Let's ReVamp! (Any pairings)

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Mar 31, 2014
I'm really looking to take a plot from *Reign (if you aren't familiar, please review footnote below for basic summary) and to sandwich it with something from Interview With A Vampire.

*Reign - A show on Hulu/Netflix about the King and Queen of France. There is a lot of scandal, love triangles, and betrayals involved in the storyline - plus hot sex scenes - which makes the story incredibly addictive. I'm not looking for a fandom, I'm looking for a plot to model this atmosphere.

But how awesome would it be to add the old Victorian royals with the dripped-in-red vampire rulers?

I personally think it'd make for a great plot.

But I need your ideas too!! PM me with some ideas -- and we can see if we can roleplay!
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