Stranded: Lost on a Pokemon Island (Ren Olvry & Wingshadow)



The five day cruise did not turn out as Manami had imagined it would, as the rolling waves and torrential rain rocked the tiny lifeboat she found herself inside. She clung to the wooden seat, her fingers gripping on for dear life, her clothes drenched and heavy while each wave that crashed over the side of the boat washed her face with the frigid brine. A bolt of lightning crackled above her, giving her one last look at the cruise liner in the distance.

She never found out what had went wrong, but some kind of malfunction had resulted in an immediate and complete evacuation. Manami, in the confusion, had been knocked into one of the smaller lifeboats, separating her from her small group of friends. The lines had suddenly snapped, dropping her into the arms of fate. She would have given anything in the world to have one of her water pokemon with her, which, unfortunately for her, was not the case. The storm continued to rage, tossing the tiny boat back and forth, up and down without showing any intention of stopping. Manami closed her eyes, silently wishing that she would overcome this ordeal to see another day...

Something tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to groan and turn over onto her back reluctantly. When her eyes finally opened, Manami could feel her body aching all over, the distinct sensation of sand against her skin and wet clothes clinging her to skin an abrupt reminder of the tragedy she had somehow managed to survive. Her mind was a muddled mess as she struggled to remember how she had gotten onto the beach, and before long she simply gave up trying. She was alive, for now at least, and that was the most important thing.

Manami slowly sat up, painfully at first, as she looked around at her surroundings. Lofty palm trees ran along the coastline of what appeared to be a small island with an inland forest and what appeared to be a central mountain range. Perhaps there would be some small caves there she could take refuge in... There was no sign at all of her life boat, however, and with it went any emergency supplies it might have contained. She sighed, but as she did so she caught sight of something standing just outside the forest.

Manami stood up, her feet sinking into the damp sand, and turned toward it, but the figure vanished before she could get a good look at it. Was it some kind of pokemon? She didn't have any pokemon of her own to defend herself, either, so the prospect of being attacked by a wild pokemon was much more terrifying than usual. It was gone for now, but there was no guarantee that it wouldn't return later.

She quickly made her way along the beach to the base of the forest to get out of the burning sun. She stripped out of her wet clothes, hanging them up on the tree branches to dry off while she began to look around for supplies. she needed to find a source of fresh water at least to keep from becoming dehydrated. After that she could work on building a shelter and finding something to eat. Little did she know what this island would have in store for her...
On the island, humans were a very infrequent occurrence... and frankly, it was just better that way. Things were more peaceful in general; there was the occasional territorial dispute, sure, but past that, there wasn't all that much fighting to be seen. The pokemon mostly kept to their own, though there was still the occasional outlier, the occasional oddity. A Scolipede, for example; rather one of a kind on the island, without much of a place, really, and... well, surviving, generally speaking. There wasn't really much more to it than that in a place like this, without the looming worry of being harassed by a passing human.

Then, of course, there was the storm. Merely an occasional occurrence, but it still set most of the pokemon on the island to worry about the states of their homes and companions and everything else. The Scolipede meanwhile found himself quickly straying away from it all, closer toward the shore where there wasn't currently a pokemon in sight. There was hardly any sort of actual shelter to be found, at that, instead seeing him opt to curl up into a ball and just rest as the rain pounded at his hide.

Thus, as he woke up... something odd. Very nearby, in fact. Surely it must have washed up during the storm, but it wasn't any sort of pokemon he could think of... a 'human'?

Rather curious about the matter, he moved himself carefully back up to his feet before slowly and cautiously approaching the unmoving figure. Leaning down, he gave it a few gentle pokes on what he assumed to be the shoulder before the figure started to move, and he quickly backed off a short ways. More than that, he beat a quick retreat out of sight as the figure began to move still further. What was he to do about this... well... he needed food, that much was certain. This one might need some of the same, since he was thinking about it, since they'd definitely washed up from somewhere or other and seemed to be without it. Darting off quickly as his legs would take him, he went to gather berries and other miscellaneous fruits from a spot he knew of not too far off. Transporting them was... hardly the easiest task, given how unsuitable his form was for it, but he still managed, enough to toss a decent portion over to where the human girl had gone. She'd be safe for now, he was certain, but he was one thing; he wasn't certain how the other pokemon around here might react once she ever came across them...

