What Lies Ahead {Ever&Rivine}


Aug 4, 2013
All of time and space.
The 600 mile trek to the shores of Long Lake was no walk in the gardens, but in times of war the people of Dorwinion needed to keep good relations with the elves of Mirkwood. The trip involved bringing the Dorwinion Prince and a cart full of some of the oldest vintages of Dorwinion wine up the River Celduin. They needed to cross the river in order to stay well away from the dark and wild forests of Mirkwood, finally coming to Long Lake where they would be met by a company of Elves and brought back into the realm of Mirkwood in order to reaffirm treaties. Along with the Prince and the wine there was a company of Five men and one woman: Brynn Bärsbane. Brynn was a Guardsman to the Prince of Dorwinion, she had learned all she knew from her father, a warrior in the armies of Gondor. Though her fellow guardsman made sure she never forgot where she stood in their eyes. She was woman and a baseborn woman at that, needless to say she was not very well liked among her comrades. There had been many who had tried to remind her of what they considered to be her 'proper' station, and those who did usually fell victim to ridicule from their peers for receiving a 'proper' beating from a woman.

She was a long, slender thing, all legs. The soft curve of her hips and her chest was usually kept hidden by her clothing but the shock of curly red hair stood out so much so that she had to wear a hood, but even that could barely hide her wild hair. She kept her mouth and nose covered by cloth in order to disguise the fact that she was a woman from any man who might see her and want to harm her in the way men often did to other women who were not quite so well prepared as Brynn.

It was a relief to the redhead when they arrived with only one guardsman dead, and by his own stupidity after eating a poisonous berry he found. It was unusual, in these times, to travel without coming under attack from enemy Easterlings and something about that had made her feel suspicious. Something about their safe journey didn't sit well with her and she felt as if she was missing something very important. She pushed those thoughts from her head, focusing now on the elven camp set up in the horizon. She'd seen one elf in her life, a beautiful woman who was also a fierce warrior, it was that meeting that made her who she was today. It was that woman who made her see what she could be: strong, proud and graceful. She reached behind her, touching the soft leather wrapped around the body of her dual-bladed staff, feeling only slightly disappointed that she hadn't had cause to use it.

"Bärsbane?" Her emerald eyes snapped to the Prince, "You look uneasy." She nodded, "Yes, but I think it's just me worrying, your Highness."

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know, Bärsbane." Brynn sighed, she hadn't wanted to bring up any of her hunches, "I just think our travels were a little...uneventful. It worries me, Prince." The Prince nodded and retreated back into his thoughts.

It was nightfall by the time they approached the camp, the fires had guided their way there and there were two elven escorts to guide them to the center of the camp. It was there the cart and the horse that pulled it were taken care of, four of the men went to find themselves food and drink and Brynn and Delgar, another of the prince's guardsmen, accompanied the prince to the main tent where the Elven Emissary waited for them. "Delgar, wait outside," the prince commanded as they came to the entrance of the tent, Brynn accompanied him in. The inside of the tent was warm and beautiful with carpets and cushions made with the loveliest silks. The voice she heard next was smooth and musical, it was deep and it seemed to resonate in her, "Welcome, Prince Arilac."
Deep blue eyes scanned the chess board, taking in the position of the pieces on the board. As the man looked things over he brought a goblet to his lips and took a sip of the wine contained therein, considering his next move. Faerel, when he had heard of the meeting that was to take place between the people of the Woodland Realm and their friends from Dorwinion, had declared that he intended to go. It had been quite something to do that, considering he had walked into Thranduil's throne room and simply stated that it was his intention to go with the envoy. The king had, rather obviously, been perturbed by Faerel's impropriety, but he could not keep the younger elf from going. For even though Faerel lived within his realm, the silver haired elf was not one of Thranduil's subjects. So he had left with the envoy and the entourage sent by the king and now sat sipping wine and contemplating a chess board.

"I will leave for Valinor before you move at this rate," the other elf who sat across from Faerel said.
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