He Has The X Factor! (Celebstars & Fezesarecool)


Apr 28, 2012
It was at the stage of the judges houses now and Cheryl had been given the group of the boys who's ages would of been 18-24. She was excited about the competition ahead and looked forward to the live shows in a weeks time.

The singer had brought her group to Cannes which was a city located in the French Riviera. Her villa which was situated looking over the sea below would house the contestants long enough for Cheryl to judge them and pick them for the live shows.

After the early morning of revealing herself to the contestants, Cheryl sat down in the afternoon by the pool. Wearing a hat with a dress which started at her chest and flowed down to her feet, she waited for the first boy to come out and sing in front of her.

Upon seeing who it was, she smiled warmly at him. "Hello" she said in her Geordie accent. Crossing one leg over the other which was hidden by the brown dress, Cheryl rested her left hand on her thigh and her wedding ring sparkled in the hot sun.
Dan was so nervous. He'd been waiting for this moment his whole life. Having nearly died of excitement and happiness when he had been told that he'd actually made it this far in the competition, he had done nothing else other than practice singing. Wanting to be perfect for his judge.

Having arrived in Cannes with his suitcase and guitar already inside the villa they would stay at for the week, he finally got to see the other guys in his group. Most looked like your typical boys, Justin Beiber types. He was sure that he was the only one who played a guitar and sang songs like the ones he did.

That morning they were being filmed nearly all day. And the first thing to happen was the reveal of the judge. Dan had tried guessing from the way the villa looked and what was in it, but still found it so surprising when he finally saw Cheryl emerge from the flight of stairs and walk down to them, greeting them and explaining the process.

He was so nervous and happy about being the first to go up. He was unsure if he had been picked to go first or it was random, either way he had to prove himself today.

He walked out into the warm French sun and smiled warmly towards Cheryl, he was dressed pretty casually in chino shorts and a nice short sleeve shirt, casual but still looking pretty good.

"Good morning." He said with a smile again, everything about the way she sat there and the way she spoke made him feel totally at ease. She just seemed so ordinary in person, he wasn't even going to let her beauty distract him, not from winning his dreams. "How are you today?" He asked, hoping just to get a little chat going before his song. He held his guitar in one hand as he smiled.
"I am good ta" she said in her Geordie accent, lifting her hand up and using her varnished clear nails to pull some brown hair behind her ear. "How are you? Feeling nervous?" The slim woman replied, her foot which hung in the air after her leg was crossed over began to rock back and forth. "Just sing your heart out OK, no pressure" she winked at him, being friendly and hoping to calm him.

After the song was over, Cheryl spoke, "That was beautiful Dan, you really know how to get your emotion through in the lyrics you write. Not many people can write their own songs. You will find out tomorrow if you have been successful. Thank you" Her hand lifted up and her fingers all moved individually as she waved him goodbye.

Cheryl then spent the next few hours listening to the other contestants. There was a break in between each one which is why it took so long. In the evening, as the sun was setting, she waved goodbye to the last male and breathed a huge sigh of relief as it was over.

She chose to stay at her villa, it was hers and she had every right to. The producers chose to stay as well, there was enough rooms for everyone.
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