Still... for now, it was probably fine like this. He'd given her something to go on, at least, otherwise peering carefully around from his hiding spot to see what she might do next. Not the easiest task for something like him, but he still managed, somehow or other.
Keeping her damp underwear on for modesty's sake and shoes for the protection of her feet, Manami struck out for the rocky outcroppings she had seen earlier from the shore, hoping that the rain water had collected somewhere after running off the impermeable surface. Just as she started off on her journey, however, she came across a sizable pile of fruits and berries of various sorts, carefully placed atop a large leaf. Had someone else survived the shipwreck and begun gathering supplies? She looked about first to the left then to the right, but couldn't spot any sign of her mysterious benefactor aside from some oddly-shaped footsteps in the dirt. She couldn't tell if they were human or pokemon in origin, only that they had taken many trips to transport this amount of food into a single location.

She felt a little guilty about taking something she had not found herself, but with so much deliciously ripe fruit laying in front of her, she couldn't resist the temptation to sate her raging hunger and thirst. She reached down and picked up one of the larger fruits, biting into the soft flesh as a sweet flavor filled her mouth. The first bite was soon followed by a second, and before long she had eaten all the way to the core. After eating a few more fruits, Manami felt satisfied and gathered up what remained into the leaf and wrapped it around them to make carrying them easier. She then continued on her way, traveling inland in search of a suitable shelter and a source of water.

She slowly worked her way through the forest, glad she hadn't encountered any potentially aggressive pokemon yet. Her shoes left evident footprints in the soil, however, which began to draw the attention of some of the native species that inhabited the island. Manami eventually came across a tiny stream rimmed by smooth rocks that ran outward toward the beach. She took one of the gourd-like fruits she had hollowed out earlier and filled it up with the sparkling water, using a bit cloth as a stopper to keep from accidentally spilling it as she traveled. After setting own her parcel she dipped into the water herself, washing off the brine which clung to her body along with the irritating sand. Satisfied with the result, she slipped her underwear back on then began to look about for somewhere to spend the night.
She ate it... that was definitely a first. So far so good; at least the Scolipede was certain enough this girl wouldn't just keel over or anything like that now that she had some food in her, and even some to spare for now. But... she was moving. Of course she was moving, though; why wouldn't she be? How long could she just get away with it, though; that was his real wonder at the moment. He had to at least follow her, that much was certain. He wasn't quite sure why, just... he was already little more than an independent entity here on the island, and he was the one who'd found her. He couldn't just leave her... could he?

Shaking that out of his head, he began to follow after her, quietly and cautiously as he could manage so that she wouldn't spot him and... well, who knew. She didn't seem to have any pokemon with her, but that was always a risk with humans, his instincts were telling him. And... oh. There was that. They did always have good senses of smell, didn't they?

He hoped at least she wouldn't turn around soon enough to see it, but the sound of a ramming tackle would probably be unmistakable, in turn bringing down the encroaching Houndour on the Scolipede's end and eliciting it to beat a retreat from the aggressive bug pokemon. That girl... she was starting to wander into others' territory, but if it was there... he didn't think that particular place was claimed right now.

A little sound, then, here and there; a knock of one of his horns on wood. He could lead her off to that particular cave that way, hopefully without too much more in the way of issues, hopefully without being spotted. After that... he could help keep her out of trouble and provide for her, he supposed. It gave him something to do, at least. Right now, he just hoped she followed... and more so, that he didn't attract too much other attention from the knocking.
Manami continued on her way, pausing briefly when she heard some sort of scuffle in the background as something large slammed into another body. By the time she turned, however, there was nothing left but a few deep footprints and stray leaves scattered about. There were definitely pokemon around these parts, but she hadn't actually seen any of them yet. Hopefully they hadn't caught on to her presence yet, or she'd be in big trouble. The girl resumed her travel soon afterward, none the wiser concerning her mysterious protector.

