The Goddess of Flames (Rave & Amberice)


Sep 8, 2014
Azula calmly walked into her throne room, a small smile gracing her lips. Not only was she able to conquer Ba Sing Se, but now the traitor Iroh was back within her grasp. And Zu-Zu... Truth be told she was mildly surprised at Zuko's willingness to betray Iroh. She barely even had to bat her eyes. Granted, very few people, not even her father, could resist her charms. Naming her heir was something she had planned long before her father even thought to usurp Iroh of his birthright.

But that was ancient history.

She sat upon her throne, her red silk dress hugging her every curve as she waited. Regardless of how he might try to Avoid it, Zuko had to face her at some point. After all, Ozai only promised him death unless he produced the Avatar (another one of her ideas) and now there was no Avatar to produce. At least not for a while. Plus it was likely that whichever earth brat he reincarnated into would die by the end of the summer anyway. In short, despite his heroic cruelty, Azula, as usual held all the cards. It took much effort to not smirk. The appearance of one of her Dai-Li snapped her out of her thoughts however as he entered the great room.

"Your majesty, Prince Zuko is here to see you. Should we send him in?"

"Please do, and then leave us," and finally her smirk shone through.
Zuko had been unceremoniously summoned to the Fire Lord's chambers once more in the middle of the day, with complete disregard to what he was preoccupied with beforehand. He thought for a moment why he even bothered to think thoughts of complaint, this is how things always were. The Fire Lord's words and summons were absolute, whether they were from his Grandfather, his Father, or...her. His banishment gave Azula the rightful place to be named heir, and in his absence it seemed that was exactly Ozai decided on doing. In a sense he didn't blame their father for doing so. Azula was always strong, fierce, competitive and completely cut-throat. She was the embodiment of what a Fire Lord should be...but she was his nagging, pestering little sister. It was a pill he couldn't swallow easily, but absolutely had to.

As customary when meeting with the Fire Lord, Zuko fluidly embraced his ceremonial Fire Nation armor and tied his hair with the token golden clip of the royal family. He took a moment to muse over its length, remembering how it grew and grew in his endless search for the Avatar. Oh how lucky he was to find Aang in a moment of meditation and ambush him, ending the cycle before the Avatar was complete enough to stop the inevitable conquering of the Fire Nation. Yet all this was nothing, except for one goal. He was finally allowed to return home, finally welcomed back as a Hero and a prince of his nation. If only he didn't have to deal with Azula, life would be perfect. Still, he did have to, and to her chambers he went.

Stepping in, he was escorted by a guard towards her chambers. Large and filled with fire as always, he watched as the guards left from behind him and closed the doors, leaving him to walk up to Azula. His iron boots clanked across the floor until he stood beneath her throne, which was elevated and hidden beneath orange and red curtains as customary.

"What do you want, Azula."

He proclaimed his question with a twitch of annoyance. Fire Lord or not, she was still just his little sister.
"Why so bitter Zu-Zu? Certainly you are happy to be home." A small pout formed on her lips. "It's not everyday a traitor gets to waltz into my castle. Let alone be welcomed as a hero. I assumed you would want to talk to me. We do have a few things to clear up." She walked down from her throne to him, crossing her arms. "Now it could just be me Zu-Zu. But your whole situation right now seems rather precarious. I suppose it depends on whatever we can get out of Iroh...though I wouldn't count on him clearing your name completely."

She paused to look him over meeting his eyes. It was amazing to see how much he had matured since his banishment. She had always...admired...Zuko, though she felt that was more based on her childish feelings of youth. Other than Father Zuko was the only boy she knew. So easy to rile up, so easy to make cry, Zuko was always her plaything. Yet she never thought there would be a time where she would actually need him for anything.

But being the Firelord isn't so easy as a woman.

Suitors from every colony, every city, hell every family, poured in on a near daily basis to attempt to buy her affection. It was clear that their loyalties were only a thin veneer to cover their ambition, and she knew better than to risk much with any of them. But it did not help her produce heirs if she was only handing out promotions and titles. A husband was completely out of the question, though there were other ways to bypass that problem.

