Maelstrom (RustyRedhead and darjeeling)


Nov 11, 2014
The brooding clouds streaking across Freljordian skies wept rain and hail for three day and three nights; erratic snowstorms and shrieking maelstroms sped across the frozen lands, sweeping away any stragglers caught in the temperamental flurries. The high walls of Rakelstake was the only barrier between the Avarosan tribe and the rage of the tundra beyond. Woman and child alike huddled beneath blankets, stoking their fires as high as they dared in their homes carved from stone. The men, boys and warriors, tended to the livestock and saw to it that their families would be safe and that they themselves would return by nightfall. Very few ventured out beyond the giant gates and even fewer returned.

It had been three days and three nights since Tryndamere, the Barbarian King, had taken his leave of the city, its people and its Queen. No longer bound by the sacred vows of marriage, the process had been lengthy but simple. He no longer wished to play King with a tribe who strove for peace but made not a single move against the numerous enemies drifting about the Freljord; rumor had it their numbers grew with every snow wolf's howl, and there were many wolves lurking in the frosted forests. He had taken his Barbarian host with him, his good and loyal men. Though some had remained behind for their wives and children, the absence of the warring Barbarians was made painfully clear. The Avarosans were travelers and farmers, nomads of peace, not fighters. Boys as young as thirteen took up wooden spears and iron swords and without the reassuring presence of seasoned warriors at their backs, morale was dropping.

Queen Ashe, still a Queen by all rights, sat alone in her room as the fierce winds battered at her window, the panes rattling loosely in its oaken frame. She stared listlessly, her clear blue eyes focused on the distorted scene beyond the glass. Ice crept up from the bottom as fingers of water slid down, joining in a strange, convoluted dance as the water turned to frost before her. She stood suddenly, the chair scraping against the wooden floor with a harsh screech. On the first day, when Tryndamere had kissed her hand and bid her farewell, Ashe convinced herself that neither she nor Rakelstake needed them. On the second day, when she looked upon the fearful faces of her people, she told herself that while Rakelstake needed them. On this day, the third, she had looked at her reflection in a mirror and was convinced that it was she who needed them.


Ashe knew her heart did not ache for him, nor did she desire his warmth by her side. She respected the man but she did not love him. Yet his scent that lingered on their marriage bed and the various places in which he had thrown his cloak off haphazardly. Ashe could almost hear his complaints, to which she would remember her soft smiles as she sat to brush her snowy locks free from tangles and knots. He would be asleep, snoring before she finished but Ashe found she did not mind. His snores were loud enough to drown out wind and storm and she somehow found it comforting, though she never said as much to him. He gave her mind peace and she felt safe, his confidence reassuring and his rage both terrible and admirable to a degree. Tryndamere fought for his cause as she did for hers, yet in an entirely different fashion and that was where they differed too greatly.

The Frost Archer stalked down the stairs, dressed not in any sort of royal garb but in her usual hunting attire. Her guards straightened as she passed, respectfully nodding but Ashe had no time to stop. It was past midnight, the skies dark and tumultuous. She would rule Rakelstake alone if she thought it best for her people, but the future of the morrow was unpredictable and it would not be long before The Winter's Claw may hear of Tryndamere's decision. She had called on Nunu and the Yeti for assistance; the young boy resided in another room in the palace now with his faithful companion and the few Yeti who had joined them were well cared for. Ashe had also asked for Anivia's assistance. While the ancient being spoke in riddles and forebodings she did not quite understand, she knew that the Cryophoenix would do her best to protect the city in her stead.

Ashe vowed she would bring back Tryndamere and his Barbarian kin and for that, she needed to scour the unfaithful lands. For that, she needed a companion and not just any. She had sent a letter to her intended recipient, deploring for her assistance as Ashe's bodyguard. The assassin would know Freljordian lands, if even a little and Katarina was not a complete stranger either. Still, a response had not yet come and Ashe was impatient. She swept past the front doors of the ice palace towards the city gates. She rapped her knuckles on the door of the garrison, asking if word had arrived of Katarina but was met with apologetic shakes of the guard's head. No bird had come and certainly no messenger. They begged the Queen to rethink her schedule, fearing that the wind and snow will not stop even for her. Ashe merely smiled, hefting her pack and readjusting the fresh quiver of arrows she was given.

