A Future at War. {AngryEnglishman.}


Oct 13, 2014
Hector stumbled painfully over the wet log, blood leaking over his armour from the huge puncture in his side. "Filthy xeno... How could I have been so weak..." His voice hoarse and strained from the pain. Rain drops patter against his helm and armour, creating a incessant rythm that set his teeth on edge.

Two years had passed since the first Imperial ships made landfall on the continent. The Imperial Guard's rapid assault deployments took the first few countries by storm. The Elysian Sky Guard, riders of great metallic beasts, the Psyker brotherhood, the corps of magicians raining fire and lighting, and the Great Imperial Titans. Massive machines dozens of feet tall, bristling with seige and dragon hunting weapons. Countless other forces stormed through the countryside. The human kingdom of Surda was the first to fall, their feeble resistance shattered and a puppet king installed on the throne.

The Elves and dwarves were similarly shocked by the sheer violence of the Imperium's forces, those that weren't killed forced back into their respective homelands.

Now the Imperials occupied a huge swath of land, from the fortress city fo Gi'lead in the north, the the dwarven underground carven of Dalgon in the east. The imperials ruled the land with an iron fist, killing or imprisoning non-humans or annihilating entire human settlements at the first sign of rebellion. Driving surviving opponents into the forests of Du WeldenVarden or the mountains of Boer. Some even fled into the hadarac desert to escape the great warmachine that was the Imperium.

It looked to be an easy conquest, another to add to the Empire's territory. And then the Rider's came. Hundreds of riders, flying on dragons far superior to the Imperium's own. They stopped the Imperial armies in their tracks, scorching thousands of Guard, tearing down Skyguard dragons, the riders matched the Psykers spell for spell and dragons tore Titans to the ground.

The Elves, Dwarves, Humans and all other races emboldened by this began a counter offensive and this is where Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex found himself.

He had been leading a contingent of Imperial shock troops through an unexplored section of Alagaesia in search of a path past the powerful wards protecting the elven Forests. A lone rider and his dragon came upon them. A powerful foe, this rider was no mere trainee. Annihilating a squad of veteran shock troopers before turning to face Hector himself. A bloody duel later, dragon and rider laid dead side by side and Hector slid unto the undergrowth of the forest, mindful of the wrath the riders would bring upon the slayer of their comrade.

But he could run no more, three days of little sleep or sustence accompanied by his many wounds had taken it's toll and Hector collapsed on the damp ground. Letting rain and wind wail upon his battered body, he closed his eyes. "If this is the will of the Emperor... then so be it..." The inqusitor muttered tiredly and then-

RE: A Future at War.

Fáreryniel's dark green eyes burned with hatred as she saw her slain Comrade. Out of the training, she was first to complete her training and had kindly asked Rhunön about a blade. Just like Eragon but more smoother since she part elf herself. She fashioned her rider sword as a passage of her training was complete. Fáreryniel saw the blood trail of the person who had Killed them. She looks at her dragon Glanlotiel. She nods to her and head off as the rain started. She follow trail easily She had lived in this parts for a very long time.

Fáreryniel had been born the late years of the fall of the riders and was far too young to join in the war against Galbatorix. She was chosen at a personal cost to be the first to tested as one the new dragon rider. The White Dragon now that at her side had chosen her as her rider. She felt both stings of not belonging to Elves or Human. She was raised like any other elven child to her mother at least. Her mother being Noble they other elves simple ignored Fáreryniel. So most the time it was just her mother and her.

Fáreryniel shakes the thoughts of what now had past and keeps following the trail. She was inured herself but it was nothing compared to Hector's wounds. She keep tracking him long after the rain had washed the blood away. She listened for anything out of place in the forest. She hear rain falling on armor. She hurries to the sound and Finds the man that she been tracking. She looks at him and slowly goes over to him. She kneels down and see if he was still breathing. He was. She sighs and grabs him and takes him to a small cottage she know was around here. Her human nature wanted to finish him off where her elven want to keep him alive to see if stop this war and get this murdering people out of Alagaësia. She heals his wounds enough that it wouldn't threaten his life but enough that keep him down for sometime. She completely heals her wounds. She starts fire by magic and start simple veggie stew to warm her up since out in the rain for sometime. She had dried him off as best she could and disarmed him of everything he had that could hurt her. She now waiting for him to wake up and realize that he was now captured by his enemy.
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