"For instance Zu-Zu, how am I supposed to be convinced of your loyalty now? You did betray Uncle at the drop of a hat."
"of course I'm happy to be home." He restated firmly, taking his usual pesky and definat tone, though he found it much harder to do so this time and he knew Azula would be able to pick up the reluctance in his voice. Back before all this happened it was easy to hate Azula. She was a little annoying troublemaker who always made him cry, always put him in trouble with their father and mother. Yet now...she was so powerful, and so beautiful...putting up the constant facade of annoyance and dislike was getting harder. Though she always managed to say or do something that re-sparked that annoyance within Zuko. It was like a special talent she had, to find what would pull his strings and nerves then just yank at them for her pleasure.

"But I suppose we do have things to clear up." He proclaimed back as she mentioned Iroh, and he realized some explanations were in order. He stood before her as she descended from her throne and faced him eye to eye. He had the height on her, definitely, but she seemed more...full, and curvaceous, and several ways that had gone unnoticed along his banishment. It was almost like he forgot how a young girl can so quickly turn into a woman, a woman with such...physique. "What we need to clear up is I'm not peculiar at all. Uncle Iroh was a traitor and because of me he's in your prison, and do I need to remind you that it was me who killed the Avatar?" In typical Zuko fashion he proclaimed, with the regal arrogance of a prince and just a hint of pride in his accomplishment.

Though it was a little clear, that the subject of his banishment was still as sensitive as ever. Evidently so by a subconscious hand reaching up to lightly touch his scar when he spoke. "Besides, don't you have Ba Sing Se or something to worry about? You're Earth Queen now, too. Not to mention all those guys that keep coming to your chambers trying to hook up with you." He stated that last part with a bit of distaste. Even if it was Azula, she was still his sister, and frankly none of these people approaching her were good enough to produce an heir for the fire nation. Ah well, it wasn't really his problem to worry about. He never wanted to be Fire Lord, nor did he care who Azula married. he tried to convince himself.

"And stop calling me Zu-Zu. I told you that a hundred times." He huffed. "I betrayed uncle so I can come back home, not so I can betray the fire nation. You of all people should know how loyal I am. After all, you were there when father banished me...I still remember your smirk."
"You killed a twelve year old boy. It's a big step from a turtleduckling, but forgive me if I am not all that impressed." The little twerp. It had been a long while since anyone talked to her so defiantly. It is better than him just kissing my ass. Though she couldn't deny that there was a lot of things she needed to do. Ba Sing Se was going to be hard to hold, certainly a group of suitors would be willing to do it if she ordered them to. The only question is whether they could actually keep the city running. She couldn't afford a drain on the economy now that she was preparing for the coment.

"Zuko, The fact of the matter is, I am not convinced that you could do what I need you to do. I have men clawing at my throne, rebellions to quell, and now, our people clamoring for you." She walked to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No matter your accomplishments it is no secret that Father was cruel to you, and well...Zuko you have enemies here." She shook her head slowly her mind racing. "Even if you are loyal to me, to our nation, there will be attempts on your life brother." Ever so gently she slid her hand down his arm and grabbed his left hand, gently taking it from his scar. "I need to know that you can help me. And in return, I can protect you."
She was as silver tongues and snappy as ever, even with all this time away she knew just what to say to shut down his little quips of defiant rebellion that was his nature. He too, found that awkwardly familiar. Awkwardly...endearing about her. Even as an exiled prince, the Fire Nation either kissed his ass awaiting his return or outright ignored his existence. She was the only one besides Iroh to actually talk to him like a regular person, and it made him a little weaker when it came to her. "I didn't see you go out and do it Azula." He huffed back when she proclaimed how unimpressed she was, but defiant sibling words were quieted soon after when she continued to talk. He found her approaching closer and her hand crept up to slide along his shoulder. It threw him off guard momentarily, but there were no defiant movements from him. How long had it been since someone touched him tenderly? Since someone actually got affectionate with him...he couldn't remember. His scar was pretty much a deterrent for most women, and whores did not touch a man the way Azula just touched him.

"You would trust those people clawing at your throne, those...suitors, more than you would your own brother?" He asked curiously, perhaps a hint of hurt feelings at the notion of her distrust of him. Then she brought up their father, and once again she had grabbed hold of the string weakest within Zuko. It was almost like she could see right through him. "I've always had enemies, Azula...the moment father banished me, he condemned me to a life of running away." She brought up the possible attempts on his life, and he sighed as she confirmed his fears. "All I ever wanted to do was make father proud, to come home and make the Fire Nation the most glorious of all. Now what the hell am I supposed to do."

