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Is A Touch Of Personality And Modicum Of Individuality Really Too Much To Ask For?

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Mr Quixotic

The Lowest Form Of Wit
Dec 14, 2012
The following thread contains themes of sarcasm and hyperbole, and adult concepts, which may potentially distress or offend some readers. Mr Quixotic would like to advise that it is suitable for Mature Audiences Only (18+, an ability to think/act for themselves, and in possession of a sense of humour). As a work of fiction, any resemblance to those living or dead is purely coincidental. Best consumed with a grain of salt.

Writing samples can be found here, and links to current threads, below:


I've become bored with plots that are based entirely around the concept of, "what the creative and imaginative male thinks up to happen/do to the poor, helpless (hopeless?), submissive female" and/or where the male character possesses every iota of intent in the scene, which comprises approximately 99.99% of female requests on these boards, so I'm looking for something so rarely found on Blue Moon.

Yes, Ladies, I'm requesting one of your characters locate that capacity for independent thought so kindly gifted by evolution to us all (incredibly, I do mean all, not just those graced with a Y Chromosome) then - here comes the unique and outlandish part - actually utilise it to do something all by herself. I know it must appear a mind-boggingly shocking adult concept, and so much more far-fetched and fantastical than even those non-existent vampire and werewolf creatures you like to portray, but it won't kill her, I promise. Once we're done, we could submit it to 'Ripley's Believe It Or Not'. Think of the fame.

“My character is nothing but yet another walking, talking submissive clone, barely even capable of taking a breath without first needing male approval and guidance," does become tedious after a while. As does being the one whose character is required to make every creative decision in the scene. It should be noted that I refer to the word submissive in its adjective form, not necessarily as a noun, although around here they do seem to go hand-in-hand.

What I’d like, is to play against a female with the strength of character, intelligence and confidence to, for once, take ownership of her own life and sexuality; rather than one too weak of mind and lacking the emotional or intellectual maturity to possess any desires, fantasies, hopes, dreams and motivations of her own, and do anything to satisfy them.

I realise that I should be exiled from the roleplaying guild and eternally banished to the hellfires of purgatory for daring to suggest that a female character contribute to plot movement and scenario creation, but what can I say? I'm a man who knows what he wants. If all she can do is respond to my character's actions, is incapable of independently adding anything of note to the scene, taking initiative, or of providing any unpredictability to the story, I'm not interested. It's what separates it from being a collaborative effort, and me simply being tasked to provide you with female masturbatory material.

If it's the latter you're after, click here. The tales are pre-written for your reading pleasure, and you'll no longer even have to pretend that replacing your character with an animated latex doll would make any discernible difference to the story, reader, or writing partner. I'll take a collaborator with less literary skill, but creatively capable of portraying a three-dimensional female character with agency, over someone who's amazingly talented at stringing words together, but cannot write a woman who brings anything of her own to the table, every single time.

Although I won't entertain a story predicated on any type of long-term 'Dom/sub, Master/slave' et al, theme, don't take that to mean my characters won't be dominant, or can't dominate; they can, believe me; possibly more than you could ever imagine, and enjoy doing so; but I like my roleplays to contain depth, dynamic personalities, and realistic motivations. I will not play cliche, "My character is a stereotypical Neanderthal male, only capable of thinking with his dick, therefore he wants to dominate and fuck your character for no other reason than she happens to be female, and breathing," type scenes. Yes, for the 0.000001% of you still with me, your character being female is one of my kinks. Breathing is optional.

It also does not mean that I'm looking for vanilla, or 'slice-of-life' romance; anything but - a little (or a lot) of kink and/or taboo adds to the fun - or that I have no interest in BDSM practices; I do. It's purely the 'Master/Slave' and 'Dom/Sub' relationship dynamic which bores me to tears (more specifically, the 'Slave' and 'Sub' sides of those equations), and those who'd use the likes of Shades Of Grey as inspiration. For anything.

Do I expect the female character to possess her own motivations, and display some sexual initiative? Yes, but despite what many seem to think (deliberately misconstrue?), the words some and all are not one and the same. Here's a handy little reference for those who refuse to take my word for it. It's really not that difficult, males do it all the time.

Do I want a promiscuous slut? Again, not at all. That is, unless your definition of a promiscuous slut is any female with the temerity to have sexual desires, and/or who dares act to satisfy them. If that is how you define it, then I respectfully suggest you move to the 1960's, clean the house, tie the apron strings, chain yourself to the sink (kinky, huh!), and ensure dinner and a pair of slippers are awaiting hubby's arrival. Do a good job, and he may pay you an allowance.

