21F - Fantasy Strapon Roleplay D&D Style w/ how to play rules (Updated!)

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Oct 27, 2014
**The Prompt**

Hi! This will be a sexy dungeons and dragon style roleplay with me as the adventure girl and you as the dungeon master/mistress! I’m looking for male or female partner but I want the world to consist of all women and all my enemies to be women, who wear strapons and underwear of different colors and lengths.

My name is Ellie Addis, a 5’6 brunette with c cups, slim, firm butt, brown eyes and hair down to my back with some curls. I wear a flower trimmed black thong, bra, and a maroon 6 inch strapon with a maroon harness and straps. Over my bra I wear a half t-shirt, very low cut.

These strapons (no balls) can cum as we feel their stimulation. The cum is colored to the shaft of the strapon, hot, sticky and it is the source of our strength, so every orgasm we feel weaker and it gets harder to fight for us/enemies.

I will be adventuring and exploring a dungeon, rumored to be ruled by Dark Mistress and her mistresses that are raiding nearby villages for women, ruining their strapons, collecting their sparkling cum and forcing them into slavery, either breaking them into sluts or lower minions. Some of these women who are defeated were of the Royal Guard from the nearby kingdom, and some rumors say that even Queen Amelia, who disappeared a few weeks ago, was taken by them, and her golden strapon defeated and her body used as nothing but a common whore's.

Strapons are defeated two ways. Every orgasm shrinks a strapon by one inch and upon reaching two inches the cock is "Defeated." Another way is if the strapon is "Decocked" severing the dildo from the harness and the women from her strength, which forces her and her cock to cum repeatively (one orgasm per inch) down to two inches on severing.

If a cock reaches two inches (Defeated) the woman will be forced to have another orgasm and spurt out weak ropes of valuable, sparkling cum, while it pulsates and as the orgasm ends the cock will burst and the woman will often faint from exhaustion, which is Game Over for me, and I'll be left to whatever horrid fate for eternity.

To decock a women, she must have had an orgasm. But, for special strapons (like mine) you must cum on it, loosening the seal that keeps my cock on. The seal regenerates after each encounter. Enough cum landing on my strapon will force me to cum as well. The only time a women will not lose an inch of cock per orgasm is when they make themselves cum, so the woman cumming on my cock would not lose one, but I would. A note, decocking is a painful process for the one receiving it, even with the seal loosened or no seal, one must yank and twist hard to remove the dildo. A decocked woman still feels the cock's stimulation up to the point where it explodes, pleasure and pain included.

Also, any orgasm can be doubled down if a cock is "Milked." It means it's excessively stroked through the orgasm and in the woman's sensitive state of cumming, she is weak enough to cum again to it, resulting in two inches lost.

As the DM, I'd love it if you wrote long, detailed orgasms for me! Also, description and dialogue for opponents and characters is a huge plus (please control my dialogue/screams/moans during orgasm/stimulating scenes).

Likes: Strapon mocking, belittlement, humiliation, Group attacks (2, 3, 4 women at once), trash talking, ass/tit spankings, "bad girl, slut" spanking scenes, doggy style fucking/humiliation/orgasms, wedgies (for these let's say the fabric is durable and doesn't stretch much, a hard wedgie reaches as far as the lower back), groping, rubbing, being held down/physically restrained and pleasured, one or two tits taken out of cups, stripped down to thong and harness, over-panty pussy orgasms, long-cum load orgasms, forced dryhumping/grinding, hand/footjobs, "Milking" while cumming, ass fucking, denied orgasms, self-facials.

Don't like: scat, blood, extreme bondage.

Message me if interested! Also, if interested in involving more dice/turn based let me know! We can do it on here/email/ or a chatroom! loserdefeated@gmail.com

**Additional Background**

Sparkling cum is used to create strapons and can be harvested from different colored wells deep in the earth. When a strapon is created using this special ingredient it can be claimed by the first woman to cum drink the same colored sparkling cum and then to fuck and cum on the strapon, granting her its strength and power and melding them together as one. She then is attuned to her strapon, but can only be attuned to one at a time.

Drinking the same color of sparkling cum as your strapon boosts strength temporarily as well.

The Dark Mistress wants a monopoly over the wells as she knows the power it will give her over the kingdom.

**How to Play**

Rolling dice d20, d4, and d6 (twenty sided, four sided and six sided dice)


The d4 and d6 are for damage. d6 is rolled if the area is vulnerable. My butt is my vulnerable spot, but my pussy and tits can be too if they are exposed. More on that...

A note: This is abridged, I'm usually more descriptive, but this is for simplicity.

Every character has three stats:
Health (HP) - if dropped to 0 the woman has an orgasm.
Armor Class (AC) - must roll higher than this number to damage/lower this woman's health.
Grope(G) - must roller higher than this number to break a hold.

So, let's say I have 10 hp, 10 ac g9. My enemy have 9hp 13ac, g13 and wears a bra, thong, strapon and harness all colored orange.

