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Dec 16, 2014
Tinyville, US
Pandora's Request Thread

Please do me a kindness and do not post in this thread; if you are interested in an RP, please send me a PM.
I am still working on getting everything set up, so I apologize to mods for maybe bumping too early when I'm posting up a section.

Hello hello. First off, I'd like to thank you for deciding to take a look at my request thread. I also will go ahead and ask your forgiveness for putting up with what will likely be a large amount of information to take in, but do us both a favor and read all of it. Hopefully any questions you have will be answered by the contents and if you see that we are clearly not a match RP wise, it will save me from having to be a bitch to you down the road.

About Me
Hello again, I'm Pandora. Feel free to call me that, or anything else so long as you're polite about it... or not polite about it if you managed to somehow get on my bad side.

I've been roleplaying in one form or another since I was ten. Thanks to a hippie mom, I was raised around it even before then. Had my first pen and paper AD&D character at eight and her friends were nice enough to let me in on some campaigns even though I was too little to really get the mechanics behind it. Thanks to her being a college student at the time, I had access to the internet from the campus library and discovered what would be my primary use of it for years to come, until sexuality led me to hentai and porn. I've done short paragraphs in scrolling chatrooms, multiple paragraphs post by post on forums, even stuck with the pen and paper thing for a bit.

I consider myself to be a literate roleplayer, only post in third person and multiple paragraphs. I like plot more than smut. Smut is fine and can even be had in copious amounts should the setting and story lead to it. If you read my introduction thread, you might have seen where I said I'm not very comfortable with erotic writing. That isn't quite true. I'm extremely used to it but previously only with a handful of people who I got used to writing with and even then with established characters and settings. So yeah, it may take me a little bit to get used to a new roles of which I am more than happy to play almost anything. Part of my reason for coming here was to explore, so I'm trying to attempt (almost) anything at least once. There are a few nevers which will be covered later on.

While I won't get into my age, I'll say that I'm old enough to be on here but younger than thirty. I'm also old enough to have the benefits and occasional burden of adulthood. I'm happily married and have a daughter. This means that depending on what is going on in my life, I probably won't be able to post every day though I will try to get on from my phone every day to check in. Also, good posts can sometimes take a few days to get out. So I am also flexible about my own partner's posting time as long as it doesn't take too long. If you can't get me a reply, at least get me a head's up and let me know that it is taking you awhile. I don't even ask you for a reason.

I'm extremely laid back. While I myself am a bi-sexual female, please don't take it too personally when I say I don't very much care about the person on the other side of the screen. Your life, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, kinks, whatever have you is your own business. The only thing I ask that if you choose to discuss any of that with me, you be truthful about it. Besides that, so long as you can at least get out a couple of strong paragraphs that both contribute to the RP and move the story along... I'm fine with you. That and you're writing isn't too horrible. I've actually had some great threads with people who had English as their third language. Grammar wasn't the best, but I could understand it enough to reply.

One more thing, I am new to BMR but not new to online rp'ing. If you happen to recognize me from another site for whatever reason, please respect my right to privacy and don't go announcing it all over the place on either forum. Besides liking to keep all my sites separate from one another, internet stalkers aren't fun and I've had my fair share. I have left some places because of them. I don't like leaving cookie crumbs for them to find me again.

About My Roleplaying
I really had to think about this one a bit. Many people have told me to include a writing sample, but hopefully this thread alone will be enough of a sample to give you some idea. I don't think one or two posts taken from a thread can really say all that much about a person's style. We all have our best days and our off days. Some RPs have a different tone or feel to them. I'd be less formal playing a high school student then I would be playing a business woman or princess. That and as mentioned before, the people who I'm used to doing 'smut' with were people who I had known for years, using established characters and settings. I also respect my partner's right to privacy as much as my own and don't think they'd like their stuff, or even character's names, scattered around. So if you really want it, just ask and I can send you a link... but I'd really like to keep each new RP a blank slate.