Whilst I am looking for erotic stories, centred around a sexual dynamic(s)/premise(s), that is not synonymous with wanting them to be 'smut-driven'. In that regard, the majority of my stories tend to be around an 70/80-30/20 story-to-sex ratio, as I find scenes that contain little but copious amounts of 'he thrusts/she moans' sex, lack depth, and swiftly become tedious to both read and write. It's the character interaction, buildup, foreplay, tension, and psychology of a sexual scenario that interests me as much, if not more, than the physical act. An intrinsically sexual, driven by character motivation, plot with smut, rather than a lot of smut with minimal plot. I also like my stories with spice, so a little, or a lot, of kink and/or taboo adds to the fun.

As for plots/scenes, the entire purpose of this thread, and my first priority, is to find a partner who exhibits an understanding of what I'm asking for, and writes female characters compatible with what that is, so I don't have anything specific in mind, although I do have quite a few possibilities rolling around in my head. Plotting from there is the easy part, and I prefer to do that collaboratively so both our preferences can be incorporated. I do have some pre-made plots - more to show that, yes, I can come up with something, rather than than looking to specifically play them at the moment - and further information, on my other thread, and F-List.

My posts are generally in the 500 - 1000 words range, and I write on thread - no IM/PM/Email, sorry - preferring slower paced replies from both sides, with a substantive response around once a week and no concerns if it's less often than that; as long as OoC communication is maintained, I'm good with extremely relaxed posting rates. To commit myself to more, or receiving super-rapid replies, places too much stress on my poor little brain due to me working full-time, and my time zone likely being much different from most others. Long-term over short term.

Finally, if anyone actually made it all the way through that wall of sarcasm, it's been mentioned by a few people that they've been intimidated by my threads, or worried about messaging me, and yes, I can be difficult, but honestly, there's no need for concern. It's just my previous attempts at being more subtle didn't work, and I continued to be bombarded with the same-old, cliche, 'please be my Master, and tell me what to do' and 'I'm female, what other reason do you need to want to have sex with me' (Hint: A personality!) requests. As well as being difficult, I can also be extremely accommodating and easy to work, and get along, with. Just please, please do not send nothing more than two lines and a link to your own request thread.


Thread Roleplay Links

I owe a debt of gratitude to my current and previous partners for not only being fun people, great writers, and a pleasure to collaborate with, but for also portraying characters with an independent will, who are a joy to write opposite. And no, for once I'm not being a smart-ass, I mean (almost) every word!

Active - BMR
The Heiress And The Hacker - SilvaMoon
A Royal Catastrophe - Malicious Lullaby
Internet Killers - DovaKitten
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing; When Predator Becomes Prey - Xanaphia
Adam and Eve - Aurelia

Active - Elliquiy
Infidelity - Story Tale

Inactive/On Hiatus - remain open, as partners keen to return if real-life ever allows them the time.
The Road To Fame - Sumi

Other/Previous Long-term thread stories
Farewell, My Lovely - Xanaphia (Fully Completed Story)
Goldilocks and the Three 'Bears' - Cyanide Disaster (Indefinite Hiatus, hoping real-life will eventually allow my partner to return)
The Manor - Malicious Lullaby (After nine months, Mali and I decided to move on to another, more action-orientated story)
Hyde And Seek - Ariamella (Indefinite Hiatus; a possibility we might pick back up at some stage)
Unholy Conspiracy - Xanaphia (Great in concept, but extremely difficult to realise in roleplay, so Xana and I moved on to a new scene)
Scaremonger - Lait (Uncertain of status; likely dead)
Not So Snow White - Aurelia (Partner and I decided it had run its race and to move onto another story)


Favourite responses to this thread

They've restored my faith in humanity, and given me hope that the female of the species can be still be saved. (I do have some others, not quite as complimentary, and unfit for publication!)

"It can be hard to find quality characters, I can imagine even moreso with female 'submissives' who are nothing but a sack of potatoes to drag around............ I just wanted to drop a line, tell you I enjoyed the wit and scathing sarcasm in your post."

"I am dying at your thread titles every time they're changed to something new. What's equally amusing (if not more) is the style in which you wrote the threads. It strikes the perfect balance between lighthearted fun and dripping sarcasm, and the whole "endangered species" and "individuality" titles are the icing on the cake. Keep on doing you"

"Your request thread had me nearly busting a gut at some points. Your level of smart-assed and yet entirely honest sarcasm was amazing. Given everything that I read in it, you are definitely an excellent writer and you are not demanding too much in the slightest, and anyone who says otherwise is most likely a jackass."

"As you have said, you should be shot and stuffed for even uttering your request, but it is the truth, and we need more writers like you. In a roleplay, there are two parts, and neither one should do all the work, I have found that the story goes stale if that happens. I simply wanted to let you know, I enjoyed it immensely."

"MY OH MY How I LOVE to read your 'Lit Male Searching' thread with the blinding red disclaimer included! So precise! I've got to hand it to you Mr. Q, you surely know what you want and aren't afraid to ask for it! (Hey wait, I think I read that in there somewhere!) Anyway, more kudos for you! I simply can't help myself!"

