A dark fate (FreckledxGaruss)

Jul 27, 2014
"Blimey hell..... Jus' shut up about it!" John said, as he sat on the foot of his bed. He slowly reaches into his coat pocket. Pulling out a pack of Silk Cut Cigarette's. He sigh's, as he smack's the pack against his wrist, and pull's out a single cigarette. As he placed it in his mouth. And began to pull out his lighter. He is jarred by the sudden thud against his wall. "Shut up Whore." The neighbor said. John shakes his head, trying to ignore it. Flipping the lighter open, and lighting his smoke, with a single swipe of the lighter. As he slap's the lid over the small flame, the fight next door seemed to escalate further. More cursing, yelling. But, now she brought in a knife. "Why! Why cant you cunts just shud'up? I got more rest in the Looney Bin!" They ignore him. Continueing to fight as they black out the rest of the world. He flip's on his tv. The chanel's filled with Breaking News. Gotham corp bombed. "Early this morning, all of downtown Gotham had a unwelcomed wake up call. As they found the Gothamcorp building bombed. The fire's raged for hour's. As the response teams tried their best to stop the growing blaze, and save all they could. There have been few survivor's. And, there is little hope for whoever else may be inside." "Well, poor shit's. Heres to hoping for open casket's." He commented, as he took in a long breath of nicotine and smoke. He blow's it out towards the reporter's face on the television. As she continued to speak. News was annoying, but a welcomed distraction from the fucker's he call's neighbor's. "The fire has stopped. But emergency responder's are not enthusiastic to search through the rubble. Department Chief Gregory Alan's states. 'We should have a prayer tonight. For the poor soul's lost this day." John took in another breath of smoke. Closing his eyes.... A prayer.... A image best left forgotten forces it's way into the front of his mind. That poor girl. Oh how he wished he had not failed her. Them... Everyone. He wished he had not known what he knows today. That he was as ignorant to the truth as everyone else. Maybe, that girl would be alive. Then again, her own monster, of her own creation would have torn her to shred's. Oh the irony.


He continued to try and ignor it. But, For John. The mood changed as soon as he heard that sweet little voice. "Stop..." A simple plea. From a confused, and frightened little girl. The voice hit him like a ton of bricks. And, the memory's of his own abusive father came flooding through his mind. How his sister tried in vain to stop the beatings... "You dont care John..." He said. As he stood up. "You dont care..." He continued to chant as he walked out his apartment door. "Stop! You dont care. ..." It was useless. He did. There was no use. When it's towards yourself. You cant really lie. Only delude yourself. He clap's his hand's together. His cigarat, bouncing between his lip's as he looks up to the ceiling. "Oh dear lord why me? Cant they just help themselves?" He gives a small chuckle. Shaking his head as he answered his own question. "What'da'you care.Your just another Cunt."

And, with that. He raises his boot, and curve's it against the door. Blasting it to splinter's. As he lays eyes on the African american family. The Room immediately goes into a cold Chill. His cigarette, stop's from the sheer cold of the air. His breath, frost's out, as the cold creates a small mist with every in and out. The room span's in and out of his vision. His sight, allowing him to see what's truly their behind the pleasantries of reality. The grey lighting, easily allows the two figures to be much more intimidating then they should. But, it matter's not to John. The girl' lays crying. As he can now be for certain what was happening. Possession. It happens all the time. We all just dont notice. Placing it as. 'Oh, as sudden burst of anger.' Or, 'I couldnt control myself. I had to rape her.' If you call bullshit, your full of Bollok's. Sometimes. You really cant control your self. Becouse you were under the manipulation of spirit's, and you didnt know it you dumb shit.

The man run's forward. Swinging his fist at John. He simply sway's, one hand gliding along the man's arm as he swung. Keeping him from following back with his elbow. John then, respond's with a swift clock to the mans Jaw. Two possessed parent's, one scared child. He really didnt want to do this. The last time he attempted divine, or occult intervention. He ruined the lives of many. But frankly he had no choice. He felt as compelled to start intervening as these two wanka's did to butcher everything they see. With two out stretched hand's. He grip's the fore head of both the man and women. And, bull rushes them against the wall. The women dropping her knife. They struggle. And, now the foolish kid is protecting her parent's. Punching at John's foreleg in vain. He ignores her. Siren's are in the distance. Which is more convenient against him? Neighbor's actually calling the cop's, or cop's that were actually having a prompt response. He ignores them to. He has to do this fast. With the hope that his first exorcism goes smoothly. He began. "I address the entities inside." And, now the proverbial shit, actually hit's the fan.