Again, third person is the only way I post and the way that I would prefer our RP to go. I've made some exceptions in the past but then things just got too confusing, so third person only. I usually write a few strong paragraphs per post. I'm not asking you to do the same all the time. Sometimes one good paragraph is all it takes to move something along. So long as you are contributing to the RP and moving it along, I'll be alright. That being said, I can only RP with what you give me. If I get very little to respond to, I usually won't have very much to respond with and in that case things get shorter and shorter. I'll lose interest quickly. If you need help with something, or clarification, just feel free to ask. Just no one liners or totally controlling my character.

While here, I prefer to RP over threads and occasionally PMs. I'm sure there is a character limit on them at some point and since I like longer term RPs, I ask that you keep the replies with them as long as possible. At least for ten rounds or so. That way I don't have to worry about 100+ PMs cluttering up folders. It also gives me a quick way to look back on what has already happened. Also, if you do want PM, let's at least have one for the majority of OOC talk. I don't mind a quick, short note in the RP but too much of it gets the thread muddled down. I may be open to e-mail and Skype (messenger) RPs later down the line, but for now, no.

I've got a number of characters (running the gambit from aliens in a far-future setting to humans of a medieval era, from some choice canon characters from different sources to cute little OC nekos) under my belt but every one I create will be unique to the rp. Because of this, I tend to use just as wide of a variety of types of pictures. Anime, CG, photo manipulations, more traditional art mediums, and photography. Most of them art anime/comic/digital drawing type of things. I personally suck at drawing and this lets me look for specific features more easily. Let me put it this way, my main picture hoarding place has over 2,000 images and those are just the ones that are safe for work. Even though I like to have pictures for characters, I still go into great detail when describing looks and personality. I wouldn't call it flowery and superfluous, but enough to go beyond the visuals. I'd very much like it if you did the same.

Also, I'm a huge dork who has probably had too much time on her hands most of her life. I've read all kinds of books. I've watched a lot of television. I'm probably a little too into anime and manga, both horribly obscure ones and popular shows. I've got part of a storage house full of boxes of comics. I'm interested in a number of settings and themes from the cliche to the climatic. I won't list them all now because it would take too much time and it would be huge. I do love me some fandom, but most of the time, don't really like to play canon characters from it. There are some I will but I prefer original characters in settings. Basically, again, just ask. If I don't know something, I'm good at research and you might turn me on to a new obsession which I will thank you for.

As far as roles go, I prefer to keep things to one or two primary characters. I don't mind playing multiple roles but I will quickly become bogged down and frustrated if asked to juggle too much, especially if it is at the same time. However, our characters are not the only people in the universe. I'll probably throw in some NPCs to move the story along or have some other interaction with which you should feel free to do. Should the situation call for it, feel free to control my own to a point. I mean, you push someone and they're more than likely going to fall. Just don't control how they react to something unless given permission.

Rules sound too strict. Guidelines means there is room to skirt around them. So I'll just call them expectations. These are a two way street. I won't expect anything from you that I'm not willing to do myself. If you see where I say, I'd like you to do this, just know I'll do the same. It just got too cluttered when I was making expectations for both and too clunky when I tried to just make one set. So here it goes...

Probably the biggest expectation and really, rule, is for you to follow BMR rules. That means you are 18 or older. No person in a thread who is under fifteen. All threads containing images that are NSFW are labeled as such. No spamming. No harassing. Whatever else.

I will only take on five active RPs at one time. This may change in the future, but for now, no more than five. I think this is a fair number to my partners and me. It will allow me to post in a timely manner to all of them, with thought put into it and not feel overwhelmed. I will have a paused list allowing for three momentarily inactive RPs. If there is no post in it in over a month, I will mark it as closed if I started it or post that it is closed if I didn't and it will be moved to inactive. This posting time frame shortens to two weeks if no notice was given. As much as I hate to call it a waiting list, let's face it, that is what it is and will be. RPs that are in planning if I am full will go on a waiting list that will be organized by how much has been done, not who has contacted me first. Although it is just planning, this will also have a limited number of spots to keep things fair.