The first thing we do is roll a d20 to see who attacks first. I roll a 7, enemy 1 rolls a 17. She attacks first.

She now rolls a d20 versus my AC to see if she hits me. She rolls an 11, so she hits and her hands latch to my tits. She's rolls a d4, because she's attacking my tits, squeezing and roughing them around, and gets a 3. I lose 3 hp (7 remaining).

I go now and roll once, a d20, and get a 9 vs her AC and G. I don't break her hold, and against her AC we've tied, defender wins.

Her turn. She can keep the same hold or make a different attack. She rolls a 16 and hits. She reaches one hand down and grabs my strapon, stroking it hard, squeezing my tit in her other hand. She rolls a 4 for damage, which is a Critical Hit (the highest number of the dice). My rolls are cut in half. 3 hp remaining.

I roll a 19, which is 19/2 = 10 (rounding up) which is enough to break her hold and hit. I tear her hand from my chest, her other from my cock, and reach in and squeeze her throat and grip her cock. I deal 2 damage, she has 7 hp remaining.

She rolls a 10. Its not enough to hit, but she break my hold, thrashing, and squeezing my wrists she throws them down and shoves me back.

My turn. I roll a 6. I trying to get a hold of her but she bats my hands away.

Her turn, she rolls a 20. Critical success, she can do whatever she wants to me this round. Taking my throat by sudden surprise, she sends a knee into my abs, causing me to cough and bend over, her choking hand on my neck pulling me over her knee, my dildo between her thigh and my stomach as she administers a hard spankings to my ass. She rolls a d6 and lands a 3. (0 hp remaining). As her fifth spanking connects with my fleshy, firm ass cheek as she screams, "Take it slut!" I gasp, spasm and clench my hands in air, feeling the rush of euphoria across my nerves as I cum hard, spurting rope after rope of cum up my bare stomach and drenching my t-shirt in maroon goo, my pussy shuddering at each shot while my cock shrinks bit by bit until it sputters to a stop and I'm left with five inches.

I came, I lose my turn unless I roll to recover. I need an 10 or higher to recover from an orgasm. I roll a 10, but -1 because I've came and my strength is depleated so I get a 9. I still lie winded over her knee lost in bliss.

She gets a free turn. She flips me on my back and steps her foot on my cock and strokes it up, flat against my belly attempting to milk me for more. She must roll 3d20 and the sum of the three numbers must be above 20. She rolls a 12, 5, 9 making a 26. My strapon twitches and throbs, pussy tightening as I'm hardly able to contain myself. She pulls her foot off stroking herself, kneels down and lets out a load on my cock, splashing and painting it in her orange color. My dildo twitches up and up at attention as each warm shot paints it down, finally brimming with maroon cum at the fourth shot, and exploding like a geyser.

And so on. My rolls would be -2 now.

-She made herself cum and is **not** punished by losing cock length, a stat penalty or hp, but it is a dangerous move in normal combat. I could not stop her as she had a free turn. But normally for that turn, her guard is divided in half (ac13 /2 = ac7), and any damage rolls against her are doubled while she is stimulating herself, and she must roll a d20 and get an 11 or higher to orgasm. Then, she must roll a d20 to land the hit vs my AC.

-If she fails to hit, nothing will happen to me. If she fails to orgasm that turn she doesn't roll to hit, she **doesn't** lose hp, and still nothing happens to me. Now I have my turn and opportunity to attack against her halved guard and deal double damage, but I can still miss.

**Recap of "How to Play"**

-So roll d4 for damage, d6 for exposed damage. Cloth covers my tits, but if they were pull out and attacked they'd take d6. My ass always takes d6.
d20 rolls.

-1 is a critical failure (lose a turn) 20 is critical success (have a free turn).
d4 4 rolls are criticals d6 6 rolls are criticals and cut the enemies rolls in half (/2)
Orgasms -1 to rolls per orgasm. This persists through the encounter.

-Orgasm recovery you need a 10 or higher to recover. Actually an 11, because you will always -1, but on next orgasm it would need a 12, because its -2.

-When hp hits 0, an orgasm scene follows, *but you can change to any position you'd like just like a crictial success 20. So in the spanking scene, I hit zero, instead of having me cum right there, she can roll me to the floor, lift my legs above my head and jerk my strapon into my own face, or whatever you choose.

-Milking requires a 20 or higher, rolling three d20s and adding them together is your result. Concurrent milkings require a 40, and then a 50.

-After recovery, health is reset with a -1. So I would have 9 health, 10 - 1, my ac and g remain unchanged at 10 and 9 respectively. I cannot be milked after recovery, I have to be brought to orgasm again.

-Self-orgasms do not penalize, but attempting one is dangerous. For one turn, her AC is halved (/2) and damage taken is doubled, (x2) and one must roll an 11 or higher to succeed. Additional attempts result in the same penalty. These are best left for a round where your opponent cannot fight back.
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