No peace in death (books and Nexus)

Oct 2, 2014
Death was a funny thing really, especially now that Azula was actually faced with it protruding from her chest. Twenty years. A mere two decades was her tenure upon this world, in that time she had triumphed, failed, been exalted, and been disgraced. Now all of her time seemed to be measured in seconds and minutes instead of years and decades. It wasn’t as painful as she had first imagined it would be, though that was a tiny pittance of compensation for the crimson liquid she saw pooling up from the cold steel planted firmly in her chest. All she could do was stare at it at first.

This… wasn’t how it was supposed to end. Killed at the end of the blade of some frightened halfwit thief a couple of years her junior and vastly her inferior in skill. The frightened look on his youthful face was almost comical. She wondered how he might react knowing just who it was he had stabbed through the heart with his little knife. For her it was a mix of comedy and horror that settled over her mind, a sharp barking chuckle escaping her lips along with a mist of red droplets. There was no honor in this, no glory in a death in an alleyway in some backwater part of the Earth Kingdom.

The edges of her vision were starting to give way into darkness. Fear replaced the confusing swirl of emotions within her as she crumpled to the ground, her breaths coming out in progressively shallow and labored gasps. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t deserve to die like this! All she had ever done was to please her father, every atrocity, every life taken; it was all for his approval and for her nation. No, instead her brother, a sentimental fool who could never do a single thing right in his life ruled her people and she got to die alone in the Earth Kingdom.

As the darkness came over her more and more oppressively she mentally cursed Zuko, that watertribe bitch, the Avatar, her mother, even Agni. Those that had ruined her life and reduced her to this most ignominious of ends. The man that had killed her had run from her collapsed form in terror, didn’t even rob her soon to be corpse. What an utterly incompetent thief, her killer should have possessed more spine than that. She couldn’t bring herself to curse him; he was merely a catalyst that brought about her ultimate humiliation.

She didn’t deserve to die, not like this!

Not… like… this…

Thus in a small back alley in a forgotten town in the Earth Kingdom Azula, the former princess of the Fire Nation had died. She didn't even get a proper funeral, one of the local guards found the corpse and buried her in an unmarked grave in the cemetery nearby. None would visit the unmarked grave, her brother would remain on the throne that was meant for her. Azula's would be friends were happy without her, one standing proudly next to Zuko while the other was still pretending to be one of those pitiful warriors they masqueraded as to bring the Earth Kingdom down.

The darkness eternal and peaceful it felt as if it was nothing but the ocean all around Azula. Tossing her around like nothing but a cork before its might as the Spirit World claimed its newest addition. The unconscious form of the spirit form of Azula floated along the surface of actual water within the afterlife. A fitting entrance of irony for one who had the power of fire at her fingertips. However as the creatures of the Spirit World dispersed at the sight of a small black sloop sailing the waters and recovering Azula's sleeping form, it would seem fate had a new plan for her.

"Oh look at her..." Azula would hear the whisper as the first thing to register was the chill against her nude form. "You said you found her just adrift? Hmm impressive indeed." The pressure from the shackles suspending her wrists above her head and keeping her feet spread eagle style. "Just by those massive pieces of flesh I think she will be perfect." the voice said again before a soft warm hand would grasp Azula's bare breast groping her body.

As her eyes cracked open to locate her molester Azula would be greeted by the sight of a woman. This woman however would be perhaps one of the most beautiful the fire bender had ever seen. Long red hair that pulled down to her waist an unusual trait for a world populated with dark haired citizens, creamy white skin that gave off a brief glow from the lighting within the prison cell Azula was suspended in gave off an ethereal appearance that complimented the pink kimono the woman was wearing.

