Plumber problems and accidental love (Krystal x Thatguy)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt

Gwen sighed at the last day of school but it also made her smile. After her annual pool party, it was just her in the house for the whole summer, which she liked, able to get all her college prep done, and maybe solve some mysteries with her cousin and grandfather. She missed the bus, as it seemed like it had been ages since they actually were 10, solving mysteries as junior plumbers. She had such fun memories, and during the year, she missed it and thought of those time often. "I can't wait until i can use magic again." she said at almost a whisper with a sigh, putting her hair up in a big blue bow, secretly wishing her cousin would pay her any mind. He was always to busy with his skater friends during the school year to give her any second glances, but now that school was over, it was her shot. As soon as the last bell rang, she was out as quick as a flash to the nearest Pac-sun to buy a cute but tasteful bikini. Ben had always come to her parties, so maybe this year she could surprise him and make him see how much she liked him, even if it was a little taboo.

Once Gwen was home, she took a quick shower, dried herself with magic, and then put on her sexy yet tasteful black bikini. Next was her makeup, which was a tasteful matte pink lip, and lime eyeshadow with dark black cat eye wings to them. Her hair was in a simple pony tail, but in her cute bikini and green and black flip flops, she was beautiful. Gwen knew her cousin would arrive soon, as he was always her first to help set up the pool party. "Please notice me this year, Ben." She pleaded, waiting for her cousin on the big blue sofa in her living room.

The young man almost cheered when the bell rang for the end of his last class of the school year. The end of a dreary and boring 3 months that just seemed to drag on forever, it was time, Ben thought, for a summer of alien action and fun.

He said goodbye to his school chums and walked a few blocks to the nearest Mr. Smoothies for his favorite grape soda. As he slurped away, he pulled out his cell phone and decided to call Gwen to see if she were having her annual swimming pool party, and maybe tease her, he thought with an added smile.

Then the phone began to ring, and he got up to toss the Mr. Smoothie Styrofoam cup into the trashcan and started towards his home to change, though he did think about changing into XLR8 to hurry up, he decided against it. Today was a good day, and he just wanted to enjoy it.
When Gwen called her cousin, it was mostly cause she was feeling kind of lonely. Everything was set for her pool party, and now she was just sitting around waiting for the guests to arrive. She wanted to enjoy this party, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to do that unless he was there. She liked seeing her cousin, but they had both been so busy. Him with skateboarding and alien problems, and her working super hard in AP classes. She was trying to get into harvard. Hopefully they would have more time to spend together now that it was summer, and the last year of school was done.
When their phones connected, Ben answered knowing full well who it was and said with a teasing smile, "hey dweeb," he called her jokingly, oh the good old days, he remembered fondly. "Anybody arrive yet?" He asked her out of curiosity, thinking of all the bikini-clad chicks that would behold his eyes. He was just a few blocks from his own home, and was itching to change.
Gwen smiled sadly when he picked up. The good old days were fun, but she wanted to be more than just his "dweeb." She chuckled. "Hey jerk face. No, nobody's here yet, so you better get your butt over here." She told him jokingly, though there was a small sadness to her voice she knew he wouldn't pick up on. Ben was never much for little details for that. She honestly hated being alone, because anytime she was, all her thoughts wandered to her cousin. Her handsome, amazing, heroic, funny cousin. She loved hI'm, but she knew he could never see her like that.
"Don't worry, Gweny," he teased as he entered his parent's and his home, "i'll get changed and be there with XLR8 faster than you can say Lucky Girl," he added her old hero name with a bit of a tease, unaware of a small note left on the kitchen counter and went to grab his swimming trunk, "see you in a sec," he told her and hung up. Us the green and white watch like item, he was enveloped in a green light, and was gone.

He re-appeared a few seconds later at Gwen's front door, now in the form of a slender blue alien in a racing-like outfit. He smiled and knocked thousands of times a second, which all came out as one loud one.
"Alright ben." She said with a chuckle at the tease, her mind wandering a little "okay, I'll be here." She added before he hung up, not surprised when there was a knock on the door. XLR8 made everything quick. Sometimes she wished she had that power. "Coming!" She yelled, throwing on her t shirt, so only her bikini bottoms were exposed. She was suddenly feeling self conscious. Gwen smiled when she opened the door, ushering the blue alien in. "You can phase back now, jerk face." She said with a chuckle, playing with a stray strand of hair. She was trying to get it back into her blue barrette.
Ben had just enough juice from the omnitrix to run into the kitchen and fix himself a sandwich. When he fazed back, he himself was in nothing but swimming trunks. As he took the first mouthful of sandwhich, he paused mid second bite as he took in the full picture of how his cousin looked. And something stirred within him that he was unfamiliar with.