"I don't expect it to but we are born of Avarosa's blood. It is her spirit who will guide me." Still, she decided to wait a little longer for Katarina's potential arrival and if the woman did not show within an hour, Ashe had to accept her fate of a journey traveled alone. It was not a strange notion to her, with many of her hunts consisting of only herself and her bow but she was wise enough to know that hunting for Tryndamere would not be similar to hunting boar or hare. She nodded to herself. Katarina was a good, albeit strange choice. But bodyguard or no, she intended to complete her mission.
The lone traveller cut a rather bleak figure amidst the heavy snowfall and the beaten path of the Freljordian lands as the cloaked figure trundled along the snowy trail, occasionally rubbing her slender hands together. Even with her extra leather armor and some warm padding for her toned figure, she could not block the cold from seeping through her skin, as the traveller shivered in the snow. Usually, she would avoid the snowy lands for the signs of conflict between the warring conflict was still evident, with the Avarosans, the Winter’s Claw and the Frostguard at an endless turmoil ever since the War of the Three Sisters broke out. Even with the arrival of a sovereign, they still bicker, argue and at the most, do battle with each other.

Sighing to herself, a strand of red hair escaped the hood as she pulled it back, her gleaming green eyes always at the ready for signs of danger from any one of the three kins. She was right all along – she would never really travel this far north only if it was very important. And a Noxian like her would not be around here for too long, considering who she was.
Katarina Du Couteau never was wrong with her instincts with this.
The redhead assassin from Noxus would be caught like a deer in the headlights with her appearance here in Freljord. In the best of cases, she would just seek shelter in any one of the inns and the huts that litter and dot the snowy lands, and keep travelling until she reached her destination. In the worst of cases, she would find herself in the company of the ferocious Sejuani from the Winter’s Claw, or worse, Lissandra from the Frostguard. Katarina did not trust Lissandra even if it meant a blade on her throat. She seemed to mind her own business, but the Ice Queen had far more mysterious works in plans.

The woman tugged at her cloak harder, trying to keep warm as her eyes saw the shadow of the city of Rakelstake, the capital of Freljord. Once a village, the place now serves as the seat of power on these northern lands and it was here that Katarina was summoned to a certain person’s aid; and she was no Noxian ally as well. At first, she was skeptical, even ridiculed the idea that she would help the woman in her quest to find Tryndamere. Katarina had to laugh at that thought. That blunt oaf, with the naïve ice prick? The redhead had to see that as amusement and entertainment. As far as the barbarian was concerned, he was all brute and no subtlety; brawn with no brains. Even the thought of Ashe naked and bare, along with him was somewhat amusing.

Wait, why am I imagining that simple girl naked?

She shook her head, ridding herself of that idea. Sure, secretly she fancied the naïve and innocent archer, and even when she had adversity thrown at her, that served not only to introduce her to the real world here, but tempered her to become a leader for her people in Rakelstake. That admiration for her and a slight crush on Ashe was what led Katarina to respond to her call, albeit with a slight hint of quizzical and confusion from Talon. He had no idea why she reluctantly agreed to travel across the Ironspike Mountains. Of course, no one in Noxus knew exactly why the assassin was travelling across the north to go to Rakelstake.

Perhaps a vacation for the hot tempered, aggressive woman.

Katarina made her move, walking and taking care not to attract attention as she made her way across the city streets once she reached the walls and was greeted by the sights and smell of order and just around her. Chuckling to herself, the redhead wondered whether this was just like how it was in peacetime. Being a free-spirited person, Katarina traveled around, never sticking to one place for long, even in her hometown of Noxus. The redhead loved to go around, killing people and disappearing after collecting her bounty. That was just how she was. Straight to the point; direct; no bullshit from the redhead. Cold and efficient, one would say, just like her daggers.

Katarina reached the entrance of the abode of the Queen, chuckling at the rather simple and easy defense that consisted of the guards around the castle. She stayed her blade, knowing that she was expected by the people inside, as she walked over to the door guards and flashed the mark of the Avarosan. Surprisingly, she was allowed in, as Katarina walked into the doors into a massive hallway, where she sheds off her travel cloak, standing in the halls clad in a leather top and greaves along with steel pauldrons and armguards on her shoulders and arms. The top bared her body lightly, her midriff and her bosom clear to see, although they were served just to have the ease of movement bestowed on her. She wore a skintight leather pants, layered with similar colored chaps and thick leather shoes, where she wore her knives and daggers around her waist and her hip. Two knives were strapped behind her as she made her way towards the hall, finally in sight of Ashe, who she assumed was expecting her.