"Oh good morning." The woman purred seeing Azula wake as she rolled the pink nipple between her fingers. "Welcome to the after life how are you today?" She asked with such a sweet tone it gave off an air of uncertainty as brown eyes stared into hazel. "I hope you are ready for your new life." She said
The cold chill of iron was the first sensation Azula felt as she returned to consciousness, her eyes fluttering open slowly. Her head felt as though a boulder had been dropped upon it and she was soon aware of her lack of clothing, sending jolts of wakefulness through her body. She was wide awake now, her mind a whirl of memories and emotions as she stared at the form of a woman before her. Her wrists and ankles were bound and the woman was more than willing to grope her naked form. Rage broiled up immediately at the audacity this peasant showed.

Her rage reached new heights when the woman handled her nipple so casually, manifesting in the form of wicked blue flames erupting from her mouth. Those flames were her pride and joy and even without her hands and feet available she could still weaponize them. She struggled fiercely against her bonds, her eyes wild with desperation and rage. A bound dragon was what she resembled, breathing fire and roaring in indignant anger at this situation. She had no idea who this woman was but if she expected Azula, daughter of Ozai, granddaughter of Azulon, and great-granddaughter of Sozin, to simple cry and whimper then she had another thing coming.

“Release me! I demand you release me this instant!” The firebending prodigy screamed, spittle escaping her lips in her primal fury.

In the throes of her anger the fire stopped suddenly as the words the woman had spoken finally registered to her. Afterlife. The alley, the thief, the knife in her chest. It all came crashing back down upon the former princess, her eyes widening in both revelation and denial. No, it couldn’t be true. This woman was lying and that had all been a dream. She, the greatest firebender to ever live, was not murdered in some random hole in the Earth Kingdom. She was not dead, she was not dead! It couldn’t be! The struggles resumed tenfold along with a shriek of purest anguish to follow.
The woman watched as Azula screamed her demands of release and then cry over the realization that she had in fact died. It was certainly a good thing this was not the first firebender that had been captured otherwise the entire room along with the restraints may have been melted courtesy of Azula's fiery wrath. Oh this was perfect already her newest slave was on the first step to submission as she continued to scream in sorrow. The knowledge of her fate slowly sinking in was the first step in breaking someone to their new life.

Once Azula was done did the woman speak. "Now that you have that out of your system are you going to behave now?" she asked a hand placed on Azula's stomach rubbing the smooth skin as she began to trace circles around her navel. "Face facts dear. You are nothing but a spirit" she said removing her hand and stepping away.
Azula’s expression was a mix of rage and anguish, both emotions that did not make her conductive to her current treatment by this woman. Sapphire flames flared from her nostrils in warning, the way her dark hair hung loosely around her gave her a wild look. The gleam in her eyes was reminiscent of a dragon that had been caught and caged. She recoiled from the touch placed upon her body, flames erupting from her lips once more. Desperation had taken hold, animalistic and primal. She needed to get away from here and get her bearings, to try and convince herself that she was not truly dead.

She strained against the bonds holding her to no avail and instead settled for glaring daggers at the woman that rattled her chains to. Attractive she might be physically but Azula wanted nothing more than to melt her flesh from her bones or fry her with lightning. Even if she was a spirit she had no intention of submitting to someone who was no doubt her lesser. She was not a princess anymore, but she was still one of the most powerful firebenders to ever live. Lightning itself heeded her call and her blue flames were wonders seen rarely across countless generations.

“If you release me immediately I might not prolong your suffering longer than necessary! You cannot imprison a dragon, fool! Even if I am a spirit I can still destroy a peasant like you!” She ranted.
The woman watched with growing amusement as Azula continued her enraged struggle. The fire nor the threat even phased her in the slightest and only produced a small giggle from the woman. "You really do not understand how the Spirit World works my little dragon." she chided as if she was speaking to a child. Reaching to her waist the woman produced a knife from the ribbon holding her kimono together. "Let me show you." she said with a cruel intent in her eyes.

Then without warning or notice the knife was plunged into Azula's body in ironically the same spot that had cost the former princess her life. Instead of once again feeling death's cold embrace consume her once more the only thing that Azula would feel was the pain from being stabbed. "Spirits can't die twice little girl." the Woman said gripping the hilt of the knife and twisting it a bit to add emphasis to her point. The cruel and mischievous smirk only grew as she leaned forward steadily pushing the knife in deeper.

