The Battle Commences (Shani &AlphaWolfQuin)


Jan 20, 2011
"We have confirmed that ten high-security prisoners, in the early hours of yesterday evening, did escape. And of course, the Muggle Prime Minister has been alerted to the danger. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from Azkaban; notorious mass murderer Sirius Black, cousin of the escapee Bellatrix Lestrange."
—Cornelius Fudge interview to the Daily Prophet about the Azkaban mass breakout

There was a great cry in the Wizarding world as the inescapable Azkaban experienced a mass break out, letting loose highly dangerous prisoners. Everyone was pinning the break out on Sirius Black no one really wanted to believe that The Dark Lord Voldemort was back and on his way to great power. It only bought the Death Eater's more time as they could heal and plan.

Time passed and the prisoners were no where to be found having gone into hiding not foolish enough to run about in their weakened state. Bellatrix Lestrange though wanting to be running and doing errands for her Dark Lord couldn't until she was at her full strength again spending 14 long years in Azkaban. Her crime, the torture to Frank and Alice Longbottom making them go completely insane as she desperately tried to find Voldemort after he fell during the first wizarding war. Her, her Husband Rudolphus and others were sentence to life in Azkaban. Being punished for their loyalty to Voldemort. She would have her revenge, Bella lost so much in Azkaban. Losing 14 years of her life, her looks withered once vivacious curves now sharp defined angles remained, she was skin and bones from lack of nutrition, though her sister Narcissa was her nurse maid nursing her back to health. Granted it was so much worse in Bellatrix's head still being a dark beautiful enchantress.

Sick Of her bedroom Bellatrix made her way down to the library wanting to read something, and just be in a different environment. Her boots clicking as she walked down the corridors of Malfoy Manor where she had been living since the escape with her family, and the Death Eaters that came through with Voldemort. Once in the library she picked out a book laying on the couch beginning to read to distract herself.
An arrogant smirk came across Dax's face as she read the front page of the Daily Prophet. Luckily, she had been slick enough to escape a prison sentence in Azkaban mainly because she wasn't someone who could be traced by the Ministry of Magic. Dax wasn't a witch but she did have powers, powers that were strong enough to get the dark lord's attention. He had recruited her shortly after he was revived and she helped him with the mass escape of his loyal death eaters. Before the dark lord had found Dax she had spent most of her life running from slayers and Voldemort vowed to protect her as long as she stayed loyal to him and his cause.

As Dax made her way up the front steps of Malfoy Manor, she put the newspaper into her back pocket then knocked on the door. When the door was opened Dax gave Lucius a smile before stepping inside. "I do hope I'm not late I stopped for a bite on my way here" ,she told the man with a dark tone.

Lucius cringed when Dax spoke but tried to hide his uneasiness from the old vampire. "Not at all._.In fact you're early. The dark lord will be here this evening to discuss plans for our future. Until then do make yourself at home" ,he replied in his usual cold tone.

The vampire smiled then sat down in one of the chairs by the fireplace and listened to the sounds of the house. Dax could hear two people arguing in one of the rooms upstairs as well as someone walking around in another room.

"FUCK YOU REX! I'm so fed up with your shit, why do you have to smoke that shit in our room?! I don't ask you for shit except that you NOT FUCKING SMOKE POT IN OUR FUCKING ROOM!" ,Aries shouted angrily as she sprayed air freshener throughout the bedroom.

Rex rolled her eyes and began mimicking her younger twin. "Dude._._.Aries, shut the fuck up I just got out of prison give me a break. Oh and seriously if you keep yelling at me I'm gonna beat the crap out of you" ,Rex said in response.

Aries let out a growl before lunging at her older twin. She got a few good hits in before Rex threw her to the floor and punched her in the face hard, busting her lip open. As Rex cocked her fist back again Aries put her hands in front of her face to try and block the hit that was coming. "HELP! SHE'S HITTING ME AGAIN!" ,Aries shouted as loud as she could in an attempt to get someone's attention. Rex had been told to stop beating on Aries but she didn't listen to shit anyone told her to do, so Aries had no other choice but to call for help this time.
Bellatrix was relaxing trying to enjoy her book in peace and quiet. She was still exhausted from living a chunk of her life in Azkaban, plus she had many things on her mind. Unfortunately her silence was over too soon, hearing the twins fighting in their bedroom. It's only been a few days or so, Bella hadn't been keeping track of how long it had been since they escaped knowing it hadn't been long, and they were fighting. The two were driving her mad just wanting some bloody silence. Holding her tongue and trying to focus back on her book her eyes grew wide and a crazed gleam showed through.