"I saw your thread in the male request section and I have to message you and let you know it made me laugh. Also I know exactly how you feel, I used to be able to play female characters but after years of roleplaying and dealing with Mary Sues that were other female characters I have lost the inspiration to make female characters. The kicker? I'M A WOMAN! How fucked up is that?"

"Your request thread just screamed at me to be offended. I don't know why, maybe it's the pathetic fascist femi-nazi crap that I read all day that makes me want to smash my skull in with a hammer, but regardless before I hit the "back" button to simply disregard your request thread and continue on my search. I came to the realization that I agreed with you and that your honesty was really what was offending me. Personally I have grown to not say or do something that could potentially offend anyone, it's rude. But if you are being honest and stating facts, how is that rude?"

"I just wanted to let you know that your provocative posts have influenced my own writing. I used to basically write ice queens, who put up with sex instead of enjoying it. I think the reason is related to why submissive fantasies are so prevalent among women: "he made me do it" is easier to own up to than "I loved it". So I used to be really uncomfortable about writing my characters as being turned on or really even enjoying sex, and I think it made my writing seem inauthentic as a result. I've tried to break out of that recently and it feels a bit better and more real – as though I'm putting more of myself in my writing. And your strident request posts were a contributing factor to that, so I just wanted to say thanks."

"Well I'll be damned. Your thread/post, or whatever it's called entertained me greatly. Though I feel as though I should be offended. It's as if my instincts are calling out to me to defend my fellow species. That women aren't all mindless drones, but I jest. Your post oozes with sarcasm, and even someone as gullible as I could notice, actually, scratch that, feel it ... In any case, I wish you the best of luck in finding the "one" the dying breed of independent women."

RE: Female Characters With More To Offer Than Just Holes To Screw? What Was I Thinking!

Love the post funniest I have read in a long time
RE: Unique, Outlandish, Never-Seen-Before Bump Inside.

Mr Quixotic said:
The following thread contains themes of sarcasm and --


Except Aria telling people to roleplay with Quix. He's so good at actually fleshing out a plot! Please don't pass him up, no matter how scary this req thread seems. He's really a very nice person!
RE: Lit Male Searching For Females. Unique, Outlandish, Never-Seen-Before Concepts Inside

Thanks Aria, the kind words are much appreciated. Don't tell everyone I can be nice though, it may spoil my reputation! XD
RE: Lit Male Searching For Females. Unique, Outlandish, Never-Seen-Before Concepts Inside

Dude, did you ever think that in their everyday life, women have to be the exact qualities you want for your fantasy? So when we escape, we want to be something completely different? Dammmn, don't hate on women that have different fantasies from you.
RE: Lit Male Searching For Females. Unique, Outlandish, Never-Seen-Before Concepts Inside

Kera said:
Dude, did you ever think that in their everyday life, women have to be the exact qualities you want for your fantasy?So when we escape, we want to be something completely different? Dammmn, don't hate on women that have different fantasies from you.

Now, now, did I hit a nerve?

Did you ever think that in everyday life, men have to be the exact qualities you want for your fantasy? But that's by-the-by, I'm well enough acquainted with the inherent double-standard contained in the thought process that leads to your question, to realise that any possible similarity between the two situations is highly unlikely to be acknowledged.

I'm not 'hating on women for having different fantasies than me'. In fact, there's nothing on my thread which negates any fantasy at all. With one exception. Those where the female character bears more resemblance to a dependent child or unintelligent lower life-form, without individuality or definable personality, than she does to an adult human being.

Damn my preference for wanting to write against three-dimensional characters with an intellectual capacity and metal age old enough for them to have developed thoughts and desires of their own. I should be shot.

Thanks for the free bump :)
RE: In Search Of That Rare And Exotic Endangered Species: The NON-Submissive Female.

Despite us not being friends anymore (kidding, lewl), here's a bump for you, Quix!

Ladies, if you're looking for an all around 10 as a roleplaying partner, look no further. You've reached it. Stop what you're doing, click the "PM" button at the bottom left-hand corner of any one of his posts, and drop him a snazzy little request.
RE: If All I Wanted Was Holes To Screw, I'd Buy A(nother) Fleshlight.

Thanks Ari, you're too kind :)
Possibly one more,something different, and interesting?
RE: If All I Wanted Was Holes To Screw, I'd Buy A(nother) Fleshlight.

Here's a bump for you Andy
RE: If All I Wanted Was Non-Contributing Holes To Screw, I'd Buy A Latex Doll.

Thanks for the bump, Andy :) Awesome name, did I ever tell you!
RE: No, The Possession Of A Vagina Does Not Negate The Need For A Personality.

