DemonxAngel [S&M] Craving!

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Nov 24, 2014
Hello! This isn't going to be too pretty or in depth, as I prefer to brainstorm and discuss more ideas with my partners. c:
I am a semi-literate/literate roleplayer, and lately I have been craving a good ol' 1x1 slavexmaster roleplay. I will say right now that I prefer playing the submissive female, since that weeds some people out.
Must be literate

Here is what I'm craving!
Heaven and Hell have been at war for years. Every time a battle rages between the two, prisoners are taken. During one particular war, Hell came out on top. The demons took some angels, bringing them down to the depths of their underworld. The angels are then awarded to the warriors whom served the best- to be there slave and do with as they wish.
I would prefer the angel roll

Message me if you're interested! :3​
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