Knock, knock, knock...

A gentle rapping caused Manami to tense up, knowing that territorial pokemon sometimes used such methods to mark off their turf and announce their stake to potential challengers. Then agian, it could also be the mysterious other survivor trying to draw her attention. Between the possibility of being run down by a wild pokemon and having someone else to talk to and coordinate survival efforts, Manami decided to take the gamble that the one knocking wasn't someone potentially dangerous. She carefully made her way in that direction. The knocking kept a reasonable distance ahead of her, lending credence to her belief that it was being made by another survivor, perhaps one that knew how to mimic the territorial knocking in order to ward off potential attacks by wild pokemon.

Before long, Manami stepped out of the forest and into a small clearing in front of a cave. Unlike active caves, this one seemed cool but dry on the inside, an ideal place to take up shelter on an island filled with potential danger. Wasting no time, Manami slipped inside and began to make herself at home, setting her pack of food down first before making other arrangements. She'd have to gather more water containers and begin to search for food on her own before long, but for now she could afford to rest a bit and wait to see if her unseen friend would reveal himself to her.
There... still so far so good. None of the other locals had reacted yet, thought doubtless it was only a matter of time for some of them. Large though he was, the Scolipede wasn't exactly a very intimidating presence; there were a number of others that could all but rip him apart without too much difficulty, especially the local avian population. If he could avoid those, then that would be all the better. Since he was thinking of it, though, there was perhaps one way. Territorial markings, of a sort; some bits of wood on various trees surrounding the cave's little clearing partly rotted through by the bug's toxic poison, more so. He had to be quick about it, and still make sure to stay out of direct view as much as he could, but perhaps it would at least do something. He could hope, at the very least, even if types like him weren't always too much to worry about...

If he was going to do this, though... he at least needed a resting point. She probably would as well. There wasn't exactly much to that end in the forest, but leaves, bits of cloth and other softer refuse left behind by this and that... surely that would do for something. It took him some time to gather, during which he had another brief scuffle with one of the locals that he quickly retreated from once it was over in case this girl decided to follow the sounds; he couldn't be found, at least not yet. Not until he was more certain of this one.

Whatever was the case, a loud rustling sounded out from the forest just a small distance from the clearing as the Scolipede finished his work of gathering enough to probably make some sort of makeshift bedding for someone this human's size. With that task complete, he once again retreated just out of view, finding himself a hiding spot where he could watch both the cave and the pile of materials for bedding that he'd laid down, still observing, seeing what this person would do.
In the time that her unseen benefactor was going about his business, marking off the area and gathering bedding materials to make her stay that much more safe and comfortable, Manami had begun making the cave a bit more homey for herself as well. She placed all her food supplies into one of the smaller rooms in the cave which was cool and dry, although the somewhat low ceiling made it a bit difficult to get in and out of easily. She also began moving large rocks closer to the cave's entrance to make the opening a bit smaller, giving herself a defensible position in case any wild pokemon tried to attack her. Most importantly, she set a small pile of dry sticks together to build a fire outside the cave in order to keep herself warm throughout the night and dry out some of the gourds she planned on using for water-carrying purposes.