"Wow, Gwen," he said, still with the sandwhich in hand, "you look, wow,"
Gwen giggled a little, her cheeks tinted a light pink. "Its just me, jerk face." She said, grinning at him. Inside her head though, she was scrutinizing his words. Had he just finally noticed her? Will she finally get what she wants? She had so many questions, but they were left unanswered, and that left the pretty redhead so frustrated. She had always been the smart one, she had always been the answerer, so why couldn't she answer the simple questions in her head. She grinned at him, looking him over discreetly. "You don't look half bad yourself, jerk face. Girls will be all over you tonight." She complimented, wanting to be one of those girls, but leaving it alone. Maybe after everybody left, she could get him to stay with her and possibly make a move. She didn't know, and neither cousin knew that while they batteled their sexual urges to each other, their parents had been kidnapped by aliens. Just another day in their lives, it seemed.
Ben noticed his cousin's cheeks go red and set down his sandwhich, even though there just a few bites left, "how many people do you suppose will be showing up?" He asked out of curiousity as he grabbed a bottled water when she complimented him, "that's kind of the point, dweeb," he winked at her after finishing the bottle, but in his own mind, he really only wanted ine of those girls to pay him any sort of mind.
Gwen gave him a weird look as he put down the sandwich, it was strange for him to put down food unless it was gone. She raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure actually Ben. I invited our whole graduating class. I'm sure though that Krystal will appear, and probably drag Kevin along too. Its a wonder that boy hasn't told her how he feels." She admitted, chuckling to herself. It was funny how they had met Krystal. They were chasing charmcaster, when out of nowhere she came and saved them, in only a short skirted sailor suit, and twin samurai swords. Krystal still looked the same now as she did when they met her at 10. She never aged, nor did she change, unless it was useful for the mission. Gwen wasn't sure how old the woman really was, but it was nowhere near them. She laughed. "I know. I'm just teasing, jerk face." She said, grinning at him.

Meanwhile, in a mansion on the outskirts of town, Krystal was getting ready for the party. She smiled to herself and sang an old fae song, day dreaming about Kevin in nothing but his swim trunks. One might say she was a cougar, if they knew how old she really was. The pretty woman was a dark fae queen, having lived upwards of 2,000 years. Kevin didn't know that though. at least, not how old she was. She didn't want him to know how old she really was, as she was quite sensitive about it. Krystal pulled on her simple yet pretty black coverup, and left, going to kevin's flat first to go get him. She knocked lightly, waiting for his door to open.
Krystal, Ben remembered, was some chick that had been watching them back in the day and came to their rescue when charmcaster had gain the upper hand in another hair-brained scheme. She had quite the body on her, Ben thought, but looking at his cousin Gwen right in front of him, it was hard for any girl to compete. "Kevin and you in the same pool, with him all wet soggy?" Ben raised a brown eyebrow with yet another tease, "it's a good thing all the adults are gone," he said with a laugh, "but Kevin might have some competition." He added with nervous laughter as he started for the backyard.

Kevin Levin was in the back of where he lived, like most days, he rarely spent time indoors of his own home, instead he spent his time working on a Chevy Impala, hoping to transform it into another one of his high tech alien transforming vehicles.

Hearing the knock at his door, he slid out from the underside of the vehicle, all sweaty and glistening in the late afternoon Sun and walked through his home, he grabbed the doorknobs opened it, relieved that it was Krystal, a super hot alien chick that kind of liked him, and he kind of liked her too. "Hey Keys, what's up?" He asked as he grabbed a nearby towel to wipe his face.
Gwen laughed. "Yeah, a soggy Kevin is never good. Might turn him to water." She said half jokingly, taking a sip of the can of fruit punch she had just gotten from a cooler out back by the pool. She raised an eyebrow at his next comment, noting his nervousness. "Oh? Well, don't go fighting over her. You know Krys would just lock you two up until you apologized. Besides, I think she likes Kevin anyway." She admitted, thinking back to their first encounter. The woman grinned like a find at their grandfather. "Hey max" she said simply, and his jaw dropped as she singlehandedly apprehended charm caster. It was awe inspiring to watch.

