Gotham: Ser Issac of Clarke and Mystic Angel

Archmagos Issac

Sir Ser Issac of Clarke of Chad the II
Apr 6, 2014
The Forge World of Mars
The night had fallen and soon the streets of Gotham ran rampant with the crime and evil that bled through the city’s shadows, engulfing the citizens in a constant state of alert and fear that they would be the next targets hit. It was only recently that people had begun to finally breathe with some calm as a masked vigilante had sprung up and was putting away the sources of the darkness over the city, little by little. He was an urban legend by many, considered public enemy number 1 by the Gotham Police Department and the criminal underworld of Gotham. The legends spoke of a creature from hell itself. A creature with massive wings that could take flight and could disappear into shadow, a creature that is stronger then 20 men. 'The Bat' as they called it.

In truth, 'The Bat' wasn't some creature of the supernatural. He was simply a man. Bruce Wayne to be specific. For many years, Wayne had been traveling the world, learning the secrets of the world. In his travels, he had learn many things. He became a master of stealth, deception, chemistry, martial arts, anything that could aid him in cleaning the city. And more importantly, avenging the death of his parents. The man was full of rage and determination and he would not stop until he made the criminals who stalked the streets pay. He'd fight with his last breath until his mission was complete.

Bruce stalked the rooftops of the urban jungle, stalking his prey intently like a predator. Bruce watched as the criminal scum sat intently outside of the factory. He studied, contemplating what move to make and when. He'd been stalking the criminals in question for almost a week, listening as they spoke of their boss. A man known only as 'The Mask'. The man was just as much of a legend as 'The Bat' and was just as hard to find. That was why Bruce was allowing this deal to go down. Why he was risking letting more guns on the street. The money was going to this 'Mask' character and the only way Bruce could get to him was if he tracked the money.

While Bruce had been hunting these scum for a little under a year and had a vast supply of money, his equipment was still growing. He was only equipped with the equipment he'd managed to collect from his travels. His modified leather armor, some flash bombs, smoke bombs, a few shurikens, lock picks, and a grapple gun. The rest was his skill and that was all he needed. More was coming but for now he had to wait until he could speak with someone who could give him the equipment he needed. More importantly he needed stronger armor and a way to pick up on conversations from far away. Again, this would all come with time. Bruce watched as the thugs showed the buyers the guns. It was some impressive hardware to say the least. With the buyers satisfied, they opened the simple briefcase. Within the briefcase was anywhere from half a million dollars to a full million. Perfect, the deal was going without a hitch and Bruce could finally track down one of the biggest criminals in Gotham
Selina Kyle stayed very close to the shadows, could hear every bit of the conversation. As soon as the briefcase was set down on the ground she leaped from the shadows like a cat would from a tree grabbed the briefcase, disappeared. She wore all leather a leather cat suit with a mask to match a leather tale with black three inch healed boots her gloves adorned with silver claw like nails, before they could blink or realize the money was gone she disappeared. Cat woman was very good at what she did she'd been doing it for a very long time, considering her various techniques she never failed a mission. She was back at her apartment counting the money in a silky red nightgown that barley covered her but she had on a black silk robe, this wasn't the first time she had stolen money from other criminals for her own desires. Ever since she could remember She had been alone, the only thing she had to love were her cats they understood her enough that they didn't judge her like a normal person might before they even got to know her.
Bruce watched from the shadows as the deal was almost finished. All that needed to be done was for the sellers to take the money and give their boss the money that was owed. Bruce however hadn't anticipated an outsider leaping from the shadows and stealing the briefcase worth of cash. Bruce swore under his breath. NO money meant no sale, no sale meant he couldn't track the money to it's intended destination. Bruce clenched his jaw in anger. Well, at the very least the guns were staying off the streets, that was perhaps the only silver lining to this. These weren't normal guns either. This was military grade hardware, M249 "SAW" Light Machine Guns, SCAR Assault Rifles with scopes and grenade launchers. This was equipment that would turn Gotham's streets into a war zone. Bruce wasn't equipped to stop fully armed criminals with grenade launchers and light machine guns.