While she was gathering sticks, however, she heard a loud rustling in the bushes not far from where she stood, causing her to drop the wood and step back a few paces, her heart racing as she hoped that it wasn't a pokemon rushing forward to attack her from the underbrush. After a few long moments, however, she began to step forward cautiously, peering about when she happened upon the pile of bedding the Scolipede had laid out for her. Now firmly convinced that there was someone else out there helping her she called out, "Please! I know you are out there... Don't be shy, I'm scared too. I... I just want us to be friends. I know you are helping me, but I don't know why. Are you stranded here as well?" There was no vocal reply, so Manami let out a soft sigh and began to gather up the bedding and take it with her back to the cave. No need to look a gift Ponyta in the mouth, after all.
Ah... the girl had been doing things as well while he'd been busy, now the Scolipede had the chance to really notice. What, exactly, he wasn't certain, but he could at least see from his position that she'd further limited the entrance to the cave he'd led her to. Would he... be able to fit through it if necessary? Hm... maybe, maybe not. If all else failed, he could always break through some of it. He wasn't certain under what circumstances he might have to, but the thought was still there.

Still, though... he wanted to at least see. Humans were different from him in a number of ways; he wasn't certain what their habits even might be like. So ever so cautiously, the Scolipede approached the cave after the girl had disappeared from view into it. Peering carefully around one side of the remaining entrance, he gave that up as useless shortly after when his eyes wouldn't adjust to the darker cave. Shifting himself a little, he steadily worked his way in; only for a quick peek, he told himself, even though he knew full well it was going to be hard to get very quickly to a hiding spot now. Perhaps he'd get lucky and she wouldn't actually notice him... he could hope, at least.
Manami brought the bedding inside the cave, taking it into the largest of the rooms that were still dry enough to be used as a living space. It had a wide domed ceiling which gradually curved downward to the floor, like the central dome on a cathedral. She laid the leaves down first, followed by the softer materials to made her bed in the center of the room, her choice making the room's size even more apparent than at a glance. She heard some movement behind her, and at first she simply ignored the temptation to turn and face it. Perhaps her unseen providor had finally decided to make an appearance. Once she had finished making her bed, she slowly turned and glanced over her shoulder, catching sight of something large observing her from the doorway of the room.

Manami felt her blood practically freeze as she turned to face the large segmented bug pokemon who had followed her inside the cave. The distinct look gave away its species immediately. It was a Scolipede, a dangerous and potentially aggressive pokemon which made its home in lush forests. With its body blocking her only path of escape, she could only stare at it while silently hoping that it did not try to eat her or worse. She backed up slowly, trying not to scare it. Perhaps she had unwittingly taken up residence in its home? No, Scolipedes never lived in caves! Besides, it didn't seem like it could move around very well in such a tightly-confined location. Her mind continued to debate exactly why it was there while giving an opportunity for the pokemon to make up his own mind on how to proceed.
Caught, it seemed, and in short time no less... that figured. With his larger form, the Scolipede wasn't exactly proficient at sneaking about, though he'd made it this far. Just foolishness that had brought that to an end, he supposed, but... now what? She'd already seen him now, so it seemed rather useless to flee again. She seemed scared, no less, with how she was backing up like that, but he couldn't exactly blame her. He was partly poison-type, after all; those weren't exactly the friendliest pokemon around, no doubt, especially not when paired with bug-type. Still, the pokemon fidgeted nervously as his eyes glanced this way and that, seemingly trying to figure out what exactly to do now. At the same time, he was slowly becoming conscious of something else. She was female, not unattractive by human standards... they were alone here... and if it came to it, since she didn't seem to have any pokemon, it wouldn't be difficult to subdue her...

He'd helped her this far, with food, and shelter, and safety, and would continue to so long as she was here... it wasn't bad to want something in return, was it?

To that end, the pokemon began to cautiously approach the girl, his yellowish eyes resting on the bedding for a few moments before turning to the girl herself, then back to the bedding, then back again to her, trying in what limited manner he could manage to tell her that it was him. He was the one who'd offered such help to her, and was otherwise showing no actual aggression of any kind; merely trying to come nearer. Whether she'd get it or not, he wasn't really certain; it probably didn't help that his eyes somewhat slowly wandered her form once from toes to head, but he couldn't help but want something for helping, and he'd been alone on the island most of his life thus far...
Manami studied him as he moved closer, standing her ground with her hands held up. She fully expected him to attack at that point, but no attack came. Instead, he seemed to be motioning to the bedding on which he stood, then back at her. Had this Scolipede been the one who had brought her the bedding, along with the food? Why would a pokemon do something like that? She slowly lowered her arms, looking him over curiously even while he did the same to her. Manami only wore her pale blue frilled underwear at the time, since she had neglected to go back to the beach to fetch the rest of her clothes she had left out to dry, giving him an ample opportunity to get a good look at her body.

