Looking for an Ageplay Story or Incest

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Jan 1, 2015
Hello there anyone who's managed to stumble across this post!

Currently looking for a couple of partners for some different stories. Will start with the weird one in the hope I find somebody.

I've been searching all over the internet (To no avail) to find somebody to roleplay with around the topic of Diaper wearing and/or ageplay.

Basically I'm looking to play a character who for some reason (Either through a physical need or just in a relationship) needs to wear nappies during the day/at night and all the lovely embarrassment that comes with it from accidental wetting and the like. (NOTE: I'm not in to scat, as far as I'm aware if we're playing anything then nothing like that really exists)

So, I'm looking for someone else to play a mummy or daddy to my character (Preferably a mummy but let's face it I can't be picky with this fetish). My character would either be a girlfriend or an actual daughter depending on which story route we decided to take. Smut is allowed and encouraged in accordance with the story line.

So, I'll be waiting here for someone to PM me back. Will probably be a while so I'm not going to be holding my breath but if anyone is awesome enough to share this interest with me then please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Aside from this I'm also looking for someone to play either a Mum or a Sister for some incest RP, I'd ideally be playing a teenage girl who's a bit of a tomboy (Short hair = yum) and then you'd play Either mum/older/twin sister.

In all of these I'd really prefer to play the submissive character as I'm useless at being dominant.

If you want to reach me then I prefer PM - happy hunting to everyone else.
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