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Oh Captain, My Captain. [katiexmenthos]

Jan 10, 2009
  • The surroundings which enclosed Helena were not new; but oh, how awkward she felt there. The brunette sat on a small bed, her fingers moving a steel needle in and out of a garment in her hands. A button had popped off one of her dresses the other day, and now she finally had some time to fix it. Of course, if she had been higher on the food chain, she could of asked a servant for help. But now she too was a servant, lower than a servant - a wench.

    On the bright side, Helena didn't look like a normal whore. Her skin was still pure and porcelain, and her hair fell in soft ringlets around her face. Youth was still captured in her pale blue eyes, unlike the empty space remaining in many prostitutes. And up until her time in this manor, she had been completely pure of anything sexual. She was still, very much so, innocent. Sighing, Helena finished a final french knot with her thread, and bit down on the fabric. Soon her needle and thread were free, and she set them aside in a tin box. Her delicate fingers held up the dress and she admired her handy work. "Not bad." She cooed with a smirk.

    Setting the dress on the side of her bed, the young adult stood from her bed and walked towards a small window. Glancing outside she could see a few snowflakes cascading towards the ground elegantly. So beautiful were the white flakes, and yet, their touch could cause death. Now, at least, she had a small fireplace in this room, and a nice bundle of quilts. Nothing was elegant, but it was warm, and livable. She was lucky to have someone to offer her these things.[/list:u]
The initial invasion had been something of a debacle. Losses had been heavy and most of the men now questioned the competency of their general. It seemed almost certain that should they return to the peninsula that another general would be their commander. But as he walked away from the docks, Captain Blair Beauregard couldn’t help but think ‘at least I got to go home for a while.’ As flakes of snow fell from the sky his hand would adjust his coat and his fingers would slip into its rather deep pockets.

He was a rather striking man, he stood about six feet in height and had rather broadly set shoulders. His form was rather fit, with the rigors of a campaign having left his form rather hard and muscular in its tone. Riding, fighting and eating rather rustic fare had melted off any trace of idleness from him. His hair was of a dirty blonde hue, and green eyes now looked out at the city streets about him. There was a slightly hard look in them at the moment. He was clad in a black great coat, although a white and scarlet uniform was tailored to his form beneath.

He’d not been to war previously, but wealth and privilege had been sufficient to see him standing at the not particularly humble rank of captain - if only in the infantry. The cavalry commissions had been sold long before the war broke out. Not that he minded particularly, advancement came far quicker in the infantry regiments as those tended to swell in number when war rolled around as rifles were far easier to come by quickly than horses and less expensive for that matter.

While luxuries had been few and far between in recent weeks, he was a wealthy man there were few if any whom would dispute that fact. Now he craved one thing in particular that he’d missed - his girl. He kept her in a rather comfortable home here in the city. Naturally away from the disapproval of family off in the country estates. The city suited him in any case as it was were his peers resided and the pulse of the country could be felt.

His footsteps would rather methodically carry him towards the street where he’d left her to reside. He remained rather confident that despite his lengthy absence she would remain there awaiting him. Now as his boots crunched fallen snow beneath them he’d make his way to the door and rap upon it rather sharply. He found himself impatient to be let in as his mind turned to rather carnal thoughts.
It was enough to make the young girl jump when she heard a door outside slam. Even through the large house, she could hear a man walking through the house. At first Helena was terrified that someone had broken into the house. But then she realized that it could in fact be the master of the home returning back from battle. And so, she remained seated, her knuckles white as her hand fisted around some cloth. Seconds ticked away like hours, and within a minute or so, the heavy footsteps ended. A rasp on her door did in fact make her twitch, but soon she recovered and set down her material.

The brunette cleared her throat and made her way across the room to stand behind the door. With a sharp breath she twisted the brass knob and slowly opened the door. Looking up at the man Helena smiled softly, but truly she was anxious. Even if she had feelings for Captain Beauregard, he was still a frightening man, with enough power to send her to the floor in an instant. "Your back." She said softly, careful to keep her tone very positive. "Do you want to come in?" Her question was almost rhetorical, because even before he answered she stepped back and left the door wide open.