This sort of plays into the above. I hope to be able to post in each active thread at a minimum of once a week, hopefully much more than that but I have an internet life outside of BMR and a life outside of the internet. If I don't post in a thread within a week to ten days, feel free to poke me in a PM. I'll admit, I'm not always the brightest crayon in the box and I've thought I posted when really I've saved something as draft post or typed it up elsewhere if my connection was being crappy at the time and never posted it back.

And this also applies to the above. I will do my best to let you know if I will be gone for an extended period of time or even if I will not be able to post as quickly as I had been previously. This usually happens around holidays, vacations, or big events I have coming up. I also request that you kindly do the same. I have a three strikes policy when it comes to this because I've learned that there are times when something really major comes up and the last thing you are thinking about is getting online and even after it has been taken care of, you need some time to get yourself together. I'm okay with slipping up but don't make a habit out of it.

My preferred method of RP is over threads. This is mainly just so people can see how I RP but I'm equally okay with PMs. Another option I've slowly been introduced to is Google Docs though I still expect you to comply with BMR regulations. Docs is helpful for when you don't want to type just a b in your address bar and have it bring up BMR and it is a bit more private than giving out your e-mail address. I will also do e-mail RPs but only if I have come to trust you. Very, very rarely will I give out my Skype and the first time you send a request for a video chat, just know it will be denied and you'll be blocked. Also be aware, I will only do Skype for short term RPs.

I'm pretty lax when it comes to typing things like this, in an informal manner. In PMs, I'll probably use some chat speak and smileys. However, RPs are a different matter entirely.

Communication is key. Roleplaying is a partnership. I'm sure you've heard it a million ways. If you have questions, just ask. If you want to try to work something in, ask. If you don't like something, say so. If you get bored, let me know.

Finally, respect me as a person. We don't have to see eye to eye on everything and probably won't. You may have an idea I don't like or a kink that I just don't get. One of two things can happen. We either work towards a compromise or just agree to disagree. Also, please don't get creepy with me.
What You're Here For

More on Roleplaying
Some things from above that are worth repeating but in condensed versions for people who chose to skip down.

I will only have five active RPs at a time. If a thread goes inactive, I will move it out of the active category. The time it sits without reply is two weeks with no notice or one month even with notice. My waiting list will only be ten slots and will be organized by which ones are closer to being ready to go.

I only RP in third person perspective with multiple paragraphs.

My preferred RP methods in order: threads or PMs on here. Google Docs and E-mails, I'm grumbly about but will do. It is very hard to get me to agree to a messenger RP and then it will only be on Skype for "one shots".

I generally play only females, aged 16-25. I may can be pushed a little older depending on the setting, but never younger. They also tend to be on the submissive side. I'm fine with multiple roles so long as I don't get overwhelmed.

Do not cross into my strict no territories, ever. My maybe list are already things I'm not exactly comfortable with but will try.

I will not do real life people, celebrities, or what have you. Never.

Do not pigeonhole me into a character or control mine more than necessary. Sometimes when something would happen naturally, go for it but don't take control after that.

I do not do blood related incest. Step family or adopted family I can sometimes be talked into. I will never do a parent and child, in any situation. In cases of Fandom where it is already established, then maybe.

I do not do icky or extreme. This includes all things bathroom related, gore, vore, any macro/micro, and probably some other things I can't think of at the moment. I'm okay with blood in a vampire type RP.

I am not overly fond of age gap RPs but will do them in certain settings. Even then, ten to twelve years is about my max.

I do not do anything with cheating or adultery. Characters who are romantically confused or conflicted is fine.

While I will play the cliche, trope pairings... I quickly get bored with them if there is no depth. At least try to put a unique spin on things.

I do RP fandom. I tend to prefer OCs loosely based in that world setting. I do have some favorite canon characters I will play. I will also play opposite OCs or other canon characters.

I prefer plot to smut. I will occasionally do just a short, purely sex driven RP but it is rare. Lots of smut can be integrated into an RP with a little careful thought and planning.

Please send me a PM if you are interested in an RP

The Old Stand-bys
I figured I'd just sum it up with standard pairings and themes. I won't bother listing the roles I'm willing to play in these because most of them are pretty versatile and could go either way. These will probably be used for a shorter amount of time than any detailed plots.