"Now that you understand this truth I have a small offer for you." She purred into Azula's ear before pulling the knife free and stepping away. "You certainly do not wish to be hanging in my cell naked for the rest of eternity and I have been extremely bored as of late." she said turning back to look at Azula. "I'll set you free so you can wander the Spirit world to find your place...on one condition." She said with a grin before stepping forward so their faces were mere inches apart. "I run a little arena here in the afterlife where I pit the greatest and most beautiful warriors against each other for my enjoyment. To gain your freedom you must beat me in a fight my little dragon." She said enjoying the comparison Azula made to herself.

"If you win your free to do whatever you want. If you lose though..." the Woman said as a single finger touched Azula's hip and raked her skin as it slowly guided up to her breast. "Your mine...forever..." the woman said huskily the evil and lust shining in her eyes like a fire. "If you agree to my little deal...kiss me." She said with a smirk. "Kiss me like you body craves and desire it....or I will leave you strung up here until you change your mind." The woman could not help but enjoy herself with the position she held. Freedom was just within Azula's reach but the only way to even get close to it was by playing to her captor's twisted and perverted desires for the moment. Leaning forward ever so slightly she waited for Azula to make her mind up.
The patronizing tone the woman took only served to infuriate Azula further, who did this peasant think that she was? Some big shot in the Spirit World perhaps, if indeed that was where the former Fire Princess was. Her mind was still having trouble believing that little detail. Her tongue peeked out from behind her lips and moistened them quickly in a lull in her tirade of fire and rage. The shackles binding her would not bend or break even under the intensity of her flames, it was extremely vexing but Azula was already trying to work out another way out of them.

That was when a blade found its way into chest, right where she remembered being stabbed and that brought with it a cry of pain. No death however, just the pain of the wound itself and as it was she only barely could hear the woman’s explanation over the shock. The blade twisted cruelly and Azula was not ashamed to admit that she felt tears rising in her eyes and another scream was ripped from her lips. It hurt worse than the weapon that had killed her and at the moment, considering her lack of death she was willing to believe that she was dead.

The knife came free and Azula fell slack in her restraints, panting loudly as she listened to the offer presented before her. It was a fair enough offer if she was being honest with herself, a chance to get out of here based on her own talents. The former Fire Princess allowed a tiny smirk to cross her face, arrogant in every sense of the word. Her captor was giving her a chance at freedom, and a chance to repay this indignity at the same time. When Azula was finished with this bitch she would be screaming for mercy in the midst of azure flames.

The caveat to her escape however was rather irritating, as Azula’s logical mind was given time to catch up she went over the reasoning behind it. A power play, the woman wanted to display that it was in her good grace that she could escape. If the Fire Princess refused she’d be locked up and there would be no issue for the woman. If she refused then her pride might be less injured for it, however she would have passed up a golden opportunity to escape these bonds for the sake of mere pride. It would be foolish. Azula was no fool. She was the woman that had conquered Ba Sing Se in a bloodless coup, doing what the Dragon of the West and countless generals before him had failed to do.

“I will never be yours, peasant. You’ll be begging for mercy at my feet soon enough.” The former Fire Princess said, right before seizing the woman’s lips in her own. The kiss was not loving by any means, it was rough and animalistic in its nature. Her teeth grazed the woman’s lower lip right before she thrust her tongue forcefully into her mouth, wrestling with her own. It was a kiss that demonstrated the struggle for dominance against another’s partner, Azula did not love. She controlled, that was what she craved and that was what she showed the woman in her kiss.
It was done their wager was sealed with a single kiss. Oh and how wonderful did it feel. With her freedom right before her it would seem Azula put all of her effort into the kiss. It was rare for her prisoner to actually put her tongue down the woman's throat in such a rough manner. It didn't take but a second for her to adapt before her own tongue pushed Azula's back and began to explore her own mouth. A hand gliding up to the back of Azula's head and pushing her forward into the act of Lesbiasm.

