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The Arcanist and the Assassin (MysteriousD and Ghastygoo)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Welcome to the magical kingdom of Cosmanova. A beautiful kingdom of stone, it is devoted to the pursuit of magic to benefit all living beings. Intelligence, guile and heart are prized among here as several aspiring magicians, wizards, witches, alchemists, arcanists, spellcrafters and so on arrive from all walks of life to learn and enhance their craft. Beyond the study, many magical resources and services are provided. All of them are watched by the council and the head, the Sorcerer King and the Sorceress Queen. They have ruled nobly and fairly for years and the princes have grown.

Both of them were born with strange magic. The younger was born with the talent of Synchronicity, allowing him to be at the right time, right place and right people with what he needs. Rougish but noble, he spends most of his time outside the Kingdom, carving up his own adventures. His older brother usually writes them down. He too was born with a rare talent. But one so rare and powerful that the enemies of the Cosmanova Kingdom would try to do anything to possess or destroy it.

The power of thuamaturgy. Miracle working.

Our story begins as Prince Diego is currently spending his time walking in the park. it was autumn, his favorite season and he would like to help the local shamans find some mushrooms. For some strange feeling, he couldn't help like he was being followed...
Her past hadn't been pleasant. She was no royalty nor was she even well-off. Hired as an assassin from off the streets of her city, born into a line of bad blood. Hers was the lineage that was infamous, yet poor as the dirt that lined the roads. Trained to kill. Ingrained to find disgust in all things magic, even though she could use some darker forms for her own work or mischief as she pleased. Faewlen narrowed her eyes, breath coming to her in shallow waves, her body as tense and still as the dried branch beneath her feet.

She had come from a neighboring kingdom, Falkreath, one that was at war with its betters. They believed in a world without magic, and it's king and queen had fallen long ago to a rebellion almost a decade before. The new council, supposedly called the Shadow, sought to conquer all known kingdoms other than itself and to control with an iron fist all that was deemed magical. Or eradicate it, if they could not keep it under tabs. In this, the intel gathered on this supposed new power of thaumaturgy found only in the prince, they had deemed too dangerous. He must be executed.

So here Faewlen found herself, dressed in a long black cloak, hooded, out of sight in the branches just above the prince himself. There were guards, but a simple flick of her wrist would send three poisoned needles into their necks. It would kill within seconds, time enough for her to dispatch her main target.
It wasn't just the guards though. He had grown able to sense if it were the guards or not bothering him. As a Prince, he was well-aware that he was a wanted target. His younger brother had so much chamr and charisma, no one outside of a super-golem could try to do it. Even then, he would have an army of allies by then. Diego on the other hand, did not have his brother's charisma or social skills. To be frank, he was a bit awkward. He adjusted his glasses as he looked around. He recalled for a moment some of the preparations for assassination. The basic alarm spells, teleporation spells and even the copious injections of alchemic anti-venoms. He shuddered... he didn't like needles. However, he just sighed and shook his head. He was being too panicky.

Diego was born with a big heart and he always tried to see the good in people. The guards twitched as their detection spells set off and turned around to see Faewlen. From a farther distance, an elderly manw as feeding the birds. He was also a top grade assassin and his job was to kill Faewlen so she couldn't be linked and they wouldn't have to pay her. Who would miss or care for someone like her?
Faewlen noticed the heavily armored guards below twitch inside of their enchanted metal gear, her mouth opening slightly as she began to chew her bottom lip. No doubt there had been spells placed around the vicinity to trip like any normal alarm would upon foreign movement. Quickly and with excellent precision, the elf threw all three of the poison darts, piercing the small space between the shoulder pads and the helmets of her victims. And like so many times before in practice, all went down within moments, crumpling to the ground in a loud, heavy heap. The metallic clangs resounded through the forest for ages. Not missing a step, nor uttering a sound, the agile assassin launched herself into the air and down upon the prince, her weight forcing him down into a pile of fiery orange and red leaves.

Her hood had slipped from her face but Faewlen didn't care. He would soon be dead and thus she would not have to fear covering herself. Being an elf, her skin was of a fair color, an almost ivory and olive mix, long ears flat and horizontal to her slender face. Her eyes were of a stunning jade green, but they held a certain cold deadness to them, just as the gem. Her brown hair held flat to her skull, smooth and flowing over her shoulders now, barely touching the prince's heaving chest. Her lips curled into a grin as she pulled a dagger slowly from her back pouch strapped to her thigh. "Sweet dreams, prince," she whispered, moving to cut his throat.
Diego turned around and looked surprised as he saw two of the guards collapsed. He ran toward them to check if they were all right. "Griffin! Manticore!" he called out to the guards before something or rather someone landed on him. It was an elf. A very pretty elf. However, his mind registered what was going on when he saw the dagger. However, the wind changed rapidly and he sensed it.