Krystal grinned at him. "Working on the impala again? Guess you forgot about Gwen's party?" She said, eyebrow raised as she discreetly looked him over, clad in nothing but her black and blue bikini and a transparent black cover up. She smirked at him slightly. She liked seeing him all sweat and dirty from working on cars, but today she wanted him clean. "Go get cleaned up. We'll grab some dinner and hop over there in my lotus okay?" She asked, smiling at him. She wanted to talk to him alone anyway.
The two cousins sat side by side on one of the deck chairs, for a moment, Ben's gaze lingered on Gwen's very attractive butt that was just out there for the world to appreciate. "Well when the two of them get here, maybe we could play some water volleyball," he suggested, "we have the hot girls for it," he said teasing.

Remembering Gwendolyn's end of the year party, Kevin fought the urge to slap himself, "I nearly forgot," he said with a sigh, but looked Krystal over and admired all of her curves with a smile, "I'm going to go shower I guess, would you care to join me?" He asked with a wink.
Gwen nodded. "Yeah. That'd be fun." She said, ignoring his hot girl comment and chalking it up to talking about Krystal. The woman was quite beautiful, though much older than she appeared. Gwen didn't think her cousin could see her in that light, even if that were the way she saw him.

Krystal grinned. "Knew you would. Which is why I came to remind you." She said non chalantly, descreetly catching him eyeing her, but not saying a word. She blushed a little. He'd never been so forward. "Sure, not much to take off anyway." She admitted, smirking at him as she pecked his lips before walking into the house swaying her hips suggestively.
"Ladies first then," Kevin said in a gentleman like fashion as she stepped through the doorway and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and rested a hand on her bubble of a butt before moving to close the front door.
Krystal smirked at him. "Why thank you, kind sir." She said, her Texan lilt showing through just slightly. When Krystal was young, she spent a lot of her time in Texas. She loved all the lower states, and had such fun. She had a wonderful plantation, and hers were the best treated servants in the country. She would not buy a slave though, unless it was to free them, particularly the children. She smiled at him as he palmed he ass, winking at him. "Plenty of that to be done, sweets." She said, her smile becoming a devious smirk. She kissed him again, strdipping in a sexy yet quick way, now completely naked, her clothes discarded on his living room floor. "Now, where's the shower, handsome?" She asked, squeezing his chin with a smirk.
"Right this way madame," Kevin joked and gazed at Krystal's beautiful alien body. He himself slipped off his shirt and rested a hand on her ass as he led her towards the master bathroom, though because it was Kevin's it wasn't as decorative if it was decorated with a woman's touch.
Krystal smirked. "You're to kind." She said with a giggle, watching as he took off his shirt. She licked her lips. He was real handsome, she could admit it, and she'd never known anyone like him. She couldn't say she loved him though, at least not yet. She didn't want to freak him out. Maybe if he said it first she would. She followed him to the bathroom, and smiled a little. "Him, quite tasteful. But I would have put the mirror over there." She said, smiling at him.
"Of course you would," he said with a nonchalant roll of his eyes, then started to take off his dirty and torn up blue jeans, he continued to gaze at Krystal, lingering for a moment upon her breasts and vagina before dropping his boxers and revealing his own well endowed body.
Krystal chuckled. "I went to school for fashion and interior design, you know." She said, letting her long blue hair down, smirking a little to her herself. She knew full well he was looking at her, and she liked it. Normally she would beat up someone who ogled her, but for him, she made an exception. He reminded her of her former fiance, bucky. A lot of his mannerisms were like him, but that wasn't why she liked him. she could sense that he liked her not just for her beauty, and she liked him, mutant or not. She smirked as his clothes came off. "Impressive." She remarked, inspecting his body up and down. This was gonna be fun.
"Well maybe you can design me a bathroom the next time I buy a home," Kevin added emphasis on the next time, seeing as how yet another invading alien had demolished his house, "but you ain't seen nothin yet," he said with a wink as he opened the shower door. The shower itself was just big enough for the two of them, but was limited what with his ever growing member down below.
Krystal chuckled. "Maybe I will." She said with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at his next comment. If he got bigger, she'd be a happy girl for sure. Krystal was fairly simple when it came to kinks, and her two favorites were big cocks and rough sex. Seemed she already had one, she wondered if she'd get 2.
Turning on the water of the showerhead, Kevin closed the door before turning his attention to Krystal, the warm water and her body giving home a little extra edge down below. Resting his hands on her slender hips, Kevin went in for a kiss.
Krystal watched as he turned on the water, getting in next to him, the shower was small, but just big enough for them. She wasn't quite sure it was big enough to have sex in, but at this point, she didn't really care. When he kissed her, she kissed back deeper, wrapping her arms around his neck, still deciding on if she wanted to wrap her leg around his waist yet or not.
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