“What.” Katarina said icily. “Been waiting long? I thought you would have the guts to go out and find that stupid oaf of a barbarian yourself.” She mused. “That doesn’t really answer my question as to why on Noxus’ bosom would you go and ask me for help.”

Whilst not expecting Katarina's presence, Ashe was most certainly ready for the abrasive voice that followed the appearance of the vicious redhead. Despite her scathing greeting riddled with insult, the Frost Archer felt a certain sense of relief that the woman had showed. Ever since Noxus had attempted to shove their hand into the honeypot to quell the Northern Barbarians and control the trade routes, all they had to show for it was the angry stings of the Barbarian wasps and the Institute. Tryndamere had been doubtful but Ashe bore no ill will towards Katarina. The same could not be said for her then-husband. There was no love lost between Katarina and Tryndamere, and Ashe had been grasping at burning straws when she had sent her letter of request.

"Not long at all." The Frost Queen said, standing to bow shortly at the assassin. "I may be impatient but I am not so foolish to attempt the journey alone. Regardless of reason, I appreciate your assistance." With the formalities done and dusted, Ashe turned to the guards within the room and thanked them for their services, but she would be needing a few moments alone with the assassin. Wary glances were exchanged between the pair, boys of no more than sixteen Ashe noted silently, before they had to consent and pardoned themselves from the room.

"You know of these lands." She said after a moment's pause, her voice quiet and less polite. Though it still retained that softness the Queen was known for, there was also a hint of an edge as sharp as Katarina's daggers. "You are aware of the dangers. I would take my rangers with me if I could, but the party will be too large and Rakelstake needs them as defenders. There is no one else I could think of that would be well-suited to the task who would also heed my request." She shrugged and offered a half-smile which faded just as quickly. "I thought you would not come."

She was reminded then of Katarina's airy comment. "I hope you will stop calling Tryndamere stupid." Ashe said as an afterthought, running her thumb along the waxed string of her bow. "He may have left but he had reason to, which I intend to change his mind of." Satisfied that it was taut enough, she slung it back over her shoulder and double-checked her arrows. Whilst she had the ability to craft them, the process exhausted her and she vastly preferred to use wooden arrows fletched with eagle feather. She also checked her pack for basic provisions, bandages, water, a small hunting knife and an extra black-and-gold cloak as an aside for the assassin should she need it as the Frost Archer was rarely bothered by the chill.

The Queen herself was dressed in what she normally wore on the Fields of Justice. Her own cloak was similar; black and banded in gold with a wolf-shaped design at the head of her hood, weaved in the same golden silk. Her top looked to be ill fitting for the harsh winter weather but it gave Ashe the freedom to let fly her arrows with near unmatched speed, to climb high and seek her targets or fall low and track prints in the snow. She wore arm braces of similar coloration to the rest of her clothes, with a full glove on one hand and the other cut so that she may hold her bow with familiarity. Her relatively short skirt remained unchanged and she retained her warm thigh-high boots. Around her waist was a small leather pouch, the contents of which were kept secret.

With everything accounted for, Ashe turned away from Katarina and headed towards the door to signal for the guards to return and escort them to the gates. "If there is nothing you need to take care of or know, we should best be off. The storm is not like to calm anytime soon and I am... anxious." Ashe bit her lip, glad that Katarina could not see the emotion flit through her crystalline blue eyes. "But... truly, I am thankful." Her words were genuine, as was the smile she offered over her shoulder to the red-haired Noxian.
“I’m pretty sure all this counts as foolish already.” Katarina replied to Ashe. “Getting ready to go out all alone for a rescue mission, if I didn’t come over and actually accept your offer of all places, all for that stupid oaf of a barbarian.” She scoffed. “He might just probably gotten lost hunting elk out here in the northern lands, and I thought he would be more or less in the know about the lands already.” She added. Of course, there was no love lost between Katarina and Tryndamere. Actually, there was no love lost between the Noxian and the Freljordian ever since the barbarians allied themselves with Freljord, even when Noxus was trying their best to subdue them in the Barbarian Pacification Campaign, halted only when they allied themselves and forced to recall their troops back. Katarina knew that the purpose was initially to ally themselves with the barbarians, giving Noxus a physical edge against the might of Demacia. That failed tremendously.