Bruce needed to track this money down. He wouldn't be able to track Mask without the money, and seeing as he couldn't return the money to track Mask. He could however track the buyer. Whoever was shelling out that kind of cash for military grade weapons must be planning something big. A bank robbery? Taking city hall? What? Hardware that serious meant something as serious if not more serious was being planned. If Bruce could trace the money back to it's source he could potentially stop whatever was being planned. If he could stop something like that then at least this night wouldn't be a complete loss. All he needed to do now was follow whoever had taken the money. Bruce took aim with his grapple gun and flew in the direction of the thief, keeping himself out of sight as he followed the thief as he soon watched them get to their home. It wasn't quite like his cave but then again, not everyone was Bruce Wayne.

Bruce watched as a form appeared in a window and watched as said form began counting the money. A woman? Bruce had to nod. It made sense. Bruce was nimble and quick on his feet but he wasn't quite that nimble. He was restricted by his size and by his armor. If he was going to get the money back, he needed to do it quietly. Bruce stealthily went towards the power box for the building and opened it up, flipping the switch to shut the buildings power off. Every light, every TV, everything connected to an outlet went completely dark. With the element of darkness on his side, he fired his grappling hook and flew up towards the apartment in question. He sat on the balcony like a gargoyle, his form a shadow against the light as the cats within her apartment took notice. When she noticed that he was standing there, he spoke, his voice gruff and men. "The money you took was not yours to take, I do not care why you took it, I don't care why you need it. You will turn over the" he said with an impatient tone.
" Now why would I do that? You have no idea who I am but I know who you are under that mask of yours. We've crossed paths many times, I'm still as free as a bird. I'll give the money back on one condition, that is you can either take off your mask so I can see your face or try to guess who I am." Selina smiled as she put all the money back, sighed waiting for his reaction or his answer or better watching him take off his mask.
Bruce looked to her as she questioned him, asking why she would do such a thing. That he had no idea who she was but she knew who he was under the mask. They had crossed many times but she was still as free as a bird. Bruce found himself in something of an awkward position as she said that she would only give him the money if he took of the mask or he could guess who she was. Bruce tilted his head a bit as she sighed and put the money away. Bruce kept a straight face as he looked to her, his expression being hidden beneath his 2 piece mask. "It useless to ask me to guess. I know where you live, I know your a female. With how easily you stole the money it's obvious you've had a history of crime that no doubt spans back to your teenage years if not farther which means you have a record" he said.

Bruce tilted his head. "Now you can either give me the money or I can turn you over to the Gotham Police Department" he said. He severely doubted that she knew who he was. Bruce had made sure of that. Bruce covered his tracks well. If she truly did know his identity, why hadn't she gone to the Police Department? "If you truly knew who I was and I am here then it means you either haven't gone to the Gotham Police Department due to a lack of proof or your bluffing" he said with a gruff tone.
" You can have the money, just because I know who you are doesn't mean I would turn you in. As for my skills I have been doing this for awhile but that's not the point, if you must know my name is Selina Selina Kyle but I have another name I go by. " Selina handed him the money, sat back on the couch picking up one of her cats. She started to stroke the calico's fur as the cat purred rubbing its head against her shoulder as she waited for Batman to leave her alone until they met again, she knew they would meet again.

Just outside the city limits a woman with ivory skin emerald eyes, dark hair trained for her mission. She needed the money, the man that had hired her was paying her very well. She had a name but never used it, only one man knew her name but she hadn't seen him since her family had moved away now she was back but things had changed. She was a much darker person then she had been as a child, the tragedy of watching her parents burn in a fire was what changed her because she never never understood how she had survived.
Bruce smirked within his mask when she said he could have the money. She didn't have anything on him. Bruce listened as she said that she had been doing this for a while and that her name was Selina Kyle. Bruce took the briefcase and looked to her. As she walked away he had descended onto the floor of Gotham, taking the briefcase with him back to his cave so he could analyze the contents in question. This was simply the beginning of a long night for young Bruce, but it wouldn't be the last. Bruce wouldn't stop, he couldn't stop. Not with the amount of rage in his veins.

On the outskirts of town came a black Rolls Royce. It rolled up before the woman rather ominously. It stopped for a moment as two large men got out of the driver side and the passenger side, both carrying assault rifles and standing silently as a man got out of the backseat on the passenger side. All three men wore all black two piece suits, their shirts and shoes black as well. They all wore black masks that were in the shape of skulls. As one circled around the back, he opened the door for the man that had come to see this woman. He contrasted the others, wearing an all white suit with a black shirt, black gloves, and black shoes. His mask however differed from the others. It was once sleek and made of ebony but had at one point been burned. It was attached to the man's face as he approached. He looked to the man who had let him out of the car and nodded. The man slid a briefcase to the woman across the floor as the man spoke with a gruff but raspy voice.

