Pretty Desperate for a Dragon Age RP (MxF, MxM - will double)

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The Queen in the North
May 22, 2012
So with Inquisition less than two weeks away I've decided I can no longer silently contain my want to play within the Dragon Age world - and I'm hoping to find someone here who might oblige me a story. Since most of these stories proposed involve my Hawke or Warden, I will certainly double for you and play any canon of your liking.

As far as plot to smut ratio is concerned, I'm flexible. I'm also not overly picky with kinks, I'm open to pretty much anything except bathroom play, vore, gore and underage characters.

I'm really interested in someone playing Nathaniel Howe for my Female or Male Cousland Warden - this scenario would take either prior to the Blight or during the Awakening timeline. I have other pairings in mind, but this is the one I would really like.

I'd prefer to talk over PM about any details, so please send me a message and let me know if you're interested and what pairing I can indulge for you
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