and become wider in front of him. All of his companions were reluctant about following their master, but they finally did, all of Porthos beasts, wolf, bat, raven, spider, boar and ferrets walked and crawled and fled behind their master until this stopped.

The thing was growing slowly but constantly, and it didn't seem like something coming from the depths of hell, yet Porthos wasn't sure it belonged to heaven either. The man frowned, he knew something bad was about to happen, but he did not expect what came after a few moments. The sphere opened and turned into a large surface, almost like a door and everything was being pulled into the great aperture, the air, the dirt, rocks, even the soil began to crack beneath his feet and press toward the blinding light that began to diminish and Porthos was able to see what was at the other side. It looked like a city, the buildings were tall as mountains, he'd never seen such thing built by men. Was this another part of the high heavens? The opening kept spreading, and the strength of it was harder and harder to fight. Porthos tried to step back but it was too late, his feet were practically floating toward the gap, as well as his companions, he was being dragged inside.

Porthos had no words to describe what he felt the second he entered the void that was after that entrance, he saw the extrange city and other gaps opening and closing and everything seemed to circle around one tiny spot at an alley. There, way below him was the man from where everything seemed to come, and two other men, but Porthos couldn't see much of the scene as he suddenly realized he was falling and there was no stop until he hit the ground, his body banishing for a moment into a black and red mist as his Awareness had been triggered, he laid on the ground unconscious.


Medrid was deep into the forest, practicing his archery, a normal day, his horse was grazing nearby and he'd been released from his mother's eye for a few days. As always, his targets were hit at the center one, and two and three times, it was no practicing really, he had no challenge to make him improve and that made him a little sad. The young man sat on a log, sighing heavily, he was bored and eager to find adventures and challenges, he wanted to know new lands and people and get away from all of his responsibilities as a prince. Clouds covered the sky and the slight shine of a wisp became visible. "A wisp! Look Angus!" Medrid jumped in excitement as the small bluish spirit seemed to dance as it waited for the boy to follow. Medrid ran deeper into the forest. "C'mon Angus!" He'd never seen a wisp flying through the forest so fast. Medrid ran, and jumped dodging every obstacle in his path, the feeling of something great getting closer was growing in his chest. And the wisp suddenly disappeared. The young prince stopped, turning to a side and the other in search of the ethereal creature, but there was no sign of it. The whole forest was in complete silence. Medrid felt a vibration on his feet and as he glared to the green and brown floor, he realized there was no floor at all, only a large bright hole in the ground and before he could think of it, he was falling, with only his bow to hold on to, the young man felt like the falling was eternal, he saw a certain death at the end.

Darkness was approaching, and Medrid got ready for his fate, he closed his eyes and clung to his bow with all his strength. The landing was painful, like hitting a wall, but it wasn't deathly, after a moment of stunned thoughts, Medrid opened his eyes to find himself in front of two odd looking men. He felt the ground beneath his body, almost jumping back as he realized he'd landed onto a poor man. He stepped back, glaring at the men, studying the situation as much as he could in that moment. Both men were so different from each other, the slender one looking trapped between a large wall and the other menacing man. Medrid's eyes shone, and soon, his body was between both men, his arrow pointing at the larger man. "Stay behind me." He said at the other, not taking his eyes from what was clearly an enemy.
Seth's eyes widened as the strange red headed man fell onto one of the men approaching him. He wasn't sure who the man was, however he knew he must look dreadful cowering against that wall with his eyes glowing so brightly. While the man sized up the situation, he spent a moment to look around and see what had happened as a result of his pulling on the planes. He could feel his power still reaching, still yanking and pulling things through the portals, which were popping up every where, in the sky, on the ground, even in the ocean. Slowly, the power sucked and spat, pushed and pulled, rearranging everything and combining all the planes in effort to make them all one. Panicking, he tried to pull his power back, not even wanting to think of what his actions had already done to the flow of the world and the natural gates that existed before he had begun this accidental convergence. He was drawn back into his current situation by the words the other man had spoken while he stood between Seth and the two scary bald men.