Manami had straight red hair which reached halfway down her back, her modestly-sized but nicely rounded breasts stood out in particular, accented nicely by her hips and thin but reasonably athletic build. She was not drop-dead stunning, but she had a nice figure for someone her age, being only eighteen years old at the time.

Manami took a few steps closer to him, realizing that he had made no aggressive movements at all toward her. Was this what it was like to befriend a wild pokemon? She had heard of other trainers doing so before, but often they had to do something to earn their trust. This pokemon had come to her of his own free will... Apparently there were some oddly friendly pokemon in the world. She held her hand out toward him with her palm downward, trying to reach out and touch him if he allowed it.
The Scolipede froze slightly as the human girl, rather than backing away, instead began to approach him. He wasn't certain at first what to do about that, but then couldn't help but wonder why he was worrying at all about it; he'd already been approaching her, after all. Shoving that needless thought out of his head, he cautiously approached still further, until blinking in curiosity and pausing as the girl held her hand out. She was... trying to get him to trust her or something like that, probably. Well, that wasn't a problem at this point.

To that end, the Scolipede approached still slightly further, before leaning down and pressing his head gently into her outstretched hand, even nuzzling slightly into it. Finding his earlier thoughts straying a bit further, he carefully moved even closer, moving his head to nuzzle slightly into the girl's neck and pressing his body a little against her. She was soft, no doubt of that; rather a far cry from what he was used to. And... those things on her chest, he couldn't help but be curious about. To such an end, two of the short stubs along his side where purple met black shifted a little, feeling into the strange mounds. Such strange creatures, humans seemed to be, but if he could somehow pull this off, with her, it would probably turn out to be a rather good day...
The two stepped closer to each other until her hand met his head, a sigh of relief escaping Manami that she did not even realize she had been holding back. His body felt smooth and slightly cool to the touch, but she was ecstatic that he had accepted her gesture with little hesitance. She could hardly wait to tell everyone about this. Well, assuming she ever managed to set foot off the island, that is. She smiled when he nuzzled her affectionately, his large body resting gently against her shoulder. She reached up and patted him, believing the attention he gave her was purely friendly in nature. His next action, however, would make her aware that this might not be the case.

When he reached out with his stubby legs and gently pressed into her breasts, she drew in a short gasp. She blinked, the sensation of him groping her as unusual as it was unexpected. Had he never seen a human female before? She tried not to jump to the conclusion that he had some ulterior motives in store for her. After all, pokemon didn't see human females as potential mates, right? She tried to stay calm as he played with her breasts, believing that he would grow tired of it soon enough. She patted him gently with her hand in turn.
She was surprised, it seemed -- no surprise there in itself, really -- but she... wasn't doing anything about his actions one way or another. Hm. There could be any number of options for going further now, as far as he knew, but he didn't really have a clue of any of them; he was just trying to work things out as he went, somehow or other. If nothing else, he still had a curiosity and, perhaps, a certain other need to sate right now, that he couldn't very well deny himself at this point. She'd freely allowed him this far, after all; how much further might she?

These mounds, then... she reacted a lot differently to a touch there than anywhere else, so were they sensitive? If so, and he could make some use of that, then perhaps this could be easy after all. With that thought in mind, he decided to go still further. Those little foreclaws thus began to press a little further into the girl's breasts, even then careful not to harm her in any way with them, however easy it might be. Lowering his head to a bit lower on her neck in turn, he began to give it a few, experimental and ever so gentle nibbles, careful with his semblance of teeth on his small mouth as he was with those claws. Soft, pliable, not at all unpleasant in any way that he could tell; there was definitely something to these human females. No wonder the human males surely liked them; he could understand the sentiment, enough for something between his rear legs to start slowly emerging.