Katarina pursed her lips at the reasoning behind Ashe calling the assassin over. Feeling that that was a kind of unreasonable explanation after all, but she chose to hide it for now, as the redhead looked at the archer. “Yeah, I know of these lands more often than not, trying to remember how I was posted here for about six months before that Pacification Act was pulled off.” She muttered. “But you have other means and ways of finding him. It’s not like your bloody Cryophoenix could not help you; he’s been blowing his beak off here since I stepped foot in the lands.” She muttered again, mentioning about the snow and the cold winds. There was a reason why she hated coming to the north to the snow and the cold; just because of the weather. Having been used to the warm, harsh climate of Noxus and the eastern seas, the cold was actually a welcome distraction amidst the snow and the frost and the threats.

“And I can call Tryndamere stupid, oaf, blockhead or even having his head stuck up so far his ass even his sword won’t pull him out, Ashe.” The redhead added, when the Queen mentioned about not calling her former husband that, just because. “You know that, and you can’t stop me from even letting me do that.” She added with a huff. “And yeah, he has a reason to leave, that he’s out hunting and then got lost and was too proud to say he got lost so he went on a freaking wild goose chase to find the way back, that’s what happened.” The redhead went to check on her items, dropping the belt pack she had that was filled with ration packs and items she needed, before pulling her knives and examined them closely, preparing her items and weapons for the adventure she was about to have.

She watched Ashe did the same for a while before she stood up and walked to the entrance and recalled the same guards she had dismissed earlier for a conversation with Katarina, as the redhead picked up her thick cloak, noting that Ashe had prepared another cloak for her just in case. The redhead did notice how young the guards were, understanding a little at the paucity of the guards around the city of Rakelstake, and understanding why the Queen wanted to have somewhat of a small scouting party to go there, so much so that she would either go alone, or call on familiar hands, even if it was the familiar hands of the enemy like a Noxian Assassin for the Military. Stepping out from the doors and greeting the cold again, Katarina tied the cloak further, chuckling icily at Ashe’s thanks.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Just shut up.” Katarina replied, although the corners of her lips curled into a light smile as the redhead focused on to the mission ahead that was going to be done. “I’m still expecting payment out from your coffers, Ashe. And if you can’t pay gold for that, I’m sure we can set up a deal.” She teased the silver haired woman. “And of course, your ass is still pretty fine, even after that marriage with him.” She added, as she walked on ahead. It was pretty amusing to know that Asjhe still retained her good looks as much even after getting hitched to the brute that was Tryndamere. Although in retrospect, there were more brutal men out there than the barbarian, what with Noxus home to the strongest-takes-all approach of men. She knew that all too well. “So…” Katarina said lightly, as she walked along the frost archer. “What the hell was Tryndamere doing going out to the storm, and why the hell are you so keen on bringing him back? For the tribe and Freljord and all that aside. You don’t have attachments or the responsibility to bring him back, Ashe. Why you?”
"Anivia has decided to stay here and protect the city in my stead. She was happy to do so and I cannot be grateful enough." It was obvious to see that Ashe held an extraordinary amount of respect for the Cryophoenix, for all that she stood for and represented. As the phoenix dies and is reborn, never to remain a shadow for very long, Freljord too was also similar. Though the tundra was barren in one place and fruitful in another, the winter-lands were too strong a force to eradicate. Not even the combined forces of Noxus and Demacia alike could claim Freljord for themselves. She was wise enough not to say as much and remained quiet as the ring of knives echoed about the stony walls with purpose. The sound was oddly soothing, reminding the Ice Queen of the assassin's indisputable talent with her blades.

To the stream of uncouth descriptors, the archer simply shrugged lightly as the guards escorted them away. "As you say." If Katarina wished to call Tryndamere all manner of ugly names and insult him the entire way, then Ashe could not stop her. She could only tighten her grip on her satchel, her fingers wrapping around the pouch protectively and sigh. "If it is as you say, then your job will be that much easier." She very much doubted that the Barbarian King had lost his way. For one, Barbarians were never lost; so long as they were in the Freljords, they were always home. Tryndamere always had a keen sense of direction, almost as well-versed in these lands as the Avarosan nomads of yore.