"I..." Seth began before shutting his mouth, clearly thinking better of it. He then turned and had the oddest impulse, he waved his hand across the wall, finding that created an opening through which he could walk. This seemed to stun the two thugs, which had begun to pull out their guns. Thinking quickly, Seth grabbed Medrid and pulled him through the wall before waving his hand over it the opposite direction to close the hole before he stared at his hand in shock. "I don't suppose you have a better idea of how I just did that than I do?"

"Maybe I can do it again..." Seth turned to another wall to swipe his hand over that one, only nothing happened this time. He sighed dejectedly. "So much for that. My powers can be so screwy sometimes. I can't get them to stop... I don't suppose you'd mind telling me who you are and which plane you're from? My name is Seth, I am originally from here, I just seemed to have... umm... I guess it would be more accurate to say that I'm still sort of accidentally combining the different planes..."


The eternal forests were being disturbed by some power that neither the inhabitants or Faery itself recognized. The queen of the spring court sent out her favorite fairy, her son Ayame, to investigate. The grumpy fairy hurried towards the first of the many disturbances, eager to see what it was and hurry back to his home. Only, once he got there, all he could do was stare at the rapidly expanding hole into the ground. The inside of it seemed to be empty, which was something he had been unprepared for. It was then that he realized he shouldn't be so close, that he would get sucked in too, however to the fairy's misfortune, the hole chose that moment to start sucking him in. No mater how hard he flew in the other direction, he couldn't over come it and was sent spiraling into the vortex, being forced to fold his delicate wings in to keep them from getting hurt in the forceful winds.

He was sure this would be the end for him, being torn apart by these winds, that is until he began to grow, his body reverting to it's normal size instead of the faster small one he usually used for recon or traveling. Now that he was full sized, it was harder to hold his much larger wings in, and his magic didn't seem to be working almost as if he was going through a gate to the human plane. As soon as he was spit out onto the sidewalk to tumble and land on an unfortunate unconscious man, he realized that he was indeed in the human plane, or at least one of them. From the look of the floating castles and mountains, this was not the one his plane usually touched.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked as he scrambled off of the man. He stared at him for a moment, beginning to wonder if he really wanted this man to wake up while he was still there. The man was sort of creepy looking to the fairy prince, and he wasn't too sure if this was even someone from this place, or if he had been spit out there like Ayame had. Gently he poked the man's face, scowling at him as he thought it over.
Medrid was ready to release the first arrow, and he did, but it didn't hit his target, the arrow flew and collided against a wall, for he was pulled back and forced to almost run backwards. "I can take them!" The young man shut up though, as soon as he saw the wall closing in front of him, Medrid just stood there, astonished, his left hand slowly moving up to touch the wall, it was real. His eyes widened and he turned to face the other man. "Ya're a wizard!" He practically shouted in excitement, examining the blonde man. But his words only confused the young prince, he stood a tad distant as the other spoke. "Plane?" Medrid asked with a frown. "I come from no plane, me land is called Ireland" He explained with a closed accent. The man was certainly weird for Medrid, but he was a wizard! He was supposed to be weird, right? Like the old witch that turned his mother into a bear. Was this what that wisp wanted for him? Was his destiny to meet this man? Medrid had a lot of questions and all the words were pushing to come out at the same time. "Me name is Medrid. A wisp brought me here." He said relatively calmly. "It appeared to me at the forest, I had to follow it! Wisps guide you to your destiny, ya know?" The words came out faster and faster as the boy couldn't contain himself. "Of course ya know. Ya're a wizard!" Medrid stepped forward. "What are those?" He asked, hanging his bow across his body and reaching out to take Seth's glasses. Medrid inspected them carefully, the thing seemed to be very delicate. "Does your power come from this?" The young man put the glasses on just like Seth wore them and looked around, everything looked distorted and blurry and quickly gave them back to the other. "I think 'tis broken." He said rubbing his eyes. Along with his eyes, his mind cleared to, and the thought of the men cornering Seth came back to him. "Won't they come back for ya? Why were them after ya?"