He doubted he'd be able to stop himself from taking her now, but it was going to be rather... inconvenient if she didn't go willingly. He could at least hope he could find a way to get her to react favorably, if his present actions weren't doing the job.
Rather than growing bored, however, the pokemon went further instead, gently nibbling on the sensitive skin of her neck while his claws continued to stimulate her sensitive breasts. The touches were crude but insistent, the tips brushing over the fabric of her bra ever so gently, the tips of his claws pressing against the soft mounds in an oddly comforting manner. She didn't want to anger him by outright refusing his approaches, but there had to be some way she could indicate her discomfort, right?

Manami bit her lower lip, trying not to make any audible confirmation that she enjoyed his attention. Her body reacted to the gentle touches and caresses despite the species barrier between them, her cheeks growing warm and flushed with embarrassment when she realized this. She took half a step back, making an effort to escape the sensations he gave her only to loose her footing and fall onto her rear. She propped herself up with her arms, his large body in front of her as she found herself in an even more compromised position than before.
The Scolipede blinked in surprise as the girl began to move back, retreating just an inch or two back from where he just was himself, just in case of... well, he didn't know what. Regardless, he was just as surprised when she suddenly fell back, unable to react anywhere near quick enough to be able to catch her in the meantime. Or maybe he just didn't quite want to at the moment between his other intentions... it was hard to say, really. 'Twas a whole lot easier to say that he was becoming increasingly aware that certain things were in the way of what he really wanted, and he was going to need to be rid of them if he was to get it.

Taking that into some personal consideration, the Scolipede approached the girl on her place now seated on the ground. Leaning his head down, he wasted little time in snapping through the front strap of the bra with a quick bite. One of his front legs meanwhile made short work of tearing mostly off the girl's panties, failing any real knowledge or consideration that humans didn't usually remove their garments by ruining them. With those tasks taken care of, he moved his head back up to the girl's neck near her shoulder, resuming nibbling gently at it as he positioned himself so two of those small claws each could rub into those curious, pliable mounds on her chest. Past that, there was just his mind trying to figure out how this would work given his size compared to her, and where his length resided between his hind legs. This was going to be... a bit tricky, but he was certain he could pull it off. He just had to try and make her favorably compliant first.
Manami closed her eyes tightly when the Scolipede bent down, her heart fluttering in a sudden panic. Snip He simply cut away her bra, however, exposing her nice round orbs each tipped with semi-hard buds to his full view. She breathed deeply as she slowly opened her eyes again upon feeling him resuming his nibbling on her neck. he was being surprisingly gentle with her, as she had expected his inhibitions might simply give way at some point. She drew in a sharp breath when he cut away her panties, however, her legs instantly clamping together so as to prevent him from gaining immediate access to her slightly damp sex.

As he resumed massaging her breasts with his short claws, Manami also began to consider how exactly this would work out. The female sex could accommodate even reasonably large members without trouble, but surely even a small Scolipede dick was larger than a human's. His continued ministrations combined with her own nervousness caused her body temperature to continue to rise while soft sighs escaped her despite her best efforts to stifle them.
Given those sounds the girl was starting to make, and the pleasant scent he was starting to pick up on, the Scolipede could only imagine that the girl was, in fact, enjoying his actions. All the better if he could have her enjoy this, after all; if he could avoid this being just a one-time thing, or something he merely forced on her and by extension probably wouldn't be able to expect much from her in, then all of this was most assuredly worth the effort he'd gone through for it. Granted, even thinking that, he still needed more right now, but... soon, hopefully.