"The price you proposition, within reason, will be delivered to you either upon the completion of our mission, or if we return home without Tryndamere and the others." Her voice was all business but her mouth tightened into a stern line as she shook her head. "Though I pray it does not come to that." Ashe purposefully ignored Katarina's rather sultry comment, albeit just as lewd and riddled with intentions the Frost Archer deemed inappropriate, especially whilst still in the presence of her people. Children waved at her and company, daring to duck their heads out into the bite of winter and women offered small loaves of bread. She declined, of course, but made sure to thank them thoroughly for their kindness. The few men that had been privy to the Queen's plans had offered their services, which she also turned away. The envoy from Noxus, Ashe was careful to say, would be more than adequate. They had conceded albeit with no lack of disgruntled whispers much later.

They were lead towards the high gates where even they seemed to shiver at the storm it shielded the city from. The guard motioned for Ashe to wait as they opened the great oaken doors. She nodded her head as four ran towards them, bundling their coats about their necks and readying themselves for the inevitable howl as they pried the gates open with a pair of long iron bars designed and crafted for this very reason. The second a single crack showed, the chill seeped in, stronger than ever. The gates would not be opened for fear of letting the weather have its way with the innards of the city, so Ashe gestured for Katarina to follow her, slipping through the gates when she was able to. As soon as Katarina had also made her way out, the doors would slam shut, a booming, resonating sound that signalled the final beginning.

The temperamental gales were unrelenting as the storm wasted no time in battering snow against their faces and would have blinded Ashe too had she not been who she was. Her sight in a flurry was not so much better than another but she could make out the shapes and the dark outlines of trees she knew lay just beyond the walls of Rakelstake. She was determined not to look behind her as she took Katarina firmly by her hand, with consent or no, and pulled her towards the cover of the small forest. The trees were tough, with thick trunks rooted firmly beneath snow and soil alike and bushels of black-green lining the strong branches. When Ashe was satisfied that they were situated safely beneath the swaying canopy, she dropped Katarina's hand and brushed the wet snow from her own eyes.

"If I may propose a starting point, Tryndamere would have headed northward. Rakelstake is much closer to the outskirts, so venturing deeper into Freljord territory would be the safest conclusion. We may have to scale some mountains." Ashe paused as she glanced into the wintry storm swirling in front of them. If her eyes didn't deceive her, she might say the weather had calmed a tad though not enough to make a difference. "We will have to avoid Sejuani at all costs. Though her tribe may also be feeling Freljord's wrath, it may be that the lands beyond the mountains will be clearer and easier to navigate on."
“Great. Anivia.” Katarina grumbled. “All hail her glorious cold, freezing winds. It’s really certainly making my ass freeze under the weather. I think she still has a grudge on me for what I did here a few times back when Noxian Military still holds some sway over the borders and all that.” The redhead commented, not really going to bear her history to the Ice Queen. For all she would know, Ashe would actually not like the sound of it. In one assignment she had to do, Katarina had to disguise herself as a Noxian militarywoman assigned to do some human resource checking all in the name of ‘protecting the lands Anivia had given to the barbarians’ as she recalled herself saying it, with the mission to subdue the small encampment of barbarians before the Crimson Elite would come and take them for questioning and for arrest. All Katarina did was seduce every barbarian, strip down and had a glorious orgy with all of them, taking turns and breaks, all in the name of Anivia.

She figured the bird would give her a frosty reception once she got herself back here.

“I still don’t believe you’d had that icy bird to be your protector, of sorts, or whatever.” The redhead added as they made their way through the city once again, and Katarina pulled her hood over her head, not to attract any more attention that she needed: a Noxian, particularly a military assassin asset like her in the Freljordian lands, in Rakelstead? A wise person would cut off her head and present it to the next in line for the throne of Freljord, for all she would know. As far as the assassin wanted it, she would rather have her head where it belonged: on her shoulders. The pair made their way through the throngs of crowds of civilians, where children waved at Ashe and even at Katarina, although she figured the children did not know who she was. Some offered food, which the Queen declined graciously (and which the redhead took silently without question), and some brave men asked for their services to accompany her, all the while giving Katarina the stink eye, and hushed whispers, when Ashe declined, yet again.

