RP: The Matrix : Magical World ( Horror_Show & Seraphim)


Feb 15, 2010

A young female girl who was probably in her very early twenties
was lying on her bed with her feet propped up. Her room looked like your average girls room
despite the fact it was clutter in old floppy disc, burned cd’s with hand made labels, wires and all kinds of little electronics and trinkets. She had a decent computer set up on one side of the room. She was laying in the bed in sweats and a t-shirt
zoning out looking up at the ceiling. Blasting through out the medium sized room was bassnectar.

Life had been a little bit different for the past several months. Her life had dramatically changed when her father Thomas Anderson had died. He had supposedly died of an overdose which Heather couldn't believe even though she thought he was buried and long gone. Her father and mother had been divorced since she was little and he lived on the other side of town in a little shitty apartment.

He worked as a computer programmer for a software company named MetaCortex. Before he met her mother she was told he served in the air force for a while but got discharged and it wasn't to long after he met. She took more off of her father than anyone would ever know, her mother even realized it by her computer skills but gave her hell because she didn't want her daughter to start going down the isolated dark path Thomas had with what people thought was being a hacker and committing illegal crimes and possibly involved with drugs.

Her mother got complete custody over Heather but Thomas was able to get her every other weekend. Normally when she came over he would rent a nice hotel for them to stay in over the weekend while they spent time together or did activities. But every now and then she would beg him to the point where he gave in and took her to his apartment. It obviously wasn't livable for a young girl but he made due. She liked it, it was him.

His death had put her in a deep depression and it was like it didn't affect anyone else. Not even her mother. It was as if the world just completely forgot his existence to keep moving forward and she had no idea that's exactly what the matrix did. The girl was unaware of the virtual simulated prison she lived in or the horrors that were to come. She had no idea her life was about to change as she lead a similar life to her father.

There was loud banging on the door and screaming which she knew to be the voice of her mother. Her mother opened the door looking angry and looked around the room in disgust and as usual started picking up dirty laundry and what not and yelling.

“Turn that horrible music off right now!” Her mother bellowed and Heather got off the bed and turned it off looking blankly at her.

“Why don’t you clean this place….I offered to turn the basement into a workshop, this is ridiculous.” She ranted.

“Dinner will be done…please clean up and be down there in an hour.” Her mother said carrying out a basket of laundry and slammed the door. Heather fell back on her bed resuming the loud music glaring at the door. How her mother could be such a bitch, so selfish and clueless. She had loved her father at one time in her life, didn't she? Nor did Heather know it was a lie, programmed into both of them to think they had Heather, to think they were in love when it was just emulated lust that shortly died in the years following her birth as a blue pill among billion of others.

It was only when she pushed up on her elbows from the bed looking at her computer screen did one of the many things she was downloading finish and she slowly got off the bed. A message came up on her aol instant messenger as she was typing trying to pull some things up. Like her Thomas, Heather also was pretty good at computers. She was going to college to be a computer engineer and computer programmer and already had an alias like he did, she was known as Zoe. Though she couldn't quite go down his path as she was still living under her mothers room for now. She worked repairing computers to make up for a part time job and did better than most of her friends and had savings.

rocketscrew987: Hey, Zoe…..you up for a party tonight, heard there’s going to be some sick DJ’s…..if you can bring them programs, you got some green coming your way :p
fuckthesystem : Where is it? What time?
rocketscrew987: It starts at midnight, its in the abandon factory across the other end of town….you down?
fuckthesystem: Eh I don’t know. You can stop by to get the discs but I might just stay in. Not feeling down to be out.

It was when another messaged appeared on her screen that caught her attention. It had pulled up a command prompt on one monitor taking up the whole screen. It was in green font. It simply read.
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