A Harry Potter Rpg (Myself,Greenrust)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
Hermione couldn't stop crying she had been crying for days, because she was crying so much. Her hair was a mess she looked like she hadn't bathed in days but she still managed to smell good, she needed someone to hold her so of course she went straight to Harry's room. She knew it was hard on Ginny as well but at one point she'd actually been in love with Ron or least she had started to fall in love with him now he would never really know because he was dead. She was an only child so she didn't understand the sacrifice Ron had made to save his brother's life, she more then likely never would but right now she needed some comfort.
Harry heard a knock on his door and didnt even have to ask who it was, he opened it reveling Hermione standing there looking teary eye'd. Harry didnt look to good either, his cloth were ruffled and while he hadent exactly been crying that much he showed very little interest in normal activities and it dampened what cheer had entered the castle since Voldemort's death. His best friend was dead... Ron who was always there when they needed him, they had thier fair share of fights but Harry always knew he could count on him... And now he was dead, pushing Fred out of the way to save his life and dying when a spell blasted threw the wall. He had been dead before he hit the floor. There had been a lot of screaming, yelling, and crying. Even his defeat of Voldemort meant nothing to him, not if Ron was dead. He didnt even say a word and just stepped forward hugging her, as he had done many times these last few days.
Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, just held onto him as she cried into his shoulder. She just couldn't believe Ron was gone, wished she had gotten a chance to tell him how he felt. The tears never stopped they just kept flowing, she knew she was going to flood the place. Her heart was broken, she didn't really know if she would ever be whole again. She had feelings for Harry to but Ron was the one she'd secretly loved since first year, now he would never know how she felt. Lifting her head she gently pressed her lips against Harry, had honestly just gotten caught up in the moment so she pulled back really quick.
Mystic Angel said:
Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, just held onto him as she cried into his shoulder. She just couldn't believe Ron was gone, wished she had gotten a chance to tell him how he felt. The tears never stopped they just kept flowing, she knew she was going to flood the place. Her heart was broken, she didn't really know if she would ever be whole again. She had feelings for Harry to but Ron was the one she'd secretly loved since first year, now he would never know how she felt. Lifting her head she gently pressed her lips against Harry, had honestly just gotten caught up in the moment so she pulled back really quick.

He held on to her feeling tears prick his eyes as well, but he refused to cry. He hadent cried once for Rons death. People needed him, like Hermione and Ginny who were both taking the loss of their brother incredibly hard. So he couldnt allow himself to try, if he broke down then who would be able to take care of him. So he just held her tightly for several moment till he drew back and he looked at her and before he could say anything she was pressing her lips to his. His eyes widened and he was so shocked and surprised that for a few moments he didnt move and that was long enough for her to break the kiss and he just looked at her his eyes showed confusion. He didnt know what to say and his tongue felt like it was tied in knots as he looked at her.
" I'm sorry Harry... I shouldn't have done that I just got caught up in the moment." Hermione said as she pushed away from him, backed up toward the door she was going to leave unless he stopped her, she felt bad knowing how he felt about Ginny. She felt horribly embarrassed by what she had done, as soon as her back was to him her cheeks looked very flushed. Of course she wondered how she could be so stupid, hoped he didn't stop her from storming off.
As she turned her put a hand on her shoulder and finally found the words to speak. "Its fine." He lied while his brain whirled in confusion at what had just happened. Harry had been deeply shocked by the kiss, she loved Ron but now Ron was dead. She had been caught up in the moment but she had still come for comfort and hope so at least he could give that. "Forget it." He said quietly before speaking louder again. "You came to talk?" He said to her.
" I miss him Harry!! I miss everything about him.. His moppish red hair the way he would scream like a girl when he saw a spider." Hermione smiled a little then started crying again, she really missed him obviously. She buried her head into Harry's shoulder as she wept shaking in the process, she knew she needed to bathe but she didn't really care right now obviously. Her feelings for Ron had never really been noticed least not until their search for all the special artifacts that belonged to the dark lord, now he was gone.