"Look out!"

He used his free arm to grab Faewlen and roll off to avoid the enchanted arrow. Actually, make it a cursged arrow. It struck the grass and it began to wither an rot. An arrow meant for the elf. "Owwwwe!" He screams as the arrow had scratches him. His wound steamed as he healed. He then saw Faewlen with her own scratch and looking ill. He placed a finger and healed her of the poison before going to the near near guards.

He placed his palms and they glowed golden as he began to heal them. They stirred before getting up. "Cursed arrow... If you got hit, you would have been decayed into dust," he said before observing the spreading of the dead grass. He placed his palms on the ground and healed that too. The other assassin, too stunned to say prndinanything, left but was probably seen by Faewlen. "Are you okay?" He asked her with a smile
For fuck's sakes, she'd been nicked by those infamous cursed arrows. How had she not seen the old man? How had she not felt his overwhelming and powerful presence? Perhaps he had masked it too.. But as he fled, vanishing into a literal puff of smoke, she had caught his face within her eyes' grasp. It was one of the Council's personal mages, one that had been turned assassin on his own kind much like herself. But he'd been an expert, someone that no one in the kingdom dared tangle with... Faewlen's thoughts snapped back as her arm began to rot, the skin going ash gray as if it were decaying. A mere moment of panic was all the elf had, scrambling for her dagger to make the most drastic but life-saving movements; cutting off her arm. However, the prince had reached her in time and reversed the said curse, the skin appearing normal once more and the pain fading away.

Without paying any mind to the guards that were now revived and pointing their swords at her, magic in hand as well, her jade eyes narrowed. "Why would you save me? Do you plan to behead me?"
Prince Diego intially ignored what she said and examined her arm. After a moment of study, he smiled and sighed. "Thank goodness you're okay," Diego said as he stood up and looked at her. He looked at the guards. "Guys, it's okay. I'm all right and she's all right," Diego told the guards. He stood up and looked at them sternly. They slowly lowered their weapons and stepped back.

"As for why I saved you... it's because it's the right thing to do. Life is sacred and you didn't deserve to die. So, what's your name? Me... well, I'm Diego Vendrix. Pleasure to meet you," he said with a smile as he offered his hand.

The elderly assassin sensed it when the boy tapped into the magic. His power was far greater and ancient than even the relics of pre-history had. However, he was sure that the elf would be killed.

He, like many others, underestimate the kindness and mercy of the kingdom.
Faewlen couldn't believe her eyes as the prince examined her arm and then called the guards to steady their weapons. He was showing her a kindness equivalent of forgiving her for attempted murder, something all kingdoms punished with damnation or death. At least to her knowledge. The elf stood, her ears perking up to their normal position, eyes focusing more clearly. She was tall, since she was of the fairer race. She was a slender and agile five feet and ten inches, her hair blowing gently in the breezes.

"So you do not wish harm to me?" Her voice was uncertain and quiet. Nobody had been kind to her all her life, but this was unnatural. Forgiven for a crime and asked by the very man she was contracted to kill if she was alright. Her eyes closed, head bowing with her right hand over her chest. "Sir...if you could ever forgive or trust a wretch such as myself, I would pledge my services to you. It seems like the very men who employed me planned in executing me themselves."
Diego spent a little bit more time looking at her. He've seen elves before, but he couldn't help, but admire Faewlen up close. She was attractive and had a slender build to be expected of her job. In fact, he saw how her ears responded to her emotion. "No, I don't want to hurt anyone at all. I know violence is a part of life and there's certainly... enthusiastc folk who enjoy beating up one another for a myraid of reasons, but to me, forceful action like violence is best implemented when protecting the people you care about," the youn man said. He was in his late teens or young twenties.

It was a bit difficult to tell since both his parents looked younger naturally than they were, a trait passed on to the princes.

"You're not a wretch. You're just a person who got dealt a bad hand and ended up making bad decisions. That doesn't mean you can't redeem yourself," he said as he looked at her when she raised her head. His child-like smile was still there and amplified by his innocent yet knowledge-filled brown eyes.

He looked to the guards. "She's part of the group now. Before you say anything, remember all the things you did in the past. Griffin, Minotaur, I seem to recall having to convince my dad to have you guys remain," he said. remembering just how much of a strict taskmaster his dad could be. When they went about, Diego held her hand. "Come on then. Let's get you a nice uniform and some armor. You can also shower and have something to eat if you'd like, Miss...?" he said, before remembering that he never got her name.
The elf was certainly surprised by how kind the prince was, but she saw the logic and vast amount of kindness displayed behind his words and thus relaxed to some degree. If he would've harmed her, it would've been by now her blood would be staining the leaves below them. Her jade green eyes swept over him once more, taking in his appearance. He was quite young, or at least, appeared it. In fact, she was likely a few years older than him. Elves kept the same likeness for many years, even generations as they were considered having possessed the longest lifespan of humanoid races. Her ears twitched as the prince took her hand, glancing at the guards behind her. She didn't like bodily contact but she would not draw away out of being rude.

