Lets have fun!

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Nov 5, 2014
Hi! I enjoy roleplaying, so I hope that we can have fun together.


In an Rp:
Almost everything. I like most genres, although I don’t particularly like large quantities of guns, so that narrows down sci-fi and civil war/world war rps.
I am a huge fan of good plots and characters that make me laugh when they interact. I Like it when there is a large build up before the climax, and no “love at first sight.” I don’t mind attraction at first site, as long as there is a clear distinction between lust and love.
I prefer to make up my own characters, rather than use ones from a book or movie or whatever. I can be a perfectionist about consistency, so it bothers me when I can’t write people the way they actually are. I am willing to try, but it’s going to make me very hesitant.
Decent length. I will always guarantee a minimum of 1 paragraph. My minimum is rarely ever what I post, however, unless you give me one liners. If nothing else, write a bit into the past (feelings/thoughts from my last post) and into the future (adding in extra details, speaking, ect.) this usually yeld a post of 3 good sized paragraphs minimum, usually more like 5-8. You write like this, then I get to write like this, and it becomes a beautiful rp.
On the other hand, don’t just write filler. Some filler is fine, but really, it’s pretty easy to stay relevant. I like to think I give my partners lots of chances to write things that can make the story go forward. If I’m not doing that properly . . . then tell me and I’ll work harder.

In a Partner:
Please be pretty frequent. Every couple of days. I’ll tell you when I need to get off for more than, say, 3-5 hours, unless you don’t care. I don’t need warnings, but it would be nice to know if I’ going to have to wait days or hours for a reply.
Friendly. I like to chat in OOC while roleplaying. Sometime I chat about the plot, sometimes about useless random stuff. It make the rp more enjoyable for me, and it’s fun. If this bothers you, let me know, but please be polite.
Dominant. Sorry, but I am REALLY bad at dominant characters. I can make characters that match any other personality, shy, outgoing, whatever, but all my characters are subs and usually very practical type people.

In an rp:
One liners. Or even 2-4 liners. I like meat to chew. Give me stuff to work with.
Insta-love. Love doesn’t work that way, except in stories. I’d rather my rps were more life-like with story elements than story-like.
Poor grammar, poor spelling. Now, here I’m willing to give leeway. I myself am dyslexic, so I have bad spelling and grammar. However, the way I read requires me to skim-read, and if I want the story to make sense, I have to have decent grammar and spelling, and not have to puzzle out what you mean at any given time.
Godmodding. Hm. This one has a little leeway. Assumptions, or adding in actions that make sense at the time in order to further the plot it fine. One example of this is an rp I’m currently in; my partner had my character kick his n order to force the plot to continue. This is fine, as it was something that my character probably would have done, and it made sense. Another example would be in extreme actions scenes; it’s very hard to write a decent amount without making some assumptions about other characters.
Mary/gary sues. I like characters with flaws. My characters all have flaws, and they would feel very inferior and might run away and ruin the plot if your character was perfect.

In a partner:
Rudeness. Uncompromisingness. The unwillingness to add to the plot.
Rudeness speaks for itself. Once is understandable, and will get a gentle reminder. Twice and I drop the rp. Now, this doesn’t mean your character can’t be rude, but I expect OOC to be polite. When I mean rude however, I don’t mean a bit snappy, or a comment that can be taken many ways. I mean rude, such are cursing or insults.
Uncompromisingness. I expect for us to work together to make an rp work. That means occasionally making allowances. I will do so, and I expect you to do so as well.
ADD TO THE PLOT! I can’t add in all the story elements by myself. We didn’t discuse something but you want to add it in anyway because the plot such presented such a nice opportunity? Go ahead! Unless it completely clashed with the rp, I will be stoked. I love adding in twists and wonder what my partner s going to write that I can work with.

I am a sub. Sorry, but I just can’t seem to get my characters to be willing to be aggressive in that way.
I can do any type of pairing, but I’m not sure how well I’d do at FxF. In MxF I am the female.
I don’t have any real limits, not gore, not violence, not anything I can think of. But that could change, as I don’t have that much experience with people who rp like that, and if it does, please respect that.
My character preference is younger men, say, younger than 40, who are clean shaven and not super obese. If you have a preference for what type of character you prefer me to use, tell me.
Character bio’s- I like writing them, it’s nice when you do as well, but it’s not necessary. Please tell me if you want one; I always write them out so I can reference it later, and I’d send it to you if you ask for it. I can’t write properly without a bio for my characters, but I won’t subject you to it if you don’t want. I can do pretty good descriptions in roleplay.
Can’t think of anything.


This might get updated occasionally as I stumble across something I absolutely HAVE to do. Mostly, I’ll give you a general idea of what I like and we can make up something from there. If you have a plot you want to try, ask and the answer shall be given.

I like supernatural, modern or medieval. I prefer the wold-type werewolf over the humanoid-type werewolf because it would just b so much FUN to turn into a wolf.
Fantasy, any sort of fantasy really. I like magic, I like . . . everything. I have a few different plots based on books I want to write that fit in this category, if you’re interested. Some are more modern, some are more medeval.
Sci-fi, I don’t have any plots. I don’t really like guns, so I tend to avoid action sci-fi. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy one; if you’ve got a plot, tell me and we’ll see.
Fan-based; eh. I’m willing to write In a world, like, say, harry potter Hogwarts, just so long as I get to make up my own character and not follow the plot of the actual book.
If you play Go, and/or know Hikaru No Go, you can be my best friend. I would love to try and RP something revolving around Go, with or without ghosts. Or even an RP revolving around ghosts but with a side . . . plot? Thingy? . . . with Go. Or using Go to continue the plot. Whatever.
I’m willing to play either human or non-human in almost any roleplay.

I think that’s it. If I think of anything else later, I will be sure to add it in.
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