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An Out of the Ordinary Encounter (JmBz & YokaiMenace)


Dec 5, 2014
It was a good day for a walk, not too windy, the warmth of the sun keeping the edge out of the brisk air. Despite this there were only a few people at the park, some out for a stroll with their dogs and others walking arm-in-arm with a significant other. Miyu was one of the ones out by herself, enjoying the outdoors as she walked the perimeter of the carp pond.

She was a petite young woman, barely five feet tall in shoes and with small breasts, a trim waist, and slender hips. There was a certain energy about her, however, perhaps in the alert way she held her head and turned the small, rounded white ears atop it or in the spritely spring of her steps. She paused for a moment to study the fish, her sharp red eyes following their movements as she smoothed her skirt against the backs of her thighs and bent down for a closer look. The frantic twitching of her black-tipped tail betrayed her interest, and she continued to lean closer and closer until the trailing edge of her hair touched the water, the sudden ripples startling both her and the fish.

Straightening up with a soft 'tsk', she wound the offending tress around her fingers and then tossed it back over her shoulder. The carp had gone so she continued on her way, attention caught instead by a small flock of sparrows scratching about in the fallen leaves on the path. As of yet she was unaware that she had caught someone's attention.
Daniel was sitting under a tree, enjoying the shade that it gave him. It was a nice day, he thought, as brief tufts of wind blew in his hair. He was also by himself, enjoying the weekend. He was a tall man, with scraggly brown hair and bright green eyes, and wearing a thin jacket half-way unzipped.

He looked up from his resting position, and couldn't help but notice the girl with the white ears and black-and-white tail. He watched her curiously, as she stared at the small pond, perhaps watching the fish. He wondered what she was; maybe she was some sort of neko? He had seen a few nekos before, but it had been a few years since the last time he saw one. He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle when it seemed like the water startled her, and as her attention turned towards the sparrows.
Miyu jumped right into the middle of the flock of sparrows, the silver ring in her right ear catching the sunlight, and smiled as the dry leaves crunched under her shoes and the little birds took flight in alarm. Although she could have if she was fast and lucky, she wasn't interested in catching either birds or fish right now. She was in a playful mood more than anything, although now that she had chased her playthings away she would have to find something else to keep herself diverted.

The weasel girl cast her gaze around the park and paused when she spotted the young man sitting in the shade of a tree. Was he looking in her direction? If he was he didn't seem to be put off by her playfulness the way some humans were, and from what she could see he had quite a cute face.

Mind made up, Miyu walked over to where he was sitting and gracefully dropped down to sit beside him without further preable, folding her stockinged legs to one side and tucking one ankle primly under the other. "Hi!" she said brightly, nodding her head and holding one of her hands out for the human custom of a shake if he cared for such things. "I'm Miyu. You weren't watching me make a fool of myself with the wildlife, were you?" There was only blunt friendliness in her voice and demeanor so far, although someone who knew her well would have been able to notice a subtle glint of mischief in her scarlet eyes. She had always been the sort of person to go for exactly what she wanted, and now was no exception. She always liked to play with humans, especially cute ones and those that could keep up with her restless energy. It he didn't mind her forward introduction and proved to be even more interesting than she had originally thought, perhaps this boy wouldn't mind being playmates with her for a while. That would certainly make for an enjoyable afternoon in the park.
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