Considering still how he might possibly manage it, he began to shift himself a little as his length continued to grow between his rear legs. He wasn't going to manage it easily with her like this, and he couldn't reliably mount her without risking harming her thanks to his weight that he'd have a hard time keeping off her... other options, then. To that end, he shifted himself a little closer still. Carefully reaching his front legs to grip her around her rear, and his foreclaws for some degree of grip along her sides, he did his best to lift her up just as carefully as he in turn lifted himself up, shifting himself onto his back, at least where his two sets of legs were concerned, and placing her to a seat upon him. Moving to sate another curiosity afterward, he leaned forward to nibble and slightly tug at one of the hardened nubs atop the girl's breast, something his foreclaws hadn't quite been able to reach, even as he tried to shift her back a little with his front legs, further and further toward his still growing member.
When the Scolipede reached around her, grasping her during the transition of her position, she held onto him as well with her arms, more than a little nervous as to his intentions. His strong claws held her tightly against himself, albeit not to a painful degree as he clutched his intended mate during the switch of positions, until she found herself sitting atop him while he laid comfortably on his back. She let out another sigh of relief, glad that he had been careful not to crush her in the process. her relief was short-lived, however, as he soon leaned in and captured her sensitive nipple between his teeth, drawing a series of heated moans from the young woman. The gentle pulling and twisting felt nice, she had to admit even to herself, as the pokemon played with her body.

As his member continued to slowly grow, getting closer to full size with each moment that passed, Manami felt herself being eased backward, the flexibility of his body allowing him to remain clasped over her sensitive bud all the while. Her back arched out toward his mouth slightly, indicating her enjoyment of his actions while remaining temporarily unaware of how close she was getting to his hardening member.
If he was only somewhat certain before of how the girl felt about all this, now the Scolipede was definitely certain from those distinctive sounds she was making that she was enjoying it. Especially as she arched further toward him, he was even more certain of it. Thus his eyes somewhat lidded as he began to lose himself to his own desires. His front legs shifted a little more as they continued to ease the girl back along him, moving down to around her knees while his back legs, now in range, gently grasped her hips. At least, they did for the first moment or two, before they began to slide further inward. She was damp down there, he could soon feel as they reached up to between the girl's own legs. He had to make sure she was ready enough, and more so willing; it wasn't going to be easy to lift her onto his length like this, and he rather preferred she be able to go at her own pace so he didn't risk hurting her.

To that end, he moved his head over, leaving one of those nubs only to move in on the other. The nibbles and little tugs he granted that one were a little rougher than before; still not enough to actually hurt, but he couldn't quite help that he was getting rather eager. His back feet, meanwhile, reached in further between the girl's legs, prodding lightly at the damp slit between them before starting to slowly rub into the sides, occasionally parting those lower lips a little. It wouldn't be long before the girl would feel his hardened member behind her, the Scolipede glancing up to give her a slightly pleading look once he felt her against it.
His legs carefully slid her back, the pair holding her in place passing her from one set to another while drawing her ever closer to the intended goal. She could feel the tips of his clawed legs prod at her between her own legs, testing her dampness. It certainly had not taken him very long to find her sex. By then she had become receptive to his touches, the gentle strokes along the length of her slit causing her hips to slide back toward the caresses, her body seeking more of the direct stimulation offered to her. He switched from the hardened bud atop her left breast to that of her right, his mouth clasping onto her and pulling and tugging with building need.

She could see the desire in his half-closed eyes and the need in his insistent stroking and prodding at her dampening womanhood. He wanted to mate with her, to lay claim to her as his own. She had not fully accepted the idea yet, but she realized that resisting at this point would only go badly for her as the Scolipede wouldn't allow his desired mate to simply slide away. He wanted her, needed her, a fact further evidenced by the sensation of something poking at her from behind. Without even looking back she knew what it was. He had brought her close enough to feel the tip of his hardened member, and even from that she could tell he was pretty large. He'd have to work at getting himself inside her, no doubt, but she slightly lifted her hips in order to make it a bit easier for him, her damp sex glistening in the dim cave's interior.
The Scolipede paused his ministrations in surprise and curiosity as the girl moved herself up a little. Most of all, he wanted to make sure that she didn't try and get away; though, with how much she seemed to be enjoying his touches, would she really do that? And indeed, it appeared as though she wasn't, in fact, moving away; merely helping him a little. He could certainly work with that, and more to the point, would. He still wasn't quite sure how this would work, but given the dampness he felt between her legs, he'd little doubt that she was starting to need this just as he was.