Bella slammed her book closed Standing up and marched towards their room. She might have to talk to Narcissa maybe they could split the two up. Once at their door Bellatrix kicked it open, "KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO!!" Bellatrix barked storming into the room. She could smell the pot that Rex had smoked it was such a strong scent. Bellatrix went to reach for her wand then realizing her sister probably took it away again until it was actually need. Bellatrix made her way to the twin taking Rex by the back of her shirt and throwing her off of her sister. Though Bellatrix was tired and weak from Azkaban she couldn't control her strength when she was extremely angry. "I'M SICK OF THIS NONSENSE! IS PEACE AND QUIET TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?!? WE'VE RECENTLY ESCAPED A LIVING HELL SHUT UP AND GET ALONG!" Bellatrix snapped again. "REX!! Stop smoking in this room it stink Cissy will have a shit fit! and ARIES stop antagonizing your sister!" Bellatrix said beginning to calm down again.
Once Rex was pulled off of her Aries got to her feet and wiped the blood from her lip and looked to her older twin as tears began to fall from her eyes. The cut had already healed itself but the emotional wound was still there. Aries loved her twin to death and couldn't understand why Rex was being so mean to her lately, it was as if Rex had become a completely different person a person Aries wasn't very fond of at all. When Bellatrix demanded she stop antagonizing Rex Aries whimpered then ran out of the room crying her eyes out. The younger twins intentions weren't to antagonize but to simply get Rex to follow the rules for once. Aries ran down the hall and began yelling for Narcissa, she would make it a point to apologize to Bellatrix for disturbing her later but right now she needed comfort. Something Narcissa had been able to give her no matter what the problem.

"BELLATRIX GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM I'LL DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT, WHEN AND WHEREVER I WANNA DO IT SO YOU AND ARIES CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES!" ,Rex growled out in response before lighting up a cigarette and taking a large drag from it. When she realized Bellatrix still standing there Rex rolled her eyes as she blew smoke from both her nose and mouth. "Do I have to hit you too for you to listen? I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Dax shook her head as she listened in on the chaos then ordered the house elf to grab her a drink before looking to Lucius, "Is it always this pleasant in your home or am I just here at the right time? Need me to break it up or do you just let them solve their own problems?" ,the old vampire asked with a dark smile spread across her face.

Lucius sighed as he shook his head, "No, don't intervene yet. Wait._.If it escalates too much then we can go break it up but for now I just want to relax for once without having to deal with this nonsense" ,he replied as he read from a book he had in his hands.
Bellatrix didn't mean to make Aries cry she was sore, angry, and tied only wanting rest. She would have a talk with her later, maybe she used the wrong form of words antagonize was right depending on the point of view maybe from Rex's, she figured she was enforcing the rules but Bella was angry and tired of the constant fighting.

Bellatrix clenched her teeth and jaw, "Do not take that tone with me Rex..." She emphasized each word, trying to stay calm. Bella had half a mind to pull the cigarette out of her mouth but stopped herself. Trying not to fully fight just wanting the two to stop fighting. Rex of all should want some quiet after Azkaban all that was in there was crying and screaming. When Rex threatened her she tiled her head and that little gleam twinkled in her eyes. Bella got in her face, "You wouldn't dare hit me!" She said taking hold of the front of her shirt. "Know your place Rex, I don't take orders from you...though your face is making me mad. Keep your volume down!" Bellatrix said letting her go and pushing her back a bit, she was done dealing with this child granted the irony in that was pretty funny. Bellatrix turned on her heels and left the room heading back to the library holding her head, having such a head ache.

Narcissa was in her bedroom until she heard yelling then it seemed to quiet, then hearing Aries yelling for her. Leaving her room following the girl's voice until she found her. "Aries what is it? What's wrong? What did Rex do now?" She asked softly wrapping the girl into a hug, "Tell Cissy what happened." She said trying to comfort Aries.
Rex growled when Bellatrix grabbed her shirt then shoved her a bit. The woman's words went in one ear and out the other and as Bellatrix walked away Rex took another drag from her cigarette before shaking her head. No matter how hard the pup tried to let it slide Rex just couldn't let Bellatrix have the last word. The pup grit her teeth then stormed from her room following Bellatrix out. "LISTEN YOU BITCH JUST BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE PUSSES OUT WHEN YOU GET IN THEIR FACE DOESN'T MEAN I WILL! I AIN'T FUCKING SCARED OF YOU, I'LL DECK YOU JUST LIKE I DECKED ARIES AND YOU WON'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT! Just give me a reason I FUCKING DARE YOU!" ,Rex shouted angrily. She had changed since Azkaban the place had made her bitter and angry it also made her very defensive even when she didn't need to be.