“You know, you would have just taken their offer.” Katarina quipped as soon as they made it to the great oaken doors that mark the city of Rakelstake, and the outside. “They seemed to be eager to show you their worth – as well as try to woo you, or something.” She leaned in speaking to the queen quietly. “Or just didn’t want to wait to test themselves with their swords and your sheathe.” She chuckled evilly. “But hey, you’re the boss here.” She added, as they strode off as soon as the doors opened and they made their way outside. The cold greeted them again, and Katarina cursed inwardly under her breath, pulling her cloak closer to her to keep warm. She should have definitely worn more clothes, ones that fully cover her bodice for that matter, as they made a leeway to the road, before Ashe took her hand. “Hey wa—” Katarina yelped at her as Ashe pulled her towards the cover of the forest ahead, as she pulled her towards it, and into the forest for a bit, before letting go and suggesting a starting point.

Katarina listened to Ashe, thinking about the suggestion hard and considering the options. She shuddered at scaling the mountains as she figured that that would take them an extra day to figure out, as the mountains here in Freljord was not the same as the ones in Ironspike. These were harsher and much more evil in nature as the weather suggested. “Scaling the mountains could take us a whole day.” She thought about it. “And like it or not, you and I are going to have to get to the nearest foothills before sundown and either we build a camp and wait till next day, or we freeze our freaking asses climbing the mountains.” She added. “And you’re right. I heard Sejuani’s not in the mood to talk or discuss about strangers and intruders in her land.” Katarina gave Ashe her thoughts and chuckled icily at the thought of the leader of the Winter’s Claw. “And I think Sejuani would rather have me more to her pet Bristle, than to have you.” She pointed out as she pulled out her knife and held it steady, making her way slowly into the forest. “You didn’t answer my question, though.” Katarina spoke, breaking the silence. “Why is Tryndamere out in the lands, and why are you concerned about bringing him back? You miss him in bed, is that why? Or you feel that the citizen owe it to you to find the King again?”
Ashe had to refrain from arguing. Katarina was being unfair, blaming one of her oldest friends for the chill that plagued Rakelstake. Whilst the Cryophoenix did boast some control over temperature and snow, she was not quite so strong nor so irresponsible that she would punish Ashe and her people. Of that, the archer had no doubt but Katarina seemed to firmly believe the tumultuous weather to originate from Anivia and while Ashe did not lack the wherewithal to argue, she did not want to anger the assassin. Stubborn was only one word to describe the Noxian redhead, and probably the nicest way to go about it too. So she shook her head to express her disagreement but otherwise remained silent. Otherwise they would be at each other's throat in no time and they were not even an hour into their journey.

However, to Katarina's next quip, Ashe cleared her throat. "I trust Anivia and that is enough." Trust was not so easily found in Freljord, especially where rebelling tribes, rival tribes and even political intrigue surrounded her. The archer had been cautious ever since she had become of age to rule, dodging assassination attempts at every odd angle. She supposed it was somewhat strange then, that she would place the integrity of her life into the hands of a woman who silenced people for a living. Yet a wry smirk curled the corner of her lip at the thought. Her people were mistrusting of outsiders and for good cause. These were hard times and hard times called for hard means. Even so, the people of Rakelstake were more giving than most others, Avarosa's Nomadic tribe had always welcomed those in need and Ashe did not miss the parcels of food Katarina had discreetly taken into her possession. Those that recognized her looked at the assassin with doubt and those that did not wished her luck and courage.

Ashe shook her head. "As I have said, they must be present to defend the walls should Rakelstake find itself under duress." The Frost Archer felt her spine tingle at the tickling sensation of Katarina's warm breath spilling over the shell of her ear but the redhead's words painted a picture far from warming. "I prefer to fight with bow and arrow." Ashe replied coolly, turning her face so that some distance was put between her ear and Katarina's mouth. Such crudeness was expected, especially for a Noxian but the archer was especially against such suggestions. She had no time to be bawdy or salacious; she and Tryndamere had rarely slept together, their first time had only consummated the marriage. Ashe could count the number of times they had shared a bed on one hand. Thankfully, the assassin was effectively quitened by the sudden blast of wind and her insistent pulling of Katarina's limb.