So he shifted those back feet back over to her hips, guiding the girl up and back a little more to start to line up with his member. Continuing his actions at one of her nipples in the meantime, nibbling and tugging at it in his mouth and occasionally offering the same sort of attention to some of the area around it, he shuddered slightly as he, soon enough, felt his tip lightly prodding at the girl's slit. How much he'd love to just bury himself, but that wouldn't do; he doubted she was big enough to handle something like that very easily. Instead, he was more careful in his actions, despite his rampant desire, pushing his hind end up a little even as he started to lower her to begin pushing himself into her, merely an inch or so for now with slight, easy thrusts from him working to spread her a bit more for him, to steadily work more of himself into her in his desire to mate and even breed.
The Scolipede used his legs to position her body in line with his thick member, her warm, damp sex directly in front of his tip. She closed her eyes, fully aware of what would soon follow, and he certainly did not disappoint her expectations. He eased himself forward while drawing her toward himself as well as he pushed himself inside. Just the tip entered her, but even so her inner walls stretched over his rigid girth, somehow managing to accommodate the first inch or so into her damp inner folds. It was an odd sensation, but not entirely unpleasant especially since he maintained his stimulation of her breasts at the same time to help put her at ease and prevent her from tensing up which would only make penetrating her that much more difficult.

He began to make gentle thrusts up into her, causing her body to slide back and forth slightly atop him. She propped up her upper body with her hands pressed against his chest while his mouth remained clasped over her breast, easing her hips back slightly to help him work his way deeper into her body as the sensation of his member across her inner walls began to feel somewhat pleasant despite the discomfort she felt from the unfamiliar sensation of being stuffed with something far larger than had ever entered her before.
Once again the large bug's body shuddered slightly as he pushed himself carefully into the girl's tight depths. His body even seemed to warm up a little as he did, his nibbling and tugging further along now both of the girl's nipples and breasts on the whole seeming to become slower and more deliberate as he worked to make this just as easy and enjoyable for her as it undoubtedly was for him. His prize, of a sort, for offering her aid after she washed up... and a venture that was turning out more than worth it after how long he'd just been alone.

Still, even he couldn't keep himself from getting a bit more insistent as time went on. As steadily more and more of himself penetrated her, he moved his back feet from her hips, instead starting to rub them slowly up and down her thighs, spreading her legs for him a bit more in the process to make everything still easier. His little thrusts, as well, started to come quicker and deeper, pushing more of his somewhat oddly-shaped, almost ridged length into the female he'd chosen to claim. Further and further he pushed in, lowering her further onto him all the while, barely able to wait until he could hit his full length and properly breed with her.
The Scolipede's insistent tugs and nibbles slowed into more slow, sensual ministrations on her breasts, the sensations mixing with the gradually building pleasure from his backward and forward motions along her slick inner walls. A slight shiver ran down her spine and her walls gently tightened then loosened around him, caressing his length as he penetrated her. Although he fit snugly inside her so far, it became more and more difficult for her to take more of him inside with each inch that intruded into her.

He parted her legs further with gentle strokes up and down her lush thighs, opening her up to him more as he worked to push all of himself into her and have a clear shot of her hopefully fertile womb. Manami didn't know if humans could even get impregnated by pokemon, as she had never heard of such a thing happening before, but the Scolipedge certainly desired such an outcome if his insistence was any clue as to his intentions.
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