My Wonderland

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Koli engle

Dec 23, 2013
Good meeting you sirs and ma'ams

Now contray to the title this is not an "alice in wonderland" type deal. Well ... It could be possibly. But not the intent this is merely a inventation to my wonderland. Now to start I am going to be Alittle pretentious and talk about me which male sence since this is my world and you fine people just live here.

Now to the point I am not a 10 paragraph literary master. I am not a grammar nazi nor am I a perfect speller. If you are that's fine we can play( unless you do write 10 paragraphs per post. I don't want to play with you. I have ADD and I won't read it all and I won't reply) any thing more the paragraph or two is too much I write enough to give you something to play on and to set a scene. I will play anything that will make the story work male female both animal monster don't care lets do it

Now on to my world anything goes though I perfer something alittle more then straight smut I do like a story line. But as far as what kind it is in the air all thing are aloud ( except the gross body contorting gory stuff and keep you bodily funtions to yourself) but other than that it all good oh and I like all people to have heads don't need to be on the shoulders but keep it in hand fun things can come from heads. I am not a fan of the mundane normal people ordinary live I get that out of my life I play on here to get away from that. So if your not abby-normal your not welcome.

So recap
Anything other than normal human breath and life optional if you can make it work
No gore
And short and sweet posts
As always watch out for the mome raths
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