Aries clung to Narcissa as she shook and cried, "I-I just don't understand why she hates me so much. I didn't do anything wrong" ,she began softly. "That place turned her into a monster, those people made her this way" ,Aries continued, her tone had darkened as she remembered what the aurors had done to Rex while they interrogated her. "They all deserve to die." ,Aries growled out before burying her face in Narcissa's neck as tears continued to spill from her eyes. "i just want my sister back."
Bellatrix stopped in her tracks as the girl followed her out yelling back at her. Turning around to face her she was in no real condition to fight Rex. The girl had so much energy though she was in Azkaban. Bellatrix was getting older and it took more for her to bounce back. "I didn't expect you to...and if you dare attack you know I'll fight back. Don't toy with me. Just go back to your room and smoke your cancer sticks." Bellatrix said through gritted teeth. Rex always knew how to get on her nerves.

Narcissa stood there holding Aries in her arms gently petting her hair as she cried. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you hun, Azkaban changes a person, usually for the worst. It takes everything fro you...Yes they all deserve to die and will once everyone is at their strength again." Narcissa said letting Aries cry, "I know, I know... I want mine back too.... Bella wasn't always this way either."
Just as Rex was about to respond to Bellatrix she felt a cold hand being placed on her shoulder. Although the touch was gentle it was enough to make Rex let out a vicious growl before angrily shoving the person's hand away while turning to face whoever had just invaded her personal space. Rex's copper eyes met Dax's cold blue orbs and the two simply stared at each other for a moment before Rex broke the silence. "I dunno who you are but I suggest you walk the fuck away before I hurt you" ,the pup said in a dark tone.

Dax simply smiled at Rex's words then looked the pup dead in the eyes, "Relax pup I am a friend. Why don't you go have a walk around the gardens to get some fresh air? I think it'll be good for you" ,the old vampire stated in a low, dark tone.

It was as if Rex had been put into a trance of sorts after Dax spoke. The pup then turned to face Bellatrix, "I think I'm gonna go for a walk to get some fresh air I'll be back in a little while" ,Rex said in a low tone before making her way downstairs.

Aries listened as Narcissa spoke the younger twin knew that Bellatrix hadn't been the same since Azkaban and she knew Narcissa knew exactly how she felt. "I swear one day those bastards are gonna pay. One day we'll get our sister's back we all need to stay strong even when it hurts to do so" ,Aries replied as she began to calm down a bit.
Bellatrix stared Rex down watching her she would at least defend herself knowing better than to turn her back to someone in the heat of the argument. Seeing a woman walk up behind Rex, she looked at the scene in front of her curiously. Bellatrix had fairly advanced hearing able to hear what the woman was saying before, Rex decided a walk was a good idea. Bellatrix blinked at Rex as she walked passed her going downstairs. What did she do to her? Granted Bella was grateful for it she was still tired and not really in the mood to deal with Rex. Though Bella was curious to who the woman was, she didn't know her and Bella knew everyone in the ranks.

Narcissa knew exactly how Aries felt it was hard when a family member was taken away. She lost her older sister gaining an angry and mentally younger one. Feeling like she lost her best friend always turning to Bella in a time of need but now Bella was going to need her. "Yes they will pay one day our sisters will go back to being normal but for now we must be strong for them. They need us now more than ever even if they don't realize it yet."
As Rex walked away Dax watched the pup for a few moments before turning to look at Bellatrix. "You should try and get some rest before the hypnosis wears off. Granted it could take a few hours before the pup realizes she's been tricked but from what Voldemort has told me about Rex when she does figure it out I expect a not so friendly reaction so things may get loud again" ,Dax began before taking a quick look around. When the vampire spotted Aries and Narcissa she shook her head and sighed, "That pup needs to start fighting Rex back without pulling any punches she's strong enough to she just doesn't want to hurt her sister" ,the old vampire continued as shelooked to her watch. "The dark lord should be here within the next few hours if you like I can wake you up before he gets here Mrs. Lestrange".

Aries smiled as Narcissa spoke then wiped her eyes, "You're right they do need us and even though Rex hurts me I can't give up on her honestly I think that's what she's afraid of" ,the pup said in response before glancing in Bellatrix's direction briefly. "Who's that woman speaking with Bella? She has no heartbeat either that or it's just too soft for me to hear it but if that's the case she should be close to death right now" ,Aries whispered as she stared at Dax for a moment.
Bellatrix continued to stand there watching Rex go downstairs and the strange woman at the other end of the hall. Bellatrix tilted her head at the woman, nodding slightly. "Thank you... I think I'll do just that...No she's a ball of hell fire which can be a good thing....but most of the time it's tedious." Bellatrix replied Bellatrix followed the woman's gaze noticing her sister cradling Aries. She shook her head she knew she upset the girl but wasn't about to deal with it currently. "Yeah she does but she's in a mix of emotion right now with her sister being back she doesn't want to hurt her or make her angrier. A wake up call would be nice when he has arrived..." She stated obviously the woman knew her but Bellatrix had no clue who this one was. She turned her back and instead of heading to the library Bella went to her room to nap.

