So, are we going to be the Sekireis, and you the Ashikabi? Or will it be the group be a mix of both? 'Cuz I was thinking that it would be fun to do either one. I already have a Homura/Kagari-esque character in mind. Without the gender issues.
It would be a mixture of both. I was thinking that if you play a Sekirei, you need to play an Ashikabe, but to someone else's Sekirei. That sort of thing.
That would be cool. I have a sekirei character with a cool "power" in mind but it will defiantly need to be asked about since it could be a little....overpowered.
Hmm, so it looks like we need some Ashikabis. I could play one (male or female). I would like to also play a female Sekirei though as well. Possibly.... Number 79, an electrical type if that would be allowed.
That will be allowed. ^^ As for everyone, I was preferring that each individual played an Ashikabe and a Seikirei. You can play as many characters as you like, as long as it's even all around.