Pet transformation and taming/breeding

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Oct 20, 2012
Her (Aeko) and him have been best friends (or siblings or something) for quite a long while. However, Aeko's sort of lazy, leans on him(or her) for a lot of support and doesn't seem to want to get a job. To top if all off, she's resisted any romantic advances, or anything of that sort, ignoring any of his feelings, and keeping things frustratingly the way they are.

One day she somehow turns into a inu! (Prefer it if you come up with a way to change her, anything is fine...magic, chemicals, some old potion you bought...drugs/syringe?) Inu's are common pets in this world, seen everywhere being walked, taken to the vet, anything a regular pet might do. And while slightly more intelligent than dogs and the like, they're still wholly unintelligent and instinct filled, even unable to speak.

The problem is that while Aeko had changed into an inu, she kept most her intelligence and ability to speak, and resists any attempts to get her to try and act like a regular inu (some instincts force her to do certain things).

SO.... I'm looking for someone interested in being her owner, to tame her and get her to act like an inu! No big softies please, I need someone to -want- to make her a inu, and tame her to act like one.

I'm very open to lots of things... and this type of rp leads to a lot of smut filled stuff lol... I have an f-list here:

<3 humiliation, embarrassing her, stuff like that, would enjoy someone who'd like to try and breed her with other nekos/inu's/dogs or whatever.
Also having inu's main (or only) food source to be a male's...juice <3

Willing to play humanoid (short/petite with ears and tail) or full fur, and I sort of like playing where she's forced to crawl on hands and knees, but am fine with walking on two legs too. Mention your preference in your pm if you're interested please!

I don't like sticking to a picture and prefer descriptions, but if you absolutely need one, just pick one from these and tell me?,UCz6K1h,YwIJ8JA...Ao,uoRv7oN

Being literate and capable of writing more than one or two sentences is a must as well. Willing to RP over PM here, or IM (YIM) Also, please dont pm me if you cant post often, I'm WAY too impatient to post replies just once a day. o_o Love people who bring their own ideas and such into the rp, and am up for any questions/edits you might have. :O

I also prefer story over smut. So if you start the rp by changing her and starting to rape her in the first reply, I'll stop responding. :I
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