Her teeth played against her lips awkwardly, and she waited for conversation to arise - if it would at all. Now that he was back her life, and everything about it, was in his hands.
His eyes settled upon Helena as the woman opened the door. He seemed to scrutinize her as though if nothing else to confirm that she was as he had remembered. His hand rose as his fingers sought to brush against that soft pale skin that looked so innocent and pure. A moment later his fingers toyed with a singular dark ringlet. As the woman stepped back to allow him inside he’d enter. His head nodded slightly when she noted he had returned and asked whether he wished to enter. Although the later question caused an amused smile to play across his lips as he inquired “Why else would I be here?”

The nervousness about her was rather readily apparent. He offered her a slightly bemused smile as he lofted a brow to the woman. “Were you worried I had forgotten about you? Or thought I wouldn’t come back at all?” He grinned slightly as he noted “You should know by now that neither of those things would be very like me at all.” He stepped closer to her again as his fingers would brush along the curve of her neck and then across her cheek. “Did you miss me Helena?” He inquired of the girl as his eyes remained fixed upon her.

His other hand found her waist, thereafter his hand drifted downwards towards the curve of her ass. His hand tightened upon that swell of flesh. His fingers dug into her as he murmured “I know there were many nights when I missed you, very, very much.” Although the fact his fingers rather covetously pressed into her body certainly seemed to suggest it was not merely her conversation that he’d been longing for. His head inclined towards her as he asked “You’ve been well since I’ve been away?”

Her benefactor had indeed returned and now she was most certainly in his hands in the most literal of ways. He leaned in to her and kissed her lips rather fondly as he noted “I left enough gold?” He winked to her as he noted “I brought you something..” He observed as his fingers curled themselves in a dark lock of hair.
The brunette couldn't help but wince as his callused fingers touched her own pale flesh. Helena stepped back hesitantly at first, but then stopped moving, and merely centered her attention on a splotch of paint that had been flung on the wall. No, she didn't always act so childish or fearful - but being by herself for weeks did that kind of thing to a person. And even though he was handling her with decent care, her hands were shaking.

Helena shook her head when he asked if she thought he had forgotten. Never did she think that a man could forget his house and all his belongings, even when at war. As his voice rolled on she continued to stare at the paint, until eventually he asked if she had missed him. Blue eyes darted towards the Captain's face, and she bit her lip gently. "I suppose so." Was her quiet answer. She had always been the soft-voiced girl, and now she had a soft voice and a nervous composition.

Suddenly her body was drawn against his own, and the young woman squeaked like a small, snappy dog. Helena's eyes seemed to widen as she glanced around his face, too anxious to look him straight in the eye. "I-I've been f-fine." She answered, before his hands delved towards plumper flesh. The captive closed her eyes tightly, and turned her head to the side. "Why did you bring me something?" She questioned quietly, taking in a few deep breaths. Her body remained still against him, as if trying to calm her nerves by not moving.

After a few moments, the girl seemed to regain herself. Swallowing hard Helena finally looked up at him, and tilted her head to the side. "Of course, I don't think it would be a very good idea to accept a gift without knowing what it is first." Her voice was still quiet, but slightly sweeter. To be honest, the maid wasn't sure if the 'something' he was talking about was himself, or sex, or something comparably awkward.
Blair regarded Helena for a moment as she drew away from him. A flicker of irritation was visibly expressed. Perhaps it had been a bit much to expect to find her scantily clad, cradling a wine bottle and with her legs parted to welcome him home - yet terror wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind. Idly he muttered “Stop looking at me like you expect I’m going to kill you.” The young nobleman remarked “I haven’t kept you from the gutter and brothels so that one day I can toss you out the window. That would be a terrible waste.”

He offered a sigh of exasperation as he remarked “You aren’t particularly good at homecomings are you? I wander off to war, could have been killed. Yet here I am safe and sound.” He smirked idly as he noted “Perhaps I should send you to the brothels for a while. They’d at least teach you that you should seem marvellously pleased and eager to see me again since you depend on me entirely.” He casually corrected her as he stated “No one forgets about home and what awaits them there, unless there is nothing to return to.”

