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Jun 16, 2014
United States.
Non/con- end of the world RP

Okay, so recently I've wanted to do a end of the world, zombie invasion type of roleplay! But with a bit of a twist.

I'm looking for a dominat male to play with as I will play the submissive female. You will probably end up playing multiple men, but mostly stick to the main guy.

The plot I was thinking was maybe it's 6 months into the zombie world and my girl mostly stayed with her group, protected as she being an small, 18 year old who isn't very strong. She ends up getting separated when zombies attack her camp and she ran, getting lost in the woods. She spends about a day alone, but when she sees a zombie, begins to run again and ends up slamming into a man (you). He is extremely handsome as she is pretty beautiful herself and she is taken back a second by his looks. Although he is pretty tall and muscular she ends up seeing he is pretty dangerous by the way talks and by he weapons he carries. We could start there!

I was thinking that he could save her, but she doesn't really want to go with him because he seems kind of scary so he just kidnaps her, carrying her back to his camp. He is in a camp of all men, and she soon finds out they are not the type of camp she wants to be in, because they usually just rape and kill girls, but there is something different with my girl and they want to keep her around, make her their play toy.

I would really like my girl to be a virgin, not having very much sexual experience, and kind of modest as she doesn't like showing her body off, even though her body is literally perfect in everyway. The man who found her is brutal, but does not punch/kick/really hurt her, he leaves that up to the other men, he only would slap or jerk her around or spank, things that hurt but wouldn't necessarily really hurt her bad. I want her to associate him with a bit of protection.

We can talk more details if you want to pm me!

I Roleplay only on pms, if that is okay with you, and here are a bit of rules.

1)try not to write to long of posts as I tend to have to mirror if they get to terribly long. Keep it to 2-3 paragraphs :)

2)no god modding, don't write for my character I HATE when people put actions for me.

3) 3rd person please.

4) try and get Atleast a reply a day, don't make me wait 3 days for one reply.

5)and if you don't like something in the roleplay, let me know!! I'm super nice so I won't bite, don't be scared to tell me what you don't like in the roleplay or want! :)

Here is my f-list

Some of my No's have changed to Yes's (like swallowing semen is okay) so feel free to message if you want to check if something on my No's is something you want to do.

I really like non-con, rough, a lot of sexual tension build up(so they don't just rape her right away as she will be a virgin) and humiliation and all that good stuff.

I also don't mind doing the same roleplay with different people do this will always be open, so message any time!!

(P.S sorry if I rambled, and if there are a bunch of errors, I wrote this on my phone real quick.)
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