Tipping the Balance {Ever&Batman}


Aug 4, 2013
All of time and space.
"Master, please, We shouldn't be flanking you. It leaves you open to-" "To attack, yes, I know. Thank you young Padawan, but I think I can handle myself." The Corellian pushed a strand of black hair behind her ears as she examined the planet around her. Felucia was a dark and wild planet, easily influenced by the Dark side of the force. She could sense it now, the darkness tugging and tempting, trying to appeal to her darkest nature. She had come here to hide with the two padawan, hers and another's, she hadn't known where her master was she had only known they were separated when the Zygerrian's had raided the camp where they were hiding for slaves.

Kazra Nix kept her hand near her lightsaber, she had a bad feeling about this place. She was afraid that the padawans wouldn't be strong enough to resist the pull of the Dark side from this planet. She was afraid, something a Jedi should never feel. Her dark violet eyes scanned the horizon, she saw nothing but the dense and colorful forests of Felucia. "Master Kazra, I have a bad feeling about this place, do we have to stay here?" She looked back at the twi'lek padawan, her skin was a deep blue but it had paled in their current situation. "I have the same feeling Padawan Katka, but we have no other choice. The Sith are on our trail, we have to go somewhere they won't expect."

Their space craft was well hidden from an aerial view so she motioned for the two padawans to follow her. They would hide in the neon forests of Felucia until a time came when they had to leave. Katka and Enota followed her, she could sense their nervousness and it only helped to fuel her fear in this place. She wanted to cry, but she had to seem strong for the girls. It was hard to believe that only hours ago she had seen so many of her fellow Jedi felled. They had been decimated by the sith, and now she had no idea how many of them were left.

"Follow me closely," Katka and Enota nodded their heads as Kazra pushed on, deeper into the forest. The deeper they went, the stronger the dark side became. She looked back at her padawans, Enota seemed to be having a harder time than Katka. Kazra could sense the turmoil in her soul and then there was a noise in the forest before them. She prayed that it was a native Felucian creature, but she sensed something sinister in the presence. There was a scream behind her and she looked back in time to see Enota's lightsaber emerging from Katka's stomach. Katka made eye contact with her master and then her eyes went blank. "Enota, no! The dark side is strong here, you must fight it!" But it seemed Enota was no longer there. Her body serving as a shell for the dark side of the force, for her anger and fear and aggression burning out of control in her mind like a wildfire.

Kazra's gold lightsaber lit up with a crackling sound, she could see now that Enota was gone. "Don't make me do this, Enota, please!" Breathing became hard for her as she felt a vice-like grip around her throat. She fell to her knees and saw as a second pair of black boots join Enota's, and then all her senses left her in the darkness as she fell to the ground.
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