Into the Storybook (CaptainNexus616 and Frogger)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World

Jennifer, or Jenni:




Every Full Moon, my sisters and I venture into another full of dancing lights, and every creature imaginable. Trolls, faeries, dwarves, pixies; there is so many, I cannot begin to name them all. In this modern world of ours, no one believes in such beings...and quite honestly, we are glad of this. It's our little secret... and even if someone was to stumble onto our strange behavior on the day after a Full Moon...or began having suspicions, who would believe them? We can just play innocent, and act as though we haven't the faintest idea what that person is talking about.

We would have outgrown fairy tales years ago...if it wasn't for the fact that we talk, laugh, dance and made friends with the creatures that, in our world, is only myth. I am personally fond of my friend Antoile, a dwarf standing as high as...say, my stomach. My sister, Nicole, loves to talk with the witches and soothsayers... Jennifer makes friends with whoever she meets, really...and as for my other sisters, well...they love to dance and play. I dance, of course...however, I prefer to keep watch, make sure no one is wandering off or going places they should not.

There is a set of rules we abide by...just three simple rules. Rose and I formed the rules when we first began going through to the Other Kingdom.

-Never leave the Glade
-Never eat or drink any of the food
-Always keep up on each other

Like I said...simple. I twist Lynda's wavy brown hair into a thick braid, watching the strands catch the light and appear gold while she chatted away. The words were beyond me, for I haven't paid any attention since I began my task, but every once in a while I'd nod or make some noise. I can see Evelyn preen in front of the mirror, twisting her head, and studying her reflection closely. Evelyn was very pretty for a girl her age, yet it worried me that she thought about such things, when she should be paying more attention in classes.

Nicole is reading, not bothering too much with her appearance, like myself. Her dark, dark brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail, her glasses hanging low down the bridge of her nose while her eyes moved across the page. I cannot imagine reading out of joy, like she does...however, I do pride my skill with numbers. Rose is getting herself ready, though with not as close of a scrutiny as does our younger, more flirtatious sister. Her fingers ran over the shirt she decided to wear for the evening, the fabric shimmering under the light.

Out of all five, Rose is the prettiest and the sister with the best manners. Everyone says so. I am the practical, more serious sister, Nicole the smart one, Evelyn the more...outgoing, and Lynda the playful and the youngest sister of us all. It's just a fact that she draws eyes, that she is the one who is remembered whenever someone brings up the Harper Sisters. I don't mind, but at times I do have to wonder... Does she really like being remembered as such?

"Jenni, are you really going like that? Your hair is a mess!"

"Hm?" I lift a hand, playing with a few strands of brown. After taking a shower, my hair is bushy, and unmanageable. There's nothing I can do to tame the mane...not that my sisters understand that. "I am. There's no use trying to do anything with it." My question is...where is my little friend? I haven't seen him in a while... With that in mind, I start looking around, or else my sisters would go ahead and leave without us.
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