"My name is Faewlen, your highness. I come from Falkreath. I'm sure you're accustomed to that dark kingdom... Or at least know of it."
"Just call me Diego. I'm still not used of being referred to as 'sir' and such," Diego said as he rubbed the back of his head in modesty with a sheepish smile on his face. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Faewlen," he said to her before she mentioned she was Falkreath. Falkreath was what some of the people called the Forsaken Alliance. Them, Blackwood, the Wyrm Dominions and the Warlock Wastelands... he didn't understand what they had against him or their allies. However, he hoped to figure it out. He didn't want their to be any wars.

"I've heard of it. I heard they and Blackwood nearly went to war. Despite their alliance, I wonder what they are up to," Diego said as he led her to the palace. He led her around as he was looking for something. He finally found a nice and sturdy room. He led her to it. "Here's your new room. It's near mine and it's a nice place to watch over. I know it's got only the basics like a bed, closet and bathroom, but I can help you decorate it if you want," he said to her with a smile.
Faewlen nodded as they had begun to approach the room. "They began making underhanded deals with us for supplies and information. Their blood runs far dirtier than ours." She shook her head, but it was still rather ironic since she herself had come from a corrupt kingdom full of scum and thieves. Heading into her new quarters, Faewlen looked around. It was far more than she'd ever had, especially with it all to herself. Already she was imagining the wonderful warm baths she could have.

"It is wonderful, thank you your-... Diego. I won't be needing much in the way of decorations though."
Diego looked at her with a smile. He was happy that to see her smile. When she mentioned about the others, he nodded. "We'll talk about later. For now, what do you want to do? You want to shower first?" he suggested to her. He decided there would be things to talk about later. He was wondering what to do. "I know that you were probablu sent out to kill me because of this Miracle Magic I have. To be honest, I have no idea what it does. I've used to heal people from lotsa of things, even from the brink of death and I feel that I didn't use even a bit of it," he said crossing his arms.

Leaning against the wall he was in thought. He was also making calculations in his head to figure out how to make her some armor.
"Yes, that's what I was intent on doing. The other factions did not particularly enjoy the idea of such a strong magic being out of their control. The councils even doubted they could ever try to, so they wanted you killed instead. I was raised by the council from off the streets, and trained as an assassin. I have a particularly dark form of magic they valued." Faewlen sighed, unzipping the black and red cloak and dropping it onto the large bed. Her mind was stumbling over itself, confused as to why she needed to be killed as well. It couldn't have simply been for the purpose of not needing to pay her. She rarely ever had been anyways. Whatever the case, that was in the past.

The elf walked over to the shower, the screen of a beautiful carved glass. She only had a somewhat dirty undershirt beneath the coat, although her pants were still on.
"Well, I don't know. I think evem they underestimate this magic. It's alive. It feels and moves on its own almost. It's a different power all on its own," Diego explains to her. When she goes off to shower, he goes and gives her measurements to the royal blacksmith, the royal alchemist and royal enchanter. That way the armor could help protect her the best she could be. He then decided to make her something to eat. He knew how to cook at least.

He began to cook something for Fawlen while she was showering. It was something simple, but still good. It was a grilled cheese sandwich with some tomato soup. He hoped she would like it. He stood outside her room with tray in hand for her.
Faewlen felt the hot water course over her, her ears relaxing horizontally from her skull. It felt amazing, having something that wasn't just a frigid cold bath. Finally getting to clean herself with soap that smelled like ivory and lotuses. It was just short of being paradise. Or maybe it was and she couldn't believe it. After almost a half an hour spent in the steam, the elf stepped lightly from the shower, wrapping a towel around herself. Because of her taller frame, in order to cover her lower regions she needed to skimp a bit on the upper ones. So she pulled her hair forward, two locks covering her breasts.

There came a knock on the door, and the brunette opened it, her green eyes staring at Diego in disbelief. "Don't you have servants and such? I can't believe that a prince is serving someone, especially one like me..." A light blush spread across her cheeks, gently taking the tray from him.
Diego blushed when he looked at Faewlen. From how long she was in the shower, she certainly savored the hot water. Howeer, he did not expect for her to come out with just a towl and her hair covering her breasts. Muttering a note to get larger towels for her taller frame, he smiled when he saw her own blush. "I suppose so. My dad sees them more like employees," Diego says as he shrugs his shoulders. A Mageocracy worked somewhat like a monarchy, but the position is earned through proficiency and understanding of magic. His dad had an understanding in a form of analytical magic, allowing him to be a powerful and strict taskmasker of operations.