Student x Student
Student x Teacher
Boss x Employee
Famous Person x Journalist/Fan/Stalker
Model x Photographer
Patient x Doctor
Undercover Agent x Criminal
Captive x Kidnapper
Hero x Villain
Assassin x Target
Forbidden/Unrequited Love x Crush
Sibling x Other Siblings best friend
Sibling x Step-Sibling or Adopted Sibling
Babysitter x Charge
Cyborgs x Creator
Master x Slave/Pet
Estranged Friends turned romantic interest
Mythical Beings
Opposites Attract
Arranged Marriages
Dark Fairytales
Slice of Life
Jilted Character looking for revenge
Mistaken Identity
Hate turned to love
Coming of age
Dystopian society
Realistic Historical
Different social classes
Coming of Age
Coercion and Blackmail

... you get the general idea

Just SOME Fandoms
I'm actually working on a much more extensive list but this will give you an idea of some of my favorites or the types of things I'm into. But seriously, if you don't see something on this list. Feel free to ask about it. I haven't listed the canon characters I'll play because for some of them, it is a lot and would take up too much room. I'll also be working on a plot journal just for fandoms that will likely have that information for you. These aren't in any certain order, just what popped in my head and some may overlap in other categories.

Books and Series:
Song of Ice and Fire, Mistborn, The Dark is Rising, Chronicles of Narnia, Hunger Games, Unwind, Divergent, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments, Lunar Chronicles, Partials, Sleeping Beauty and Vampire series by Anne Rice, The Labyrinth

Anime and Manga
Naruto, Bleach, Sword Art Online, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Code Geass, Evangelion, Danganronpa, Deadman Wonderland, Blood Lad, Elfen Lied, Guilty Crown, Lodoss War, RG Veda, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Live School Idol, Battle Angel Alita, Death Note, Darker than Black, Sailor Moon, Ghost in the Shell, Bastard, Gurren Lagann, Chobits, Ayashi no Ceres, Outlaw Star, Angel Sanctuary, Dragonball

Video Games
Final Fantasy, Fallout, Borderlands, Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Diablo, Fatal Frame, Dungeon Keeper, Dead or Alive, Lollipop Chainsaw, Fable, Tales Saga, Darkstalkers, Elder Scrolls, Phantasy Star, Dead Space, Metroid, Resident Evil, Parasite Eve, Silent Hill

Otome Games
Blood in Roses, Angel or Devil, Lost Island, My Fairy Tales, The Niflheim, Ninja Assassin, Ninja Love, Scarlet Fate, Castle Break, Guilty Alice, Never Look Back, Can't Say No, Enchanted in the Moonlight, Our Two Bedroom Story, The Idol Dormitory, Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, Class Trip Crush, Sleepless Cinderella, Sweet Scandal, In Your Arms Tonight, Love Letter from Thief X, Office Lover, Cinderella Contract, Sleepless City

Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Heroes, Star Trek, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Once Upon a Time, Teen Wolf, Stitchers, Pretty Little Liars, True Blood, Walking Dead, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Star Tek, X-Files, Reign, Deadwood, Outlander, Spartacus, Camelot, Battlestar Galactica, Turn

You'll Think I'm Crazy
My Little Pony, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Ben 10

Comics and Artists
Batman, X-Men, Teen Titans, Avengers, Spiderman, Fables, Sandman/The Endless, Scott Pilgrim, Sin City, Kick-Ass, Darkchylde, Witchblade, Walking Dead, Secret Life of Crows, Return to Wonderland, Ghost Blade, Penny for Your Soul, Randy Queen, Luis Royo, Borris Vallejo, Victoria Frances, Anne Stokes, Wang Ling, Zhang Xiao Bai, Nei Ruffino


In Planning
1) Nimbuscloud
2) nolonger53
3) Thereisalight
4) Tsuunade
5) Silverknight
6) Malfrost
7) Viridian
8) Rivine
9) hereforthefun


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