Seeking roleplay partners on Yahoo for long-term roleplay!

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Dec 30, 2014
Female here looking for roleplay partners to roleplay on Yahoo.

I prefer long-term and detailed roleplays that focus on creating a story and building characters, as much as the kinky side of things.

Some things that I enjoy:
-Nipple/pussy torture

My limits:
-Extreme violence

Some ideas I have had lately:

-MC is a waitress or a bartender or a librarian and YC is a very very powerful man/woman. Nearly everyone is afraid of you, and you've bought off the cops so they turn a blind eye to your deeds. YC spots MC and has to have her.vAt first YC just wants MC for sex, but YC becomes intrigued by MC, and must know more about her, so YC locks her up on the highest level of the penthouse with no way to escape. In the long run YC begins to fall in love with MC and you start to do things a bit more gently, and you begin to take MC's needs into account. It takes a bit longer to feel anything significant for MC to develop feelings, but she comes around as well.

-MC is a human and YC is a furry. For a long time the furries have been part of the natural world, though rather hidden, a few sightings every 10 years or so. What people don't know, is that the female furries have all but become extinct, and so the alpha males are being forced to kidnap human females to mate with. MC would be the human female that YC kidnaps. MC is taken to their cave/home, stripped and forced to rely completely on the Alpha for food/shelter, all the while being raped/used in hopes of an heir being produced.

Other than those two- I'm pretty open to roleplays. Just send me a message and we can get something started!
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