The forest was not so deep nor wide but it provided ample coverage towards the ice-capped mountains. Beyond, the land was chillier but the weather was somewhat calmer, or at least Ashe hoped it would be. It had been some time since she had traveled near Sejuani's territory, only using the route as a short-cut when there was some great need to visit Lissandra in her distant icy realm. Ashe wondered if Tryndamere might be there, drawn to her mysterious relative; Lissandra was fair of face and soft of voice, much like Ashe herself but there were obvious differences between them. Her chest tightened somewhat briefly at the thought and the archer quickly banished it away before further harm could be done. She used Katarina's opinions as an effective distraction.

"Of course we will not attempt it today. First we must scout the distance then make the necessary preparations for the climb. Either way, Sejuani is never in the mood for me." Ashe shrugged. The battle-hardened warrior. The Winter's Claw was a fierce tribe, one that would give the Barbarians a well-earned fight, one that may end in merry drinks clashed over bloodied snow. The faint glimmer of steel caught her attention, the metal glinting beneath the dappled shadows. Night always fell much quicker in Freljord and nights colder still; tonight was no different. They had left two hours after midnight and even Ashe was beginning to feel a slight chill against her skin. She grasped her cloak about her tighter. "You are right. We should reach the edge of the forest first before setting up camp. It will make scouting easier and we will avoid the wolves that prowl through these trees." She knew of wolves that hunted under the moonlight, nocturnal beasts that tore down birds from their perches and dug rabbits from their burrows. Ashe had faced them before but not willingly.

"As for my answer to your question... Tryndamere had expressed disinterest in continuing the formal alliance between Avarosan and Barbarian. I wish to seek him out to ask him to return. Rakelstake needs his strength." Ashe held back a branch as she stepped over a gnarled root, "It is... none of your concern, really." Her words held a slight edge as the branch snapped into place. She brushed back a lock of pure white hair from her eyes as she glanced into the painted darkness stretched out before them. "Come, we must not linger longer here." Already she could hear, oh-so-faintly, the rustle of leaves above, avians disturbed from their slumber.
“Okay.” Katarina quipped, knowing that Ashe was just being polite to her when concerned about Anivia the Cryophoenix. The redhead knew everything about the legends of the frozen phoenix, but then again, Ashe may be thinking that Katarina was just being unfair to put the blame on the bird for the cold and the freezing temperatures – that slight malediction was directed only to the redhead, who did the sultry deed that she had remembered, chuckling to herself. Oh, if only Ashe knew exactly why Katarina playfully taunted Anivia for this, rather than the reason she shrewdly figured to be so! The Ice Queen was always the sort to be prim and proper, since she was brought down from nobility. For Katarina Du Couteau, daughter of a top Noxus General from the Noxian High Command, being crude, direct and straight to the point was her personality. A stark difference to an air of regality that Ashe had.

Probably this would be how Jarvan and Garen acts like most of the time, Katarina thought lightly, shuddering a little at the thought of Demacians. Why people think that she had something to do with Garen’s crazy belief about him following her and going so far as to push himself out there into anything when the redhead assassin was involved was beyond her. The idea that Garen Crownguard having a deep admiration that was bordered on attraction was something Katarina was aware of, and was not against. However she had nothing to say to it on the matter, considering herself to be above Garen in that regard, and positing that he can have his crushes on her at any time and she can choose not to comply to that.

Not saying a word, as Ashe voiced her thoughts, opinions and answered her question about why was the Avarosan leader was so keen on finding Tryndamere, Katarina made her way forward; eyes fully aware of the surroundings of the forest around them even when Ashe had voiced her agreement on it. Breaking into a light run, the redhead blazed forward, cloak fluttering behind her and red hair streaking back as she expected Ashe to follow suit. The nights at Freljord were longer and colder, as far as she remembered, and it was close to nightfall. At the idea of wolves attacking them at night, Katarina smirked lightly; wolves were never a worry for her (unless it’s Warwick), as she could handle them, and she expected the archer to be able to handle them as well.

It was close to nightfall when Katarina reached about the closest mark for the foothills of the mountains, chuckling to herself as she looked behind her, expecting Ashe to follow along with her. They stopped at a small cavern carved into the mountains, as the redhead sheathed her dagger back behind her. “Well, I guess we’re stuck here for now.” She said lightly, pointing at the cave. “We could bunk up here for the night, and wait for dawn?” She suggested, as Katarina leaned on the foot of the mountain to catch her breath. She was still rather skeptical of Ashe’s reply about seeking Tryndamere and could not really press the matter back. “Okay, this really is pretty crazy, even for my standards of crazy.” Katarina said, breaking the silence. “Hiring an assassin, a Noxian Assassin in fact, and going out alone to find that buffoon of a Tryndamere. And none of my concern? Well, that’s pretty freaking true, even. But if this is what you would do for your ex-husband, I wonder what would you do to people you love.” She teased, walking up to Ashe and leaning forward to her.