Narcissa nodded her head as Aries spoke, as her eyes were opened to a different possibility. Narcissa took her gaze off from from Aries and looked at Bella and another woman. "I have no idea dear, I'm sure we'll find out when the Dark Lord arrives..." Narcissa stated not sure who the woman was either. Narcissa normally stayed out of death eater affairs unless it involved her family or healing them. "Why don't you do relax a while, take your mind off things."
Dax nodded in agreement with Bellatrix then watched as the woman made her way to her room. The old vampire then made her way over to Aries and Narcissa and extended her hand to Narcissa then to the pup. "The name's Dax Draven I'm originally from Belfast ,Ireland but have moved from place to place over the course of my life. As for my heartbeat, I don't have one because I'm not alive technically but I am immortal. I'm a vampire ,your dark lord recruited me shortly before the prison break I am honored to be working with him, I did not know that he had such lovely soldiers in his ranks" ,Dax said before giving both women a charming smile.

Aries looked to Narcissa then back to Dax. The vampire interested her and she would make a point to get to know more about the woman later after the meeting with the dark lord but for now she just wanted to relax while Rex was pre occupied and not beating the crap out of her.The younger twin took Dax's hand and shook it, "I'm Aries Braeden, pleasure to meet you" ,she replied befoe turning to Narcissa. "I'm gonna try and get a nap in while things are quiet Rex has been restless and has been keeping me up all week. Send for me when the dark lord gets here"?
Narcissa wrapped her arm around Aries should as they faced woman. When she extended her hand Narcissa took it and shook hands with her. Listening to Dax's introduction and a little bit about her. Smiling as she called them lovely. "How sweet, Hello Dax, I'm Narcissa Malfoy Lucius's wife. Welcome to my home." She said with a smile Narcissa had no qualms with vampires or werewolves she was well accustomed to them. Seeing Aries look at her she looked down at her with an encouraging smile. "Alright dear have a nice rest, of course When he comes I'll come get you." Narcissa said kissing the top of Aries head.
When Narcissa introduced herself Dax smiled, "Ah the lady of the house, thank you for allowing me into your home" ,the old vampire said in response before looking to Aries. "Yes pup, you should go get some rest. From what I've heard about Azkaban the place can indeed wear a person out quiet a bit. Both mentally and physically, so get your rest while you can and don't worry about Rex, I'll make sure she keeps her cool for the most part. I think all the pup really needs is to get back into the swing of things and get out onto the field. I see a lot of hatred in her but she is only seeking revenge, she doesn't mean to cause you any harm" ,Dax continued before offering the pup a smile.

Aries nodded at Dax's words then hugged Narcissa as the woman kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks guys, I really need this" ,the younger twin stated before making her way back into her room and shutting the door behind her.
Narcissa smiled softly, "It's my pleasure, to help when need be, and he needs a safe place for the ranks." She stated not thrilled having a bunch of Death Eater's swarming her home but it was for their noble cause. Narcissa noted that this one was indeed different, well mannered and polite, traits rare for Death Eaters well besides her husband. Narcissa agreed with Dax hoping hings would go back to normal once the recently returned members got back into their routines. Hugging Aries close to her, before letingg her go watching her go back into her room glad the manor was silent once more. Resting her back against the wall, it was challenging taking care of the muiliple weak or wounded in the house, many having PTSD from the ordeal knowing her sister was one of them, staying their knowing Bella would have a fit sooner or later. "Thank you for your help a bit ago...everything is a bit hectic right now...I'm glad I took Bella's wand or else that could have been a bigger disaster." Narcissa stated.

As soon as Bella hit her pillows and blankets she fell right to sleep. Nearly without a care in the world, until her dreams began to twist an warp tormenting her subconscious mind. Beginning to toss and turn in her sleep, her breathing quickened, Bella's body began to fight and move as if she was under attack. The silence was broken as Bellatrix began to scream bloody murder freaking out in her sleep.

Narcissa heard her sister begin one of her fits, looking to Dax "Excuse me, I need to tend my 4 year old," She teased a bit hurrying off towards her sister's room not sure if Dax would follow her to see what was the matter as Bella freaked out sounding like she was being tortured.
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