It was like an explosion went off in the room. The window's shatter. And John is thrown across the room. Sliding along their long kitchen table before it snap's at the one end. Rolling, until the back of his head whack's the fridge. "Fuck me..." He said, as he rubbed the back of his head, finding the faint warmth of fresh, wet blood. Looking to get himself reaquinted with his suroundings. The child is knocked out, laying against the corner. The parents are starring, with dead white eyes. Everything about them changed. The women's skin began to flake as though she was rotting. Her teeth, from perfect clean to a gross black. The man sweat's profusely. Green scum, foaming from his mouth. " EW LLIW LLIK OUY" The man said, in a deep voice. Backwards tongue. Typical. "Well, if I had it my way, youd be the ones dead about now." The wife screams like a banshee. As she fly's towards him like some Deadite, from this... Movie he watched when he was younger. He grapples her, throwing her against the fridge, as he pull's out a small pocket sized crucifix. "O God, who hast commanded us to honor our father and our mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the souls of my father and mother, and forgive them their trespasses; and make me to see them again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Through Christ our Lord. " He said, as he pressed it against her. Her skin, burning around it with a tranluscent red. "DOG SAH ON REWOP EREH" The women said as she laughed. Demon's. They think their so smart. But, Constantine knows, they are lie'rs. Who will say anything to put one over on you. The man comes in. Grabbing him, and slamming John into the kitchen wall. He snareled, and growled. The foam from his mouth seeping down onto John's shirt. The wife, reaches for the cross. Her hand, burning. As she try's to tear it from his grasp. He holds on for dear life. The only thing that gave him true power over them was that cross. He had no faith. Without it, the lords presence would be absent. And he would most certainly parash.


[size=10pt] "Lord, above. Have mercy. Christ, hear us. God, our father in heaven. "[/size] John said, under his breath. Trying to speak, despite the mans elbow against his throat. Their grip's weaken. "Holy trinity, one god. Holy mary, pray for us." They back away. John holding the cross up. Forcing them back.

But soon, their is a sound, very unwelcomed. "Freeze." A cop said. As two men entered the room. The man and wife shift back to normal. The demon's, faking innocence. "Stop this mad man." The wife said. As she began to crawl towards the child. John, step's in front of her. Barring her path. He was not about to let them get near her in their current spiritual state. And, what was actually bravery. Was of coarse looked upon as preventing a mother from defending her child. "I said freeze!" The cop said. "Just shoot him!" The husband yell's.

John hold's his ground. Aiming the cross straight at them. He continues. He can not loose the ground he had made. If he backs down, the entities will simply grow in strength.
"From all sin,
From your wrath,
From sudden and unprovided death,
From the snares of the devil,
From anger, hatred, and all ill will,
From all lewdness,
From lightning and tempest,
From the scourge of earthquakes,
From plague, famine, and war,
From everlasting death,"

They beg him to stop. But he continues. " By the mystery of your holy incarnation,
By your coming,
By your birth,
By your baptism and holy fasting,
By your cross and passion,
By your death and burial,
By your holy resurrection,
By your wondrous ascension,
By the coming of the Holy,
Spirit, the Advocate,
On the day of judgment,
We sinners, I beg you to hear me."

They changed once more. John look's over to the terrified cop's. Motioning them to come to him. "Come on you wankas. Do your blimey job and come help me. Hold them down!"

They comply. Rushing to hold them both down. As he begin's to finish. "In the name of the trinity. Our lord and father god, christ his son, and the holy spirit. I command you both. To tell me your name!"

"Never!.." They scream. No longer speaking their backwards tongues. "In the name of the trinity. Our lord and father god, christ his son, and the holy spirit. Tell me your names!"