"Twenty-Five Million Dollars, that's half of what you'll be given if you get the son of a bitch who's been making life a living hell for me and my crew. They call him 'The Bat'. I want him dead. I'll give you extra if you bring him to me alive" he said with a raspy tone. "Any questions?" he asked as he looked at the woman.
Selina continued to pet her furry friend as she fell asleep on the couch, pulled a blanket down over her. She fell asleep to the sirens as they blared through the streets of Gotham, she had no idea what was going on outside of town but if it didn't involve her she didn't care.

" I'll do it, I have no questions. It'll be done before sunrise." The woman said she didn't need to ask questions she knew what her mission was, she accepted it. She put her hood up winked at the three men as well as her new employer, smiled as she vanished from the warehouse they had found her out. Her bike pulled up to the large black iron gate, she smirked as she pulled her weapons of choice from her black ninja style suit then jumped over the fence with sleak precision then crawled through the bushes. She made it down to the cave, made her entrance, it was as if she had been to the bat cave before. Staying in the shadows so he couldn't see her she threw her first weapon straight at the back of his neck.
The man in the mask looked to the woman as she said that it'd be done before sunrise. He watched as she put her hood up and winked at them as she vanished from the warehouse. "It'd better be done" he said with a growl. He motioned towards the car and climbed into the back seat as they left as well. The Mask was losing more than enough cash because of this 'Bat' person. He wanted nothing more than to put this man's head on a spike for all of Gotham to see. This was his town, and no one fucked with him in his town.

Bruce studied the bills, looking them over with various spectrum of light and using various other tools. Using the ultraviolet light he could see that the bills had been taken from Gotham National Bank. By the condition of the bills, they were crisp and new. That meant one of two things. Either the money had been stolen from the bank in a heist or it had been taken in transit. Something told him that the money was taken in transit. It was much easier and much simpler. The hardware needed to do that though was impressive. C4 was most likely used and more than likely a very heavy vehicle was used to stop the truck. A dump truck more than likely. He stopped looking as he heard a rustling coming from above and behind him. Bruce then heard the familiar sound of a small spinning object. No doubt from a ninja star. He moved out of the way quickly as the object in question bounced off of the stone wall before him. He turned quickly. "Show yourself" he called out. He really needed to get a hold of thermal visors soon. His cave was still in the process of being furbished, the skeletons of supports really being all he had combined with a small workshop and armory.
The woman sighed cursing under her breath as she stepped from the shadows other then her eyes everything was covered by her suit, she crossed her arms over her chest as she stared at him. She wouldn't fail this mission but she remembered the man saying if she brought him in alive she would get lots more money, she desperately needed the money. Not everyone was as privileged as Bruce Wayne, she was one of those people she had never been given the love a child needed because her parents had died when she was still very young much younger then Bruce. She didn't say a word because she knew that he would figure out who she was just by her body language, the fact that she had practically grown up with him but had lived in an orphanage owned by his father's company.
Bruce could hear her sigh as she stepped from the shadows. The cave had a prominent echo that made it harder to keep silent and stealthy. He looked to her as she stepped forward and crossed her arms in front of her chest as he stared him down. Bruce was wearing a similar armor, though his was a bit heavier and had the bat-like mask. He looked to her as she remained silent. It was a bit eerie but it didn't phase Bruce in the slightest. He made a quick mental note of her body language and her physical stature. It wasn't Selina, Selina didn't seem to have any interest in tracking him down. He did recognize the body language though, he just didn't know why. Who was this woman? How'd she find his cave and further more how did she get in? He could blame himself considering he hadn't put any security systems up yet. He made a mental note that he had to do that in the morning. "Who are you?" he said in and impatient tone as he looked to the woman. Something told him in the back of his mind that this was a ghost from his past. The question however, was who.
" My name is not important.. But if you dig deep enough you'll know I am, how I got in here. " The woman liked to speak in a riddle sort of tone, she often confused herself but this was easy for her victim to figure out. She was not in the mood to play games, she knew she would not get the extra money if she didn't have batman with her when she saw the man with the black mask again. Her life was a mess she needed that money but it appeared her aim had been off obviously, she would continue to live out of the old warehouse.
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