A Twilight Rpg (Myself,buzzsaw)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
It was Bella's first day of classes, she wasn't really use to the big campus. She looked for the hall she was assigned placing a strand of hair behind her ear not paying any attention to where she was going, fell backwards as her books went everywhere. Looking up her eyes widened, she saw the spitting image of perfection. She couldn't find the words to speak, started to gather up her books. Her stomach was knotted, she felt knots forming in her stomach. She chewed on her lower lip as her heart pounded against her chest, sighed really wishing she could remember how to speak.
Edward hadn't been a new addition to the area, actually having been there for four years already. Him and his 'siblings' had done their usual act of going through highschool and graduating then spending time looking at colleges and pretending to wonder what they wanted to major in. Edward didn't have much interest in most subjects anymore, at this point. Other than music and literature which were shoddy job fields to go into. Not like he was going to really go into either of them, mind you. They will probably have to move away by the time he graduated the local college so he never really had to commit to anything. He never really had to commit to any form of learning or career unless he really wanted to. He was always given the option to go off on his own and do whatever it was he wanted but he didn't feel like he wanted to. The Cullens were his family and being around them seemed to be the only thing he wanted for his life these days.

The college was a small one. the campus had housing on ground but they were nothing terribly flashy and he had opted out of it entirely, choosing to stay in the house he and his family currently inhabited. It made sunny days a lot more enjoyable, frankly. He found himself more comfortable there than he ever could somewhere else. How strange would it be to have a room-mate? He never slept and, frankly, at this point he wasn't the best at pretending. Better than Emmett, however. He wasn't a very good actor.

The vampire had been walking down the hall but had been stopped and was speaking to his siblings Alice and Jasper when he felt something hit him from behind. It didn't move him; no he stood still as a statue. Unaffected by whatever had run into him. He turned to face the girl and found that she was still on the floor. He didn't know who she was, though it was his first semester at this specific college so he couldn't expect to really know anybody at all. She wasn't particularly flashy looking but something about her pulled him in. Her scent in particular. It was intoxicating. He felt himself tense up, unsure of what to do about that. Part of him was trying to drive him into attacking her just right there. In the public hallway. He felt Alice lightly touch his wrist as a casual reminder that he couldn't just do that. Instead he just stared at her for a moment too long with his dark eyes before crouching down and gathering her things for her.

"I'm sorry" he said somewhat forcefully, as if it had been his fault, though it had not by any means. He didn't know what else to say, however. She had been the one to come walking into him. He couldn't even actually remember the last time somebody had just ran into him like that. He held her books out for her to grab, staying down on her level. His eyes squinted at her, wondering why she smelled so good. Wondering why he couldn't hear anything from her. That actually baffled the vampire the most. Why couldn't he hear any of her thoughts? At all? Being around her wasn't easy, right now. It had been awhile since he had last fed, but he didn't expect somebody to actually sway him like this. Usually he was rock steady in his resolve to not injure people. But boy did he want to sink his teeth into this one. "You... Alright?" he asked hesitantly, tilting his head slightly. Who was this girl?

(Don't feel obligated to match my length! I just get carried away sometimes x3)
'' y- Yeah I'm fine.. t-thanks for helping me.'' Bella said as she took her books from him then stood up dusting herself off she placed a strand of hair behind her ear as her heart pounded against her chest, her stomach knotted as she stared at him. '' I've gotta go..'' She said as she started walking away from him her mind racing, once she was out of ear shot she gulped then almost screamed a scream of desperation. '' God Bella get a grip.. It's just a guy..'' The brunette thought as she sighed, gathered her composer then went on searching for the class she wanted when she walked inside took her seat. Opening her books she listened to the teacher explain things, really hoped she didn't have to give an introduction. She breathed slowly trying to keep her thoughts focused on her classes but all she could think about was him, how she didn't even know his name.
"No problem" the vampire said with strain in his voice. Every breathe that allowed him to speak brought in that incredible scent. He couldn't even compare it to anything he had ever smelled before but it was the most amazing thing that had ever swept his nose. It was a transcendent feeling that washed over him as he watched her leave. He wanted to destroy this girl in the most monstrous way but he wanted to get to know her at the same time. This was the first time he didn't hear somebodies thoughts rattling around his own brain. He didn't hear her and that made her more of a mystery than anybody was capable of being around him.

"Edward?" Alice asked behind him and he quickly straightened back into a standing position and looked at her before nodding. Her thoughts reminding him that they had things to do. This wasn't like highschool, however. He could easily skip a class and not be missed. But it was also the first day and he was better than that. He wasn't going to have a bad first impression just because some human girl smelled too good.

Alice and Jasper made their way to their own class together as they usually did; everything they did was done together. It helped that in college you pick out your own classes. And she knew just when to sign up for them so they weren't too full and separates one of them. She did the same for Rosalie and Emmett but had never provided the service to Edward himself. He had never needed to be around somebody before. But strangely enough he found himself making his way into the class he was a tiny bit late for but not enough to not be allowed in, only enough to get a very small mention from their teacher, and was completely bombarded by that same scent. His dark eyes made a sweep around the room, noticing many eyes staring back at him.

The room was full of people, though mostly young adults. And every single spot seemed to be taken besides five. And all five of them were way too close to that girl for her safety. He hesitated before making his way to the spot behind her, leaving one row between them. He hoped that it would lessen the blow to his senses but he found himself mistaken. He just ended up making an uncomfortable face, his muscles locked beneath his skin in an effort to keep him in place. He was oddly still and barely did any breathing. Only enough to not alert anybody, really. But he still looked like an oddity. Somebody so very uncomfortable that they seemed statuesque.
Bella thought maybe she smelled bad, checked but then made a strange face as she looked back at him. Her eyes locked with his, her heart skipped a beat as her stomach knotted. She had never encountered anyone like him before, she wiped her sweaty hands on her pants then chewed on her lower lip. As soon as the bell rang she was up out of her seat, headed for the door. She headed to the cafeteria grabbed a tray, took a seat at an empty table near the window. Her next class wasn't for a few hours so she thought about going back to her dorm to take a nap, ate her lunch in silence.
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