"So when you get dressed and such, we can go for a tour some more, okay?" Diego said to her with a smile. He wasn't sure what to do beyond that, unless the rumors of his brother and some of his group coming into town were true. His brother served as an impromptu spymaster.
The elf nodded, gently closing the door behind her as she set the tray down. Her hair had dried enough to out on some clothes, so she dropped the towel and searched her small pack for any spare sets of clothing. None. Perhaps one of the chests in the room? Her naked framed walked over, peering in one and finding clean linen shirts and a brownish red skirt, almost like maroon. It suited her needs, so she dressed with both and began to eat the food provided her by the prince. It tasted amazing, although she would never figure that it was Diego who had made it. She figured it was a chef of his.

So after a half hour had ellipsed total, she left the room and went to find the young royal.
Diego decided to let her eat her lunch in peace while he walked around the palace a bit. He had taken to check up on her armor and such. It wouldn't be ready until tomorrow. He shrugged his shoulderd before finding her once more. "So Faewlen, what did you think of the sandwich and soup? I made it myself," Diego told her with a smile. He then continue to lead her through a tour.

"You must be really good at your job if you manage to take Minotaur and Griffin. Looks like they'll need to be taking their antitoxin boosters early this month," Diego murmured hoping he didn't touch on any nerves.
"Are they trained to be personal guards? Or just average knights or magicians?" She walked with a certain fluidity alongside Diego, listening to him with a faint surprise in finding it was himself who made the food for her. So kind and yet she was one of the darkest hearts in their world. She just wasn't pointed towards showing it with violence unless provoked or told to. Faewlen was glancing around the palace as they walked, amazed at the surrounding glamor and architecture.
"They have some experience as personal guards, but they aren't professionals regarding that. Of course, I know I'm in safe hands, knowing that I am protected by you," Diego said, smiling as he showed his faith in her. He was now in the yards as he pointed out all sorts of things. "Well, I think you'll be happy here. Right now I need to be able to come up with a good lie as to how you came here, or else my mom will go bananas with worry," he said as he was in thought.

He then paused. Something was wrong. "I think someone's here," Diego said as he looked around the gardens. He got his hands up.
Faewlen was left in awe as they came over to the grounds covered by gardens and fountains alike. It even seemed that some crops were grown out here too. She could faintly see a few strawberry bushes. Suddenly Diego's voice changed tone and she could tell he was alarmed to feel someone's presence, someone that wasn't meant to be there. Instinctively, the elf said a few words, part of a reprise to a full incantation.

Immediately, her arms burst into a shadowy fire, the sides of her forearms gaining two several inch long blades. She could swipe someone with ease, and they appeared sharp enough to even go through unprotected armor of any kind.
Something came out of the garden and Diego flinched in shock. It was an artifically created being, specifically, a homunculus. However, this one in particular was quite gruesome looking. While he possessed the telltale gray white skin and the aritfical look, lacking the subtle details on the outside a normal person would have, he was also dripping red and based on enlarged arms, he was mutated. This was confirmed when the latex-like skin ripped and bits of real meat dripped out along with green sludge.

"It's a homunculus... made of flesh and what seems to be plant material," Diego murmured incredibly before the thing roared and its large arm mutated into the shape of carnivorous monster mixed with a venus flytrap at him. Diego dodged before finding the plant extended vines and began crushing him.
Faewlen could only stare at the mutated being, half-gagging when it began dripping bits and pieces of the meat and sludge it was made of. The smell was horrid too; like a decaying body. Without further delay as the vines were already climbing up Diego's legs and making to strangle or kidnap him, the elf lurched forward and slashed at the vines, severing them with ease. Next came the head and the heart, either of which might permanently disable the monster. She stepped off its shoulder and flew into the air, shrouding herself in the dark magic she had been gifted with as a child and flew straight into the beast, making it explode on impact. Dismembered limbs and it's head went flying, the disgusting slop littering the garden.

Faewlen looked about her, ashamed she'd made a mess. But... Oh gods it was like that one time long ago... The exertion was getting to her. Before she could even glance at Diego to see if she was okay, she collapsed, blacking out.
Diego caught his breath when he was freed of the grip. He whistled and the guards appeared. "Have the Necromancer look into this," Diego said to them. The Royal Coroner or as he prefered to be called, the Necromancer, was the one in charge of clean-up duty and investigating whatever supernatural horrors were involved here. He then went over to Faewlen and picked her up before taking her to her room.

He also healed his cracked ribs.

When Faewlen woke up, she'd notice she was in the room and that Diego had a big smile on his face, showing off the new armor that he had made her. "Ta-da! You're now an official Guard here and my personal protector. Your citizenship into Cosmanova is beign finalized. Welcome," he said to her with a smile. "Really happy you're okay," he said.
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