He held her, just a bit awkwardly after what just happened but understand her feeling in a way no one but possibly Ron's family would be able to. Ron was his best friend, in many ways almost like a brother to him and with him dead it felt like something was missing from the world. For the first few hours after he found out he felt like the world should have stopped and there shouldnt be sunny days to mourn Ron. But in the end Ron was just one person and the world kept shinning, time did not stop. Only a few hours after Ron's death he face voldemort and destroyed him at last. His rage for his friend at that moment had been so great after he obtained the elder wand he oppliterated voldemort with all his power and curses he probably couldnt even name but that had still not had been enough to fill the void in his heart. "I know, i know." He said trying to sooth her. At the same time he was slightly unconfortable with what happened. She had Ron had been together not to long ago but it would be wrong to say harry never felt for her once. At first she had been so bookish and her and Ron so at odds that he never had time for that sort of thing, he had been too young anyway. But She had grown into a powerful witch and a beautiful women. She was one of his best friends and confident and when she started dating ron he had been happy. But at the same time he couldnt forget the words of tom riddle in the locket and couldnt help but wonder what could have been if it had been him and her, instead of her and Ron.
'' I should get a shower or a bath..I'm sure I smell rancid by now.'' Hermione said as she pulled away from him, ran her fingers through her mess of hair. She rolled her eyes in disgust, chewed on her lower lip as she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater. '' I'll be okay, we can talk about the um.. the kiss.'' She said smiling as she reached for the doorknob, opened the door. It was back her smile was back, she didn't know why but she knew that no matter what Ron would want her to be happy even if it was with Harry she was meant to be with someone that would love her because she had no one since she had made her parents forget she had ever existed.
Harry was silent for a moment not speaking for several moments, what would Ron think of this... Taking is girlfriend while his body was still cold. "Go take a bath Hermione." He said barly hearing his own voice. Not only was there Ron to think about but there was Ginny and he didnt want to comfort Hermione like this only for her to hate him for it afterward. "Im.... Im not sure what to think about the kiss. I need to think, please just go for now." He said even though knowing it would hurt Hermione. But what else could he say, his only thoughts right now is what would Ron think, what would Ginny think if he abondoned her after her brother got murdered, what would the rest of his friends think. He wished he could talk to Ron more then ever,
Hermione did just that she grabbed some clean clothes from her bag of everything, climbed into a nice warm bubble bath. Sinking into the bubbles she just let the water rush over her as she slid down enough to get her hair wet, reached for a bottle of shampoo. Washing her hair she closed her eyes, started thinking about Ron, the image that had been seen in the locket when it opened she remembered seeing Ron's face. Holding back the tears as she slid back under the water to get the shampoo out of her hair she sighed, leaned back against the back of the tub.
When did this get so complicated. That was all Harry could think about with his head in his hands. He had lost his best friend, his other one may have feelings for him, and a girl he thought he might love would feel betrayed by what he was thinking about doing. Who did he hurt? Ginny who's soul burned like fire, brave and kind to even those like Neville and one who never backed down to the confines of others. Or Hermione.. Smart, resourceful, beautiful Hermione. The girl who had things been different Ginny would have never entered his sights. He wanted to cry out for the injustice of this, he had fought to make people happy. To make his friends happy... And here he was thinking about hurting someone else. If only he could talk to Ron, only he knew those knew those 2 as well as him. Then suddenly a thought struck him, it was possible. Suddenly he was running out of his room, surprising Seamus as he blew past him down the stairs before he could even shout. The stone the ressurection stone, if he could find it then he could speak to Ron.
Hermione climbed out of the bath dried herself off, got herself dressed. She ran a brush through her thick curly hair, sighed she looked a little better then she had earlier. Spraying on some perfume she put the brush back in her bag, made sure she wasn't forgetting anything then walked out of the bathroom. She looked around for Harry then looked at Seamus. '' Have you seen Harry? I was just talking to him, had to freshen up.'' The blonde said as she looked at her class mate who looked like he had just seen a ghost wiz past him.
Seamus looked at her seemingly still in shock. "Harry just ran past me like he was being possessed by peeves. I don't know where he is going but he was in quite the hurry." He said recovering now. "Scared the carp out of me." Seamus mumbled as he walked upstairs. Meanwhile Harry had already thrown om his invisible cloak to avoid other unwanted attention and was moving into the forest, looking for where he dropped the stone.
Hermione sighed as she ran hrr fingers through her hair, went in search of Harry. She had no idea what he was going to do, hoped he didn't do anything stupid. Ginny was huddled in a corner,wanted someone to hold her. She had just lost her brother, felt very alone besides things with Harry just seemed awkward. It bothered her because she really lied him, wanted to be with him but he just wasn't being himself.
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