RolePlay Please!

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Dec 27, 2014
Hello everyone, my name is Bethia and I am looking for some wonderful people to role-play with. I suppose I should start by giving you a couple of things about me.

In the real world I am a 21 year old woman that is working one job and taking random college classes, but is still trying to find out what her calling is. I have a huge family and currently have one beautiful (though adopted) daughter, and (Also adopted) son. They are twins and will be two years old in February and I live with my gay older brother. (Hint, hint: Don't insult gay people in any of our occ comments. Certain rp comments are fine though depending on the situation.) I'm not married, in fact currently I don't even have a boyfriend, and I'm not looking for one.

My RP stats: I had been role-playing for three years before about four and a half months ago I got the twins. Now that I have more time, I'm looking to jump back into the swing of role-playing. I am pretty literate, I only make the occasional spelling error and very rarely miss a word, but so doesn't the average person. I can write anywhere from 1 solid paragraph to 10+ solid paragraphs depending on what my partner replies with, what type of story we're doing, and how much I have to work with. As for how many characters I'm willing to play, it depends on the plot basis. Most of the time I prefer a 80/20 Plot to smut ratio, however for certain plots and ideas I don't mind going more smut heavy. As for the gender of characters I play, I play both males and females and everything in between. For the record those that believe that think that women can't write a good man or that men can't write a good woman, I think you are full of ***Insert string of profanity here***. Just look at novelists or even your favorite movie. After all, both writers and screen writers are one gender or the other, yet they manage to create beautiful characters of both genders.

The Rules: (Yes these are necessary.)
1.) No God-modding. My character is my character, and your characters are your characters.
2.) Have Fun!
3.) Please, please, please no one-liners.
4.)I am free to add rules as I see fit.

CRAVINGS (The one I wish to play has ~this~ around it. If neither has ~this~ then I am looking to fill either roll.)
**** Assassin/~Target~
**** Pirate/~Merman or Mermaid~
**** Demon/~Angel~
***** Mafia Boss or Son of Mafia Boss/~Angel~
*** Assassin/~Target's Neko Pet~
**** ~Male Dog~/Any
** Bully/~Victim or Follower~
*** Human/~Elf~
**** Wolf/Elf
*** Slayer/~Vampire~
*** Any/~Pregnant Woman~
***** Any/~Pregnant Man~
***** ~Dominant Cross-dressing Guy~/Any
***** Wizard or Witch/~Familiar~

Plot Bunnies:

1.) Island's Treasure
There are many things in this world that are valuable, but none more so valuable than a merman or mermaid. The fountain of youth exists, however to obtain eternal youth, one must make a merbeing fall in love with them, either that or rape them at least once a week. However, if one manages to capture the heart of the mercreature, then even when separated from their human, that human will get to keep their eternal life. The hardest part about it is finding the mercreatures, who look exactly like a normal human when their tails dry completely. My character is one such mercreature that has managed to live a peaceful life on a small island with only occasional rumors about their existence. Your character could be a pirate captain that heard of the whispering rumors about my character, and set out to capture the fountain of eternal youth (my character), or perhaps your character is a fisherman that captures mine accidentally with one of his nets?

2.) The Mystery Pregnancy
In a world of mystery and supernatural whispers, a young man (My character) is bitten by a strange werecreature and then mated, ending up with him being miraculously pregnant. This will be a tale of intrigue, mystery, and possible romance.

3.) The Assassin's Pet
An Assassin (your character) with *Insert your backstory here*, ends up being hired to kill a cruel man that runs an underground slave and pet auction house. This cruel man had taken a liking to an innocent, cute young neko (could be male or female depending on your preferences) and had just tied the little creature to their bed, getting ready to start 'training' the poor little thing when your character came along. What will your character do with the innocent little thing that hadn't even known what had been about to happen to them?

4.) Suggest your own plot or ask for one from me based on the sort of pairing you want.

*.) More coming soon!
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