“Besides.” She resumed, chuckling to herself. “I know you fight with a bow and arrow, sweetie. But do you fight with Tryndamere with a bow and arrow in bed?” She teased again, as Katarina walked past Ashe and when she reached her back, the redhead playfully slapped her behind. “Like I said, you could have taken two or three guys from your village there and then took them across this quest of yours, and then fool around with their swords and sheathes.” The redhead began to pick up sticks and broken twigs to make a small fire in the cave later on. “If you know what I mean, Ashe.” She snickered. “Or are you too regal and too polite to be thinking something dirty like that?”
Ashe swallowed the silence like a bitter pill as Katarina made for the tree line without so much as a nod or a shake of her head. She gripped the pouch around her waist, muffling a short mutter before following the assassin. Though the archer did not find it hard to keep pace with Katarina, the woman's impatience was wearing on Ashe's own - and for what? They needed to find Tryndamere as soon as they could, she had even said it herself. Yet when Katarina lead the way forward with no intention of stopping, the back of her mind whispered dark thoughts to which she could only answer by forcing them back. It was of no concern, she told herself as she ducked under another branch, keeping a watchful blue gaze on the flash of red hair before her. Even Katarina's earlier agreement, albeit not at all sincere, had confused the archer. Ashe was used to constant retaliation from the assassin and that trait, in small part, both attracted and frustrated her to no end.

Attracted? Respectful, Ashe corrected herself before it was too late but the thought had settled like oil on water. She was thankful when Katarina finally stopped, the mountain face looming above them like a stony giant. Near the base she could make out an inky mouth, no doubt a cave that had seen much use in housing stragglers and travelers to and from Rakelstake. Ashe was cautious though. Caves meant limited movement and truth be told, she did not like enclosed spaces; being so far away from fresh air unnerved her but she would much rather Katarina not find out. So she nodded her consent despite the shadow of a scowl drifting across her brow. "I am doing this because I love... my people." She caught the words on the tip of her tongue and swallowed that much as she had done with the Noxian's refusal to respond. "It is for the good of my city and if they are to place so much faith in me, it would be in poor form to disappoint. Ashe eyed Katarina as she approached, leaning slightly back as she grew closer. Her mistake was in letting her guard down.

Despite the tips of her ears being flushed red from the other's slap, Ashe was not so surprised to let out so much as a squeak of a response and if the Queen was made of smaller stuff, she would have no doubt slapped Katarina for her dirty mouth. Instead, she drew herself up even though she stood a few spaces shorter than the assassin and looked her squarely in the eye. "If you cannot even rein in your perverted thoughts, at least have the courage to redirect them towards yourself." She would not go so far as to insult the Noxian, but Ashe had a few choice names running laps about her head though she kept them at bay from the finish line. However, she could not help but add "You may enjoy prancing about men in such a fashion but a leader will not stoop down to such trivial matters." As if that was her final word said on that matter, she directed her eyes away from Katarina's emerald greens and briskly moved forward towards the mouth of the cave to place her pack down.

With her shoulders and back free from the extra weight, Ashe sighed as she stretched her arms out into the howling wind. Soft shards of ice buffeted her skin but she barely seemed to feel it. Her bones did ache from the cold and Ashe knew that while she could most likely live through the night in this weather, Katarina may not even with the warmth of shelter. Then again, she wasn't feeling particularly kind towards the woman for all her unsavory swagger. Ashe would have commanded her to make her own fire too if the Queen was not so nervous that the assassin might bathe the cavern with smoke and fire. Another sigh escaped her in a puff of foggy white. Bathed in a moonlit glow peeking from behind pregnant clouds, it struck an eerie tune with Ashe's hair, striking off it like a cymbal but it was not long before she retreated to explore the back of the cave. It would be unfortunate to stumble across a bear and her cubs, all the while offering Katarina the coldest shoulder imaginable.
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