The panic that struck her as he pulled her towards him and his hand roamed over her body seemed to amuse him. His lips twitched as he noted “Oh don’t worry Helena - you’ll be getting that soon enough.” His hips pressed into her rather suggestively as she’d feel his groin rub against her. His green eyes lingered on her as he mused “Why did I get you something? I thought of you, and I could… need I some better reason?” He idly gestured to a bad that he’s dropped by the door. “But if you must know - so you’ll look pretty.”

He turned slightly as he reached down and scooped up the bag in his hand. Thereafter, he idly pulled forth a crimson corset and noted “Apparently the very latest fashion on the continent.” A bottle of perfume was also idly produced and a silvery choker that he slid to her neck. He placed the choker upon her and nodded with evident satisfaction. “I rather thought that would look well upon you.”
Helena gulped when he criticized her. She didn't know how to respond to that, and so for a moment her eyes searched the ground for some sort of answer. "I-" But before she could start once more, her sentence was cut of by an idle threat. It was hard to tell whether or not he was being sincere when he spoke of the brothels. There was something inside that told Helena he wouldn't do such a think, but she wouldn't second guess him for a moment. "I'm sorry." She whispered quietly. "I'm just... A bit overwhelmed is all." A half-convincing smile appeared on her face, before quickly fading.

At least now her face wasn't left solemn or frightened, but neutral and curious. Her eyes glanced at the bag, and a slight glow came to her eyes. "I just wondered why you decided to get me a gift while you were fighting to the death." Finally, a true grin showed through, and the fear seeped out of her body in an instant. And when he retrieved the bag, she smiled even wider. Her eyes were fascinated by the silk and lace intertwined against the red material, and her fingers were soon stroking the soft clothing.

But then, out came even more lavish gifts. Helena couldn't help but spritz the perfume against her wrist. Her face filled with delight, before she pushed her arm towards his face. "It smells so elegant!" She cooed. The new cold metal against her neck was also a nice touch, obviously carved by a master silversmith. She glanced in a slightly dirty mirror across the room, and found herself quite pleased.

Setting down the bottle and corset, her arms wrapped around the man's neck before she raised up on her toes. "Thank you!" Helena exclaimed. "It was very sweet of you." Pale pink lips gently pecked at his check, before she feel back onto the souls of her feet.
Perhaps he wouldn’t do such a thing as banish her to where she’d be bought and sold seven times a night. On the other hand it was probably not a good idea to put him to the test, after all many things were done in anger which were later to be regretted. But his annoyance seemed somewhat mollified as she stated she was sorry and was simply overwhelmed. He’d simply nod and remarked “Yes, I’m sure you’re overjoyed to see me and simply haven’t been able to think of how to properly express that.” He smirked “For future reference running over and hugging me or kissing me ten to be the appropriate ways of doing so.”

Blair shrugged “Well when you’re thinking about how you might die on a given day, you tend to turn your mind to what you’d far rather be doing.” His fingers fondled her bottom as he remarked “And I thought I’d much rather be laying you down upon a bed and spreading your thighs than dying on some foreign field.” He stated simply enough “So I bought you presents.” Although perhaps the connection between the two things wasn’t perfectly direct but he seemed to think it should be readily apparent to anyone.

He grinned as she seemed delighted with the corset, the perfume and choker he gave her. They were as fine or finer than anything she owned so it was small wonder. He seemed pleased with her rather readily apparent delight and as her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips pressed against him he remarked “That’s more like it.” He smiled to her.

Although his eyes fell upon her and then glanced over to the corset. He grinned as he looked at her and stated “Wear it for me.” His fingers would idly stray across her cheek as he noted “I think I’ve given you stockings before which should be a good match with it hmm?” He smiled as he noted “I want to see you in it.” Although perhaps implicitly he meant he wanted far more than to simply view her wearing the garment.
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