And my all time favorite Dorothy Parker quote:

"One martini
Two at the most
Three I'm under the table
Four I'm under the host"

Keep up the great writing and good luck on your elusive hunt.
RE: My First-Born In Exchange For A Non-Submissive Female? Second-Born Thrown In Free.

A bump for someone who's very fun to talk to, and very good at coming up with awesome characters. c: (This is also for that package of good mental vibes you sent me XD)
RE: Lit Male Looking For Female Characters Able To Contribute To Story Direction And Plot


If I wasn't so intimidated by the size of your ... posts I would take you up on the offer to test whether or not the hype is real.
RE: Lit Male Looking For Female Characters Able To Contribute To Story Direction And Plot

Thanks for the comment, and there's nothing to be intimidated by. I don't claim to be great, or even good, I just know what I want. However, I do have a preference to write against female writers.

The amusing thing is that the majority of responses I receive from those willing to/capable of playing a female character who possesses an independent will, come from males, which, to my mind, kind of defeats the purpose.
RE: Lit Male Looking For Female Characters Able To Contribute To Story Direction And Plot

It's quite ironic, to be sure. Honestly, it probably has a lot to do with why people come here. I would propose most people don't come here to explore the thematic depths of human romance and sexuality, but I'm rarely one to state the obvious. Nevertheless that's probably why most of the women with an account here are intent on being the Steele to someone's Grey, so they can get their lady-rocks off. Wham, bam, thank you, [sir] and all that.

Mr Quixotic said:
Do I want a promiscuous slut? Again, not at all.
That being said, if I had any confidence in my ability to write females in an environment like this I'd send you a pitch for a promiscuous slut right away. What can I say, I enjoy subverting stock archetypes hated by others (ask me about what I did to the D&D paladin if you're ever bored).

I love how this got semi-derailed by my inability to resist a double entendre. Eh, mo' bumps mo' money and all that.
RE: Female Characters With More To Offer Than Just Holes To Screw? What Was I Thinking!

Hello Mr. Q. I just joined this site today, so forgive me if I am a bit of a noob. I may fit the mold of the kind of female you are looking for. Though I hesitate to tell you how much of a Gemini I am. I can play a variety of characters.

I certainly prefer to have a lot of story before I even consider intimacy between our characters. The story comes first in my mind at all times.

I am most definitely a female, I love to write and I love writing with a literate male. No I am not looking for fifty shades of Idiocy. That is about as far from romance in my book as the closest star to ours. I abhor anything Dom/sub, just for the simple reason it is not even close to romantic in my mind.

I like independent thinkers, I love a good humorous rp with lots of plot twists and innuendo.

I am not in any way, shape or form looking to hook up outside of the internet forums. This is my opportunity to indulge in writing, a bit of fantasy for me, but not the excuse to get jollies off.

If you are still with me, let's discuss this via PM?
RE: Female Characters With More To Offer Than Just Holes To Screw? What Was I Thinking!

Well that hiatus lasted long, eh? ;]

Ladies, don't pass up the opportunity to write with a great partner!
RE: I Prefer The Deep End Of The Gene Pool. Looking For Female Characters Of Substance.

Silvamoon said:
Well that hiatus lasted long, eh? ;]

Ladies, don't pass up the opportunity to write with a great partner!

Come on Silv, I lasted two weeks; that's like a new record for me! Thanks for the kind words which are, of course, returned. XD
A bump for a bump!

Cause you're totally awesome and you've overcame your selfish feels and
bumped both my threads.
You're awesome ;'D
lait said:
A bump for a bump!

Cause you're totally awesome and you've overcame your selfish feels and
bumped both my threads.
You're awesome ;'D

Aww thanks, Lait. You're pretty awesome yourself :)
I just wanted to stop in an make a note that this man seems like an absolute gem to roleplay with. I have not personally done so, but this is mostly because I do not believe there is a personal 'genre' compatibility, but that's ok. I still enjoy reading the things he writes, and enjoying the way he opens eyes on the lack of personality that a lot of female characters seem to have. Depth, Passion, History, have some substance to your ladies. Being submissive doesn't mean you have to be blank.
RE: I Prefer The Deep End Of The Gene Pool. Looking For Female Characters Of Substance

I wasn't sure which thread to bump so I am bumping them both. This guy is amazing. When I was down in my luck of partners, I found him and he has been a breath of fresh air from the beginning. Sue me for not wanting some generic dom. He's more than generic and he's more than just a dom in his writing. He's a real breath of fresh air and I count my blessing (if they even friggin exist) that I found him and that he even gave me a shot. That's the thing, he gave me a shot. I'm a lucky gal and you'd be a lucky gal if you even muster up the courage to message him. Keep your spine and give something spectacular and you'll find just how precious and rare he is <3
Aww, thanks Mali, and I return every word. I can't express how glad I am that you took a shot in the dark, and decided to message me. It's rare to find someone who can write characters with such depth, life, and personality as you do. And a spine! :)
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