Porthos' eyes opened and glared at the figure next to him. Maghda? No, it was impossible, she had been slain long ago by him. The man shook his head and slowly got up, looking all around him and the man who was standing next to him, his whole body was in pain. Taking his hands up to his mouth, Porthos called out all of his companions and drew out his crossbows, stepping back to remain behind his pets, the demon hunter gave a threatening glare. "Where am I?" The man asked with a husky whisper. He was too confused in his interior to just kill the creature, he needed some information and maybe he could get it from this winged thing. He grew impatient rather soon though, his beasts were able to feel his emotions and so Blaez moved forward snarling at the creature, pressing him to speak.
"Wizard? I'm sorry, I'm a plane weaver, not a wizard... I can't do any thing useful. Or at least I thought I couldn't." Seth was absorbing the information as he received it. "I'm guessing your wisps are the spirits of your home land?" Seth was quite curious about the land that this man had come from, however he flinched a little bit as the man reached for his glasses and took them from his face. Currently they were not of much use, however he'd need them once his power turned off. "Umm... Those are called glasses. They help me to see clearly when I'm not seeing across planes. They'll make everything look funny to you because your eyes are already good." Seth pales a bit at the mention of the men. "To be honest, I'm not too sure exactly why they went after me, but they probably just wanted money or something. We should go though. Strange things are happening and it's all my fault. I've got to figure out how to stop it, and I'm sure you want to return to your home... You probably have a nice family, maybe a girlfriend or a wife or something." Seth seemed a bit saddened by the mention of family as that was a bit of a sore spot for him. "Anyway, we should go somewhere before I can't see. That's one of the after affects of using my power.


"Woah, come on. Is that any way to treat someone you just met?" Ayame held his hands up and stepped back away from Porthos. "I'm really too sure where we are. We're defiantly not in Faery, and from what I can tell, this land has quite a bit of unfamiliar magic in it." The slightly toned fairy prince was a little irritable. "What sort of animals are these? They don't put off a normal energy." Ayame offered his hand for the wolf to smell. Those that lived in the land of Faery tended to be very in tune with nature and the natural energy flow around them. Ayame in particular had a very strong sense of the natural world, enough to know that whatever was happening now was not natural. "I would very much appreciate it if you put those away. I'm fairly sure that a fairy like myself is not your usual prey as those strange weapons of yours don't have a very high iron content." With that, the fairy lifted his wings a bit, getting ready to take off. His skin gave off the soft, subtle glow of magic and his wings glittered with it in it's purest form. "Look, I don't know who or what you are, but I can't just leave the balance of this world like this. It could have an adverse effect on all the worlds, both mine and yours."
Medrid listened carefully although he didn't quite understand everything that Seth said. And for him, the man had something unique, merging words, words that Medrid never thought they could exist, it was an amazing power. So the men were simple burglars, he was even more sure than before that he could take them down easily. Medrid shook his head slightly. "Oh I do 'ave a family, but I don't want to go back. I 'ave no wife." He said almost proudly. "I can't go back. I 'ave to know why am I 'ere." Medrid said seriously. He followed the wisp, and he had decided that he wouldn't leave the man he was led to.


This fairy only made Porthos temper to rise, he was running out of patient and he was not used to others talking to him like that. He couldn't say he wasn't confused anymore, in fact, having such a creature in front of him -only heard in children stories- talking to him about magic and balance between worlds made a twister of his thoughts. "Don't get close to him." He stepped forward, calling Blaez back to his side. Porthos was very jealous of his companions, and he took care of them, but none of them was really a pet, after all, they all were just summoned creatures, only banishing when he was asleep, or, like recently, unconscious. "And don't talk to me about the balance of the world..." He added with an annoying tone. "I wasn't named The Nephalem for nothing." He practically growled.

The creature was of no use for him, but it appear like he wasn't really scared of Porthos. He might not have iron to hurt the other, but he was quite sure his sentries would pierce those delicate wings of him. Porthos was about to summon the first sentry when a loud sound echoed between the buildings around him. Soon, the demon hunter and the fairy were surrounded, Porthos try to look around him, his eyes blinded by flashy red and blue lights. Once his eyes finally adjusted, the man saw the white and blue, metallic like, wagons, men covering behind them, holding in their hands what seemed to be small weapons. This was more than enough for Porthos, he had no time for this.

"I'm off." Porthos voice came from a thick smoke cloud, and then, silence. He disappeared.
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