Introducing Mika

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Dec 31, 2014
This is my first attempt at any kind of request thread, so here goes... now updated with new plot ideas. :)

❖ Likes...
First person only, story driven, consensual only, anatomically correct, Kissing, extended foreplay, realistic cum, muscular partners, teasing, and vanilla sex.

❖ Maybe...
Death, breath control, and fighting/wrestling. [I do like to put my characters into dangerous situations where death is a real possibility, but only if it fits within the context of the story and even then, only with my writing partners prior consent].

❖ No-no's...
Anything to do with the anus or that should be kept in the toilet, anything that even hints of necrophilia, Vore, inflicting torture, pain or death for sexual gratification. Sorry, but these just aren't open to negotiation.

I'd love to hear your ideas about these plots and how we could modify them so as to weave a story together.

❖ The Trade [spy x spy]
Alina, my female spy, is your characters ex-lover and the woman who betrayed and left him for dead. She has information to sell but she'll only negotiate the sale with your character because she still has feelings for him. Trying to kill him wasn't anything personal. It was just business. She's arranged to meet with him on neutral ground, but can he trust her, or is it just another episode in the long running game of cat and mouse between them. A game that sooner or later she knows she'll win.

❖ Love Bites [vampire x human]
Your character has been hunting Lucia for months, trying to bring an abrupt end to her undead existence but without any success. What's most frustrating is that she treats it as a game, flirting and teasing with him even as she taunts him to try and do his worst. She doesn't seem to bear him any malice, instead sometimes she's almost helpfull, like that time she saved his life, but mostly she's just very annoying. An itch he just can't seem to scratch no matter how hard he tries. [For this one I'm thinking that they're just a little in love with each other, not that either of them would ever admit it, and anyway how could they ever learn trust each other?]

❖ New ❖ The mission [enemy x enemy]
Despite the constant and increasingly violent clashes along the border the ceasefire between our characters countries has held - just - for a generation. Now there's a new threat, a threat to both countries survival and our characters must put aside their differences and find common ground with each other so they can at least try to work together to save their respective countries.


❖ Introducing Mika,

He was an assassin, the most dangerous man she'd ever met. The man who was supposed to bring her life to an abrupt end. Instead they'd become lovers and he'd faked her death, taking the recklessly overconfident nineteen year old Japanese-American adrenalin junkie with a love of fast motorcycles and martial arts under his wing. He taught her everything she needed to know about being an assassin, and she was an able pupil.

She's made quite a name for herself since they broke up, but now her mentor is about to re-enter her life. He's been contracted by Mika's next target to stop her carrying out her assignment, although due to her use of a number of false identities, just like he'd taught her to, he hasn't realised yet that it's Mika he has to stop.

This RP could go any way. Will he kill her? Will she kill him? Or will they become lovers again? I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to take Mika on, and your ideas as to how this story might develope.

More Plots:

❖ The Lady and the Barbarian.
She's a lady, disgraced when her husband was executed for failing in his duty to his lord. Now she has a chance to redeem herself by becoming the consort of the dirty, uncouth stranger from across the sea and teaching him how to behave like a civilised person. One month to teach the barbarian what he needs to know, or they will both lose their heads.

❖ Revenge.
Again, this ones about duty and honour - a young woman, the last of her family of an age to avenge the disgrace her family has suffered sets out to restore her familys honour. The twist here is that, not knowing who he is, she falls for the man she's sworn to kill. Which will she choose - love or revenge?

❖ The prince and the thief.
He is a prince of the realm. A spoilt brat used to everone around him pandering to his every whim, while she's a pragmatic, hardnosed thief. When he finds himself alone and stranded in the lower city, far from the protection of the palace walls she's the only person who might just be able to get him back home in one peice.

❖ Winner takes all.
They are the poster girl and boy of the hugely popular deathraces and deadly rivals on and off the track. How will they get on when they have to work together on a new campaign advertising the start of the new racing season when they can barely stand to be in the same room? The background of this RP is the deathraces, a combination of formula 1 and a destruction derby with only one rule: to win at any cost.

❖ More to follow :)
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