The demon's breath faster. As they reluctantly speak. [size=8pt]"Gluttony...Bellzebub..."[/size] The man whispered. John, through god now held power over the spirit. [size=8pt]" Temptation.... Mara..."[/size] With a confident smile. John finishes the exorcism. "Now, in the name of our lord god. His son our holy savior. And the holy spirit which begin's and ends all things. Speak these words. And leave this plain. Mother Mary, Full of Grace." The demons shake their head's slowly. Weakened, tired, losing. "Mother Marry! Full Of Grace!" The demons sigh. The air in the room filling with long forgotten warmth. [size=10pt]"Mot[/size][size=8pt]her.[/size].. [size=10pt]Mar[/size][size=8pt]ry[/size]... [size=10pt]Full.[/size]... [size=8pt]Of Grace..."[/size] And with that. They were gone. The mother and father sit. Their eyes practically glued to the back's of their heads. Until John reaches out both hands. Tapping his index fingers against their foreheads. They quickly shoot back into reality. As far as John gathered after wards. They had no recollection of the past three days. Both in a trance of hate, bile, and temptation. Three days of this. Had to suck for the poor young girl. None the less. John was to worried about settling his nerves to listen. He began to smoke a fresh Silk Cut. But soon looks down to see the happy face of the young, african american girl. She simply smiles. And reaches for his hand. He takes her's, giving a firm but gentle hand shake. "Thank's." She said. Now knowing, what happened. She should have found it hard to understand but. He guessed it must have had something to do with the innate sixth sense children have. Or she at least understood he helped. "Dont mention it My lady." He said, as if talking to a princess. "Now, if you excuse me. I must make my leave." He gives her a small knightly bow. "Sir Constantine is not one for dealing with his fellow knights. They ask to many questions. And, may end up taking Sir Constantine some where he really does not want to go.." The girl giggles. Staying silent. As John sneaked out of the room. "Be a good girl." And with a small wink, he was back down the hall a few feet. Normally he would let things run their coarse, let the emotions run their coarse. But, he has a soft spot for the kiddies. Soon he was to his room. With a sigh, he couldnt help but feel like a jack ass. "Domed to hell, but can still kick the ass of evil with the good word. Cant doubt his sense of humor."

Words reciprocated as he noticed a peculiar change in his apartment numbers. His apartment, room number sixty six on the 9th floor. Now had both sixes turned over to make nines. A joke he found not so funny from god. Or the devil, Who ever hates him more. Why? Visions come backwards. six six six is just a number. To the beast, it's nine nine nine.

He sneaks around his room. Packing bare essentials only. Jail didnt suit him. How long? Probably a solid year or two for breaking and entry. Probably prison for 'assualt and battery.' If thats what they would call it. He may in fact end up with a light slap on the wrist. But it was a chance he will not take. Soon, he was ready. And, climbed out his window. And down the fire escape to the gotham alley below. "Ok... Walk slow. And, act normal..." He said to himself calmly. As he began to walk towards the dark lonely street's of gotham. Morning or not, dangers lurk around every corner. Be they a knife to your back or fangs against your throat. In this case a gun happy cop with a worse weapon, questions. In which had answers he wouldn't give.

A few hours later, and he found himself in the nearest pub. A typical place for him to wander, but this time in particular was more then for the booze. Sitting in the back area of this shady bar, at around 4 in the morning seems pretty shady to say the least. But despite the over use f the word shady, he was prepared for a guest. A beer, placed neatly on a coaster. Other side of the table. He leaned back against the bench. The soft bench cushion seeming like a nice mattress after last night. But sleep was for people who can afford it. He had an important conversation to have with an important person. Something new, and quite dangerous is lurking as of late. And he has been looking into it. It is something that requires a certain set of skills, but mainly a certain knowledge set.

"Bruce I have to go. Are you...are you going to be alright?" Diana asked. Dressed in a red silk robe her onyx black hair hangning around her shoulders, and her crystal blue eyes watching the man behind the mask staring at the multiple monitors in the bat cave. On any given day each screen would be showing something different, street cameras monitoring speeding, ones on banks buildings, jewelry stores, and the like, but not tonight. No tonight ever single monitor showed the Gothamcorp building burning to the ground, and first responders desperately trying to control the blaze, but in the end it raged out of control, and burned so hot nothing could be done, but to stand back and watch. Once the fires die all that would be left for the city was to shift through the wreckage and pull out bodies. A heavy sigh slid past her lips as she placed a light hand on his shoulder jolting him for just a moment out of the trance like state.

"I have to find who did this. All those people." He mumbled and his eyes slowly lifted to see his house guest dressed in her silk robe. She had said something but what was it. He hadn't been listening to her. He looked up into her worried blue eyes and then turned away her hand falling from his shoulder as he did. "I'm fine Diana. Please Go." and with those few words that was the end of their conversation. Bruce quickly turned back to the monitors before getting an idea. His fingers flying across the keyboards, and politely tuning out one of the few people who genially cared for him. By now she should have been used to it. Being ignored, and brushed aside like some a toy a child lose interest in, and only wants back when they see someone else has found joy in it. After all when she first arrived it was not as if he was willing to let her into his life let alone his heart, and yet he hand found a special place in hers. Diana's lips parted to say something, but what? Tell him how if he didn't treat her right soon enough she would be gone for good, tell him not to overwork himself, or just tell him goodnight. Several things ran through her mind but none left her lips. Silently she turned to go back to his room where her bag laid. Her clothes no doubt laid out for her.

