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Mar 31, 2009






  • Hummm... hmm... coming along nicely. I like the way you do the faces, it, nay, the entire picture, has a very... classical/greek/roman feel to it. My formal knowledge of art is lacking, so I can't label it correctly, but regardless, I like it.

    Oh... but...

    Her left hand looks kinda off. The right hand looks to be far larger than the left. Perhaps you were trying to go for an... illusion of depth? However, I like the fingers, which I do know as hard to draw. [/list:u]
Its foreshortenededededededed, but her left hand does look a bit too large and the pinky sticks out. I haven't refined that part of the picture yet. I work in some sections. Hands are usually last, because... they are difficult : <
  • Well, I'm sure the final product will look rather nice. [/list:u]
  • There is a reason I don't post in most of the art threads, as I'm a harsh critique and I don't want the "fans" of the artists to come flocking at me like a bunch of angry, whiny, "fans", whom will blow their hot air my way. So, when I see something good, or something that I feel I'll be able to criticize without starting a fight, I'll post. This just happens to be a mix of something I like, and is drawn by someone that won't take a bit of criticism the wrong way. [/list:u]
Depends on how the critisim is delievered. I can take it hard, but, you delievered it within a compliment. So, <3
It is rather well done. I love the face, posture, and positioning. She looks like sure is yearning for something but can't quite get it. Like it is out of hands reach. It also looks like she is mourning a little. At least that is how I view it.
  • Maybe... sounds like a trap, a trap to trap me because of the trap that you thought was a trap in the chat that really isn't a trap! EEE-GAAAD![/list:u]
You're very welcomed. It is a very nice piece. Good job on it so far. Are you going to keep it black and white or do you plan to add color?
I think it would be stunning either colored or black and white. And a garden? That would be very beautiful. Reminds me of my favorite artist, actually. Annie Snyder, an artist from my hometown (in the Victorian Era), did a lot of paintings of women in gardens. Some in various states of undress like your lady. Though I like the expression of yours better than any of her work. It seems more real.
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