Discussion for African Safari Adventure RP between Incubuddy and The Creator

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Nov 15, 2014
RP between Incubuddy and The Creator

Here are my characters/ people that might be mention depending on the outcome of RP.

Miranda Westlake-self
Diane Michaels- Best friend
Jonathon Stapleton- Ex-coworker
Outdoor Magazine- Old Magazine
Innovative Ideas Company – parent company where Miranda works now
Divisions of parent company
Best of the Out of Doors- Miranda works for and Miranda is doing field tests for
Modern Chemicals – Diane works for
Today’s World- is the division that makes new solar products- Miranda is doing field tests for
Central Hub- all of the offices that deal with benefits, hiring in, and more
Westlake Family
Mildred- Mother
Frank- Father
Thomas- eldest
Steven- next
Miranda- youngest

Ranch Hands

African Contacts

Thomas O’Mallery- war POA. Refuses to talk about the war. Has lost a leg and has no family to speak of. Owns the bar ( Wrong way Murphy’s Bar and now shorten to just Murphy’s Bar). He lives in the back part of the bar.

Patrick Duggen- was in the war briefly- very briefly. Lost part of the arm at the elbow, his memory of the past and now has a hard time remembering present. He lives with Thomas.

Micheal Galbreath- was in the war but soon was disabled. He was dropped in on some kind of mission that no one knows about including the government nor does anyone care except for Thomas and Patrick. He became deaf and disoriented thusly was easily captured by the enemy. As close as Thomas can figure out was that he was dropped in the middle of some kind of bombing episode. He was of absolute no use so the enemy used him as bait for other soldiers. No family ever spoke up about him. Micheal does not trust anyone but Thomas and Patrick.

Now that you know all of the people besides Miranda, here is Miranda!

Miranda Westlake
Lives in Wacco Texas on her father's ranch- Lazy WWW Ranch
She is 27

In a high school play

She is not very cooperative with men taking a lead due to her past. In fact her parents do not exactly know where she is at the moment but has seen the televised Award Ceremony. The parents have conflicting views of how she left her employer. Mother felt that she waited way too long to act but father felt she should not have 'aired her dirty laundry in public view' like that. So now they are not speaking to each other at the moment.

Miranda is very independent, intelligent and excellent shot with both a gun and camera. She also uses mild vulgarity of her own devise. She will forget to eat or sleep if she is on the hunt for the picture that she wants. When this happens she will crash for a while.

I will update the various equipment as we go. Any questions so far?
RE: Discussion for African Safari Adventure

No questions yet -- still skimming through that list, reading your post, and working on my own character design. :>
Good. In this space I will be posting various information such as any equipment that I am using and will be bringing to Africa.
You will be given certain items for trial use and will be expected to use them wisely. And that is up to your own preference. Miranda may not like what you do with it but hey your character is yours!

More will be added later!
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