Upon returning to the room she smiled seeing the outfit laid out neatly for her along with her normal garb. Her head turned hearing the light knock on the door and in walked Alfred with a tray for her. A pot of fresh tea, and a bit of breakfast. "Must you leave so soon? It's always a pleasure having you around. Master Bruce actually comes out of the cave when you're here." He said setting the tray down and poured her tea an then fixed it the way she liked it. Diana gave a sheepish smile and nodded "I do. There's someone who needs my help, and as much as I'd like to stay Bruce wouldn't give me the time a day not with the bombing that just happened." She said taking the cup of tea into her hands and took a few sips before setting it down. "Alfred." She watched as he paused and turned to her "You'll tell me if I need to come back won't you?" She asked. He gave her a firm nod of his head smiled and placed his hand on the door knob. Even though he knew should take anything thrown her way she had found a special place in his heart. "You be careful Miss Diana. Try not to get hurt to badly." He said with a smile and left her to get dressed.

Diana quickly got dressed in her normal garb. Her bracelets, her tiara, and a corset that mimicked the same design as her signature leotard all the world was use to seeing. Over her legs she pulled on skintight black jeans and then tall boots they too were black but had red detailing in them to highlight the red in her top. She grabbed one of the scones on the tray and munched on it as she went to her bag. On her left him she attached her lasso, she pulled on a black leather jacket and placed her sword and shied on to her back. Briefly she observed her reflection and tossed her hair, and then nodded at her self before taking off. She grabbed the overnight bag and left after finishing her tea. She didn't want to be rude by not finishing the meal Alfred had prepared for her.


Diana looked down at the piece of paper the address scribbled on the crumpled sheet. "I guess this is the place." Diana mumbled to her self gently setting herself down on her feet. She looked around once more at her surrounding and the pushed the door open. A few eyes falling to her and she quickly zipped up her jacket not wanting to much attention. "You look like someone put you through the ringer." She smiled sliding into the bench on the other side of the table. She placed her bag closer to the wall and looked up at John.
John was half asleep, but he knew she was there. His eye's opened just as soon as she opened the pub' front door. Smiling as the amazonian Beauty made her way to the bar bench in front of him. Of coarse the guys all through out were eying her. But just a bunch of schmucks that stood a snowballs chance in hell. He sat up straight. Placing his hands on the table, as she sat down. He smiled and laughed at her words. Moving one hand over to rub his shoulder, as he rotated it a few times. "Thats a good observation. But im no worse for ware. Had a run in with a possessed couple. But had worse beatings as a lad in liverpool. Demons think their all tough but their bolox in a fight. Their words are more strong then any thing else they can muster." He said, before leaning foreword. Looking her over, he gave a sly grin. "How about you? Looking ripe and blooming id say. Get a secret admirer to please ya with his pecker?" He teased. But it was in jest. As much as he likes being a prick, when it came to the people he liked he tried not to be as much of one. Diana was some one he liked. He reached for the bowl in front of him, grabbing a few roasted nuts as he gave the princess a second to register what he had just said. "So princess. Im certain ya know this is not a pleasure visit. Just waiting on a new friend of mine, but while the lad's on his way id best give you the quick version."

His grin disappears. Looking much more serious, he pull's a set of pictures from his coat. "Im certain what ails these poor bastards is a familiar sight." He said. Setting them on to the table. On the photo's were men, and women. Some even of whole families. Cased in stone. Their sheere looks of terror still fresh on their faces, immortalized. Or at least until time takes it's toll. "Their filed as missing persons. But, im certain you and I both know they are far, from missing." He sighed. Giving her the time to take it all in. "She's no olympian, but I think it's a far more dangerous catch then any ive ever hunted. Thought I could use a princess to fight my battles. What a gentlemen I am huh?"
Diana lifted her eyes and her cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink at his words. "Don't be silly." She said softly and then nodded "Of course not. You asked for my help but didn't tell me with what." She said and leaned forward resting her cheek in her hand. It was very unlike Constantine to work with anyone let alone have friends. She compared him to Question with how standoffish he was to everyone, preferring to work alone except with he absolutely had too ask for help. She assumed that him asking for her help was one of those rare occasions where he didn't have any other choice.

She straightened her posture and took the file into her hands opening it up. She pulled out the pictures and looked at them. Men, women, children. All of different ages heights and it looked to be different races, but she couldn't tell for certain. She sighed closing the file and looked up at him. "You really believe that a gorgon did this?" She asked and her lips pouted knowing he was most likely correct in what did this. Diana stifled a laugh as he instead she needed to fight his battles. "I'll help you, only cause you might get yourself killed with out my help." She said and then tilted her head to the side "Exactly when did you become sociable enough to have friends?" She asked curiously wondering who this person was.
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