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Tracking PMs

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Naomi David

May 24, 2013
I've clicked on the Tracking link in my PM page, and it takes so long for the page to come up. I don't have this problem with any other links in my PM page. I have under 500 PMs, so having too many of them isn't the problem.

Anybody else having this issue?

And yes, I've tried this on different computers. Same problem. Yes, I've tried virus scanning the computer. Same problem. Yes, I've tried clearing out the web browser. Same problem.
I will say that I've noticed that, for me, tracking seems to take longer to load as the number of PMs in your inbox increases. I've noticed once you reach around 200 the lag begins--again, this is for me. Also, I use Firefox for my browser. So, not sure if it's a result of that either. As for everything else? I do know it's not a result of viruses, history/cache being full, etc etc. So, I think it's related to the browser and/or number of PMs.
I remember when I first started having lags months ago, I had over 1000 PMs. I deleted a few hundred. Lag went away. Now theres the lag again. I try deleting 200 more, hopefully the lag goes away...


And now I have 100 PMs, and the lag is still there. Lovely.
I've never had an issue with lag and I have never deleted any of my tracked PM's.... I use google chrome as my browser. Not sure if that is even helpful.
I'm not sure if its a browser issue, I only have 50 PMs in my inbox, and 50 PMs in my sent box, hence, 100 PMs. I only have 1 page in my tracking PMs thing, only one, so I shouldn't have a lag. It's very frustrating.
I use Chrome and have a habit of clearing my tracking list quite often. But even when I had several pages, it never lagged for me. This may be a silly (or stupid) question, but when's the last time you cleared your browsing history? I know it's a pain, but some times that can lead to lag. I've been in situations when several sites don't lag, but as soon as I click on one link, it takes forever... I don't know if that would help, but there might be a chance.
I clear the history every day, just to be sure. Lag is still there.

I tried going on a network where I was the only one on said network, curious to see if it was a bandwidth issue. Still lagged.
I use Chrome but I also have this issue, only at certain times of the day though which is strange. During the morning hours (EST) it's not laggy at all, it will automatically go to the page, but during the evening hours it does lag. I don't know if this helps at all, it's just what I've come to notice.
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