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Taboo political roleplay

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Dec 7, 2014
I'm a young protester / social justice warrior @ a demonstration in Jerusalem, chanting "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" You're an Israeli Defense Forces soldier who notices how pretty I am & arrests me on false charges of throwing stones, just so he can use me. You scold me for my politics & tell me how stupid & naive I am while you use me. By the time you are finished with me, I am pledging allegiance to Israel.


Side-note: may require some basic knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
BrownGirlTanzi said:
Too weird? Lol

Just a little. I can't speak for others, but I'm usually reluctant to role play genuine political controversies. Talking politics in real life gets ugly enough. :-/

I'm not saying you won't find someone who's game to try it, though. :)
Bump for bravery ;) In any case I think I got a free "slot" for RP, one of my partners disappeared ;)
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