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An Idea. Long-Term, Multi-Character, Interracial Smut.

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Feb 19, 2011
It's hard to know where to start, what to cover and what to leave out, but I guess the most important thing would be a warning; this scene is not fit for the sensitive. I plan to include white guilt, racially insensitive stereotypes, racism, et al. So if certain language or depictions or what-have-you might bother you, definitely not the scene for you. And I completely understand that.

For any other ladies out there who are still reading; welcome. I have a wicked, long-term idea, involving multiple girls, and probably even more men. I would play all the men (mostly) and you would play all the girls (mostly). Obviously, in a chaotic, wild scene involving so many characters, I can understand the need to "chip in" on a character to complete a post, or an idea, etc. But mainly, me: dudes, you: chicks.

I do like surprises in my scenes, so I don't want to cover the entire plot here. To me it's just significantly less fun to play out a scene when both sides know what's coming. I think the point of Limits and Faves is to draw the lines, and then let loose and try to have fun. And I can't do that if I have to follow an approved outline. Approve the themes, the acts, and the like. But after that, let's try to be spontaneous. Let's be excited when we see "Unread Message" instead of knowing "oh yes, that will be part 5 of the approved plot." Blech.

All right, that's enough of a preamble, I think. Let's get to the nitty-gritty. Here's what you won't get here.

Limits: Scat, blood, mutilation, and then some other oddities I often have a hard time listing, like vore, mummification, etc. Things might get rough, and kinky, and "dirty," but those are the lines I won't cross.

And here's what I NEED from a partner:

"Literacy:" I dislike the term, but I think we all know what it means. I like LONG posts. I like tons if details and adjectives. I don't want to read that a girl has an incredible F Cup bust and then never have her awesome rack talked about again. I want to read about those awesome fun pillows in every post. How they look in her new outfit, how they fall out of her bra, how they swing when she bends over, how they bounce when she's getting railed out, how they look from behind, and I could go on (oh yes, I could go on). If I had to choose between a partner who writes two paragraphs every day, or eight paragraphs once a week, I'd pick the second, every single time. Detail, detail, detail.

Exaggerated, Ridiculous Women: As if the "F Cup" in the previous bullet point wasn't enough of a hint, yes, I want fantasy women who aren't quite realistic. This is why I don't particularly like "face claims," or pictures of your favorite model, celebrity, instagram hottie, etc. I'll probably be disappointed. You might have luck if you were to use an anime picture or cartoon, but why risk it? I like words quite a bit, so let's stick with those. Let me read all about enormous, unrivaled racks, phat firm asses, thick toned thighs, ripped abdomens, tiny wasp-like waists, long flowing glossy hair, and more! (I should say, for the scene I have in mind I actually would like some variety in the girls, but I still felt the need to add this, as the majority of the girls would probably still fit in this category.)

Now, the fun stuff. What I want, and what you can expect.

Racially Insensitive Material: Just going to cover this again in case anyone missed it. Racist white people, on varying levels (overt, secretly, hidden, white guilt, etc). Stereotypical caricatures, both of uppity white snobs with sweaters tied around their necks at the country club, and gold chains and baggy pants hoodlums. Racist language. White guilt. Anything that will intensify the relationships that will occur, that will somehow add some history, some animosity, some guilt or resentment or whatever, even if these people have never met before... it's all very exciting to me.

Ruining: This is my own terminology for the transformations that I so enjoy in my plays. Taking a sweet, conservative, southern blonde belle, and turning her into a slobbering black cock cumslut. Railing out some prudish housewife with so many enormous black dicks that her husband will never be able to satisfy her again. Making the straight-A student a high school drop out as she works the streets in some ridiculous, outlandish porn star whore outfit. This is probably my favorite kink.

Outfits: As has hopefully become obvious, I'm all about the details, particularly with the girls and their appearances. The whole scene absolutely hinges on the girls being of the type that makes me drool just thinking about them, and this is only enhanced with descriptions of their clothing. Perhaps surprisingly, both when they're in their baggy sweaters and church clothes, and when they're dressed like a porno scene is just about to start.

Overly-Large Proportions: There is justice in the universe, ladies. For every gravity-defying pair of tits, and ass I could bounce a boulder off of, you'll get a monster cock. Cocks both as big as you may have ever seen (if you like porn as much as I do, that is), and cocks even bigger than that. With balls to match. On that note...

Cum. CUUUUUUUM: More than is even slightly realistic. Multiple times, from multiple men. In fact, let's add squirting to the mix too. I want to see your hard bodied beauties roll in it, drag their tongues and tits over it, drink it.

Anal, A2M: Such a turn-on. Both for a girl to be getting denied pleasure by a man using her "wrong" hole instead, and just as much for a girl to somehow be getting even more pleasure because she's become such a demented slut. And of course, all the girls are impeccably clean. My men will just like to make them prove it... again and again and again. So sexy for a girl to be so crazed and horny she's willing to do ANYTHING to please the man, without hesitation. Equally sexy to make a girl do it when she doesn't want to. This is the beauty of multiple characters -- all situations can be explored!

DP, Gangbang, Groups: Do I even have to explain this? Only thing better than a white bombshell being pounded with a huge slab of dark dick is her being pounded in two holes... or three... with her hands full. Or while eating a cum-filled pussy. Speaking of...

Incest: Probably only girl-girl, mom/daughter, sister/sister, but I definitely can foresee some circumstances where I would very much like to include this kink.

Misogyny: Perhaps a bit debatable, but I can easily see this going hand-in-hand with the racial tones of the play. It's not just that it's a white woman's place to be on all fours, servicing her black superiors, but a woman's place in general.

Roughness: Almost forgot this one, as it's pretty expected, isn't it? Swatting that big juicy ass, slapping some pretty faces with huge dongs, spitting into an open mouth, etc. Name-calling. Lots and lots of name-calling and degradation.

Humiliation, Objectification, Exhibitionism: We're not going to keep these girls' exploits private. This would add to their "ruining." At some point, they can't go back to their old, quiet, privileged lives even if they wanted to. And at some point, they definitely will not want to.

Ok, that's probably enough. I'll definitely revisit this and add/edit later. But for now, if this idea interests you, please send me a PM. If you grab my attention, I'll share my idea for a plot, or we'll come up with one together, and we'll have some fun.
I think it's fine. c: I considered messaging but I might do that later if you are still looking.
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