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HTC Hero or Samsung Instinct?


Jan 20, 2009
Ive run through numerous sites comparing them and I still can't decide, I like a flash on my phone and HD visual voicemail is also sexy but Apps and functionality call to me.
HTC. Always HTC. The Instinct is a decent phone (Believe me, I was working for Sprint when it was the flagship phone - I could probably still quote you any stat), but HTC makes the best cellphones ever. Period.
Yeah, it's definitely HTC. I had my mind set on the HTC Touch Pro when I was switching service, but couldn't due to lack of funds. Wonderful phones for everything I have read and heard
I tried em out and another that got suggested and I liked the Samsung Moment's keyboard(formerly called the instinct q), instinct hd is too pricey, and the HTC Hero requires me to have my gmail registered to even activate the phone which I kinda find suspect also with the onscreen keyboard is annoying. The trackball was nifty but I'd just have BBtards stalking me and going "Oh its trying to be a blackberry" also I like the optical mouse on the Moment. Its an Android phone and HTC did help with its design so I'm kind of getting the best of both. From what I've seen also its the same price as the HTC Hero. The Moment however has an
800 mhz processor 2 megapixels less on the camera but I'm not in it for that(I know I'll regret it next time I go out partying but I can cry about that later )
So looking at both



Finally it boiled down to the Moment due to the Hero being slower and according to the store girl the HTC Hero has to be rebooted and cleared up every few days because it backgrounds apps rather than closes them...even when you exit. That and I break trackballs

Also Trygon I currently have the original Instinct and I love the phone but its been acting up,dropping calls, assdialing, and ignoring messages I looked more into the Instinct HD..the SD card is under the battery, and you can't view the HD on the phone you need to buy a $30 cable to watch it on tv or a monitor.

VS..the TouchPro 2 was sexy and the girl even offered me an extra discount..but $350 with contract even lowered down to $270 its a bit much.
vampire seduction said:
Yeah, it's definitely HTC. I had my mind set on the HTC Touch Pro when I was switching service, but couldn't due to lack of funds. Wonderful phones for everything I have read and heard
The Touch Pro is made of sex and god. Have you seen the Pro 2?

Anansi - It seems HTC is designing most smartphones these days - That's what they did for years, just built phones for other companies to slap their logos on, before they decided they should get the credit. A lot of the better Motorola designs were actually HTC.
Fuck. Yes. Touchscreen with a five row qwerty? Win.
Haven't seen or heard of the Pro 2. I can only assume it's focking sexy as all hell.

I heard of HTC having done that (relogoing) a couple years ago. Makes sense they should just use the HTC brand name. More recognition and money, I would think
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