However the woman could not help but smile while they kissed. She never told Azula how long they had to remain lip locked and if Azula wanted to keep her end of the bargain she had to do it out of passion the WHOLE TIME. After ten minutes the woman finally sperated from the former princess with a hungry to the girl's lips. "Not bad my little dragon. But you should realize that it will soon be you begging...for something far more enjoyable." She said with a wink after all no straight woman would chain another one up naked and thrust their tongue down another's throat for so long.

With a snap of her fingers the chains slackened and the shackles unlocked with a loud click and fell to the floor before a small bundle of red clothes fell to Azula's feet. The outfit in question was simple consisting of a red shirt and breeches with sandals. "I will wear no armor during this fight and neither shall you....once you are dressed you will be released from this room and escorted to the arena." The woman said in a direct authoritave tone before giving a small wink and departing with the door locking behind her.
Azula did not like locking lips with the woman at first, however as the kiss dragged on she allowed herself into a state of acceptance and competition. There was a struggle as the woman’s own tongue wrestled with hers more adeptly, gaining passage to her mouth and examining it thoroughly. She seized her head and forced her deeper into the kiss, being that Azula technically didn’t require air anymore she had no idea how much time had passed since it first began. There was the tiniest bit of arousal to be found in the former Fire Princess as she eventually sucked lightly on the other woman’s tongue, still struggling for dominance in vain.

Finally after ten long minutes the chains fell slack and Azula fell to her knees unceremoniously. The shackles binding her were gone entirely and she was allowed to move freely, she’d be lying if the first thought in her mind wasn’t to engage the woman here and now. She opted against it, where better to defeat her captor than before the eyes of everyone in the so called arena. Her eyes fell upon the clothes presented to her, wrinkling her nose slightly but opting to suffer the clothing for as long as it took to end this humiliating situation.

After the woman left Azula quickly started putting her new clothing on, more than fine without armor. She depended upon a mix of speed and power to defeat her opponents, freedom of movement was key. Already her strategy was forming in her mind, likely it would be good to start out with some basic katas. She would need to get a feel for her opponent if she hoped to defeat her. Lightning would be a good follow up to the warm up, it was exceptionally powerful and very much likely to put anyone on the defensive.

The princess rolled her shoulders experimentally once fully dressed, moving her legs and then flexing her toes before going through a few slow and basic katas to test her movement in the clothes. It was suitable and didn’t hamper her in any way. The door then opened and a similarly dressed woman beckoned her out of the room, Azula followed closely. She was a bit irritated to lack a hair tie, her hair was a long but hopefully it would not get in the way too much. Besides, once she won this she could hopefully be drowning in hair ties and ribbons. For now she focused on memorizing the path taken to the arena for future use.
The route was plain yet simple as it appeared to be a typical prison or dungeon the woman had locked Azula in. Plain gray walls with only iron doors leading to cells either vacant or occupied by others the woman has taken into her 'care'. Finally the hallway came to end at a door. "Here you are." the girl said to Azula motioning forward opening the metal door. "From here you will go up a series of stairs before arriving at a metal gate which leads into the arena." The girl said.

"I should warn you though. The Mistress did want to inform you of what obstacles you will face." The girl added with a small smile. "The arena is not like many common ones in the mortal realm. The circular arena is open to the environments and is composed of a rock flooring with torches adorning six pillars with a pool of water under each torch." The girl said indicating the arena was designed specifically for any form of Bender to have a fair chance. "This fight will be open to the Mistress's usual spectators for viewing. Once the fight begins you must deliver a killing blow to gain victory. The victor then has the freedom to do whatever they wish to the loser in front of the entire audience of spirits of past humans and other slaves like myself." The girl stated "Any questions?" She asked
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