Intruder plus a Brother and Sister Roleplay Idea.

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Oct 31, 2014
Intruder plus a Brother and Sister Roleplay Idea.
I would like to roleplay a detailed roleplay.

In this roleplay there are 3 Characters an Intruder and a Brother (17yo) and Sister (15yo) and both are virgins. The only sexual activities would be between the brother and the sister. There would be no force or rough play.

The basic idea is the intruder would eventully get the brother and sister to have sex with one another, while he recorded them.

They would be reluctant to do anything but with the threats he would get his way. Also in the end the blackmail of what he recorded would be the thing he needed to make sure that the bother and sister didn't tell anyone about what happened.

(They would be reluctant about doing anything but knew they had no other choice to comply with his requests, and follow his directions, of what he wanted them to do.)

You would play the brother and I do not mind playing the intruder as well as the sister.

Let me know what you think of this idea, and if you would be interested in roleplaying it.

(So if you are a detailed roleplayer and would like to role play this, pls send me a private message.)

(I would like to role play on yahoo messenger with IM's and by text only.)

I have a lot more details about the characters and background inforation about the characters.

But we can discuss more of the details if you are interested. Also would love to hear any thoughts, details and ideas you have for the roleplay.

So please only genuine people who are commited to playing this roleplay, contact me thank you.
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