He closed his eyes for a moment, only to find her hand sliding atop his own and removing it slowly from his scar. His own hand found itself cupped in hers. Her words were even more of a shock than her actions. Not once in their entire life did Zuko ever see Azula try and protect him, or stand up for him to father or any other man. In fact it was quite the opposite. But perhaps...time has changed, perhaps she actually needed him. " don't have time for me. You said so yourself. I'll help you as prince of the Fire Nation, as a brother who Lo-.." he couldn't quite get that out. "cares for you...but I have no choice but to protect myself. I'll figure something out on my own, I always have."

Yet, he had to admit to himself, if there was any way...any way at all, for her to take from this burden of somehow keep him safer, he would jump at the chance.
"Oh Zuko, I am not going to give up my throne." She gave him a small smile, and pressed her fingers through his, grasping his hand delicately. Oh. Those callouses...he is still into those damn knives. She started to walk with him slowly, back towards her throne. "Brother, do you know what the dragons did when their numbers dwindled?" She asked innocently, meeting his eye. "Our grandfather, though wise and great beyond anything I could hope to attain, was foolish when he started the hunting of dragons. However an interesting phenomena happened. The strong began to protect the weak. Families came close, very close. Soon, those who began to hunt the dragons realized that they were casting off those who were no longer related to them. And then, eventually, that line was erased as the need to produce eggs grew upon them." Letting his hand go at the base of her throne, she took her seat in front of him.

"Brother, I need you to trust me to protect you. I want you to trust me. I now have a time to earn that. Simultaneously Zu-zu," she flashed him a dazzling smile, crossing her legs, "you now have the time to fully, completely, and without question, restore your honor."
It was at this point that she realized fully what she wanted. Heirs were not even the half of it. She sat there taking in his form, the strength of his features, the lines of wisdom on his face. She wanted to claim him. Own him. She wanted to see him shiver and beg for her touch, break his stubborn pride and rebuild it on something worth actually being proud of. Service to her would be the best thing for Zuko, and she knew it.

"I need you to serve me. Completely Zuko, and in return I will do my utmost to repair what Father has done to you and your reputation."
She assured him her throne would not be given up, and Zuko was bestowed with a sense of relief. For one, he did not want it, yet he also needed it to remain within their family. This room was the source of his banishment, yet the source of his restored honor. Everything he knew was within these walls, and Azula would protect everything. It was then that things started making a little more sense. The idea of her protecting him...made more sense. She grasped his hands, and he relented, allowing her to walk him up to her throne as she told him of her story. He had not given much thoughts to Dragons, yet he did wonder how he managed to encounter not one, but two during his journey despite their rumored extinction. She let his hand go and took a seat on her throne, leaving him standing before her, the two of them shielded by the curtains behind them and secluded within the empty room of red and fire. "So the dragons interbred within their own family line in order to preserve their species?" He pondered a moment. "It would make the most sense...when it comes to survival and power, such lines would need to be erased so the species would...go on..."

Things were slowly starting to click now, as he looked on to Azula. Zuko was a smart man, and he knew Azula well enough to pick up on just a few shards of what she was hinting at. She crossed her slender, beautiful legs ever so seductively as she told him of her need for trust. "I don't know've put me through a lot of hell..." he paused a moment, taking in the way she looked at him. Her eyes were like that of a hawk, stalking its prey, eyeing it with every intent of possession and domination. "Yet...I do not have much to lose...I want to trust you too, Azula. Can you really protect me from suffering the same fate as before?"

He asked, just before she asked him to serve. Her presence, her eyes, the slender crossed legs and the beautifully shaped body that aired of regal dominance, everything finally broke him down. He was starting to give himself up to her. Zuko found himself willingly raising his hand and removing the golden clip that held his long hair, allowing it to fall as a sign of servitude. In the process, he dropped down to one knee before her, his golden eyes looking up at her in a sharp yet allowing gaze. "If you can, Azula...I'll live my entire life serving you."
She was silent for a moment, looking at him. The smile that had been nearly plastered to her face this whole conversation was gone and was replaced with a self satisfied smirk. It never was very hard to manipulate Zuko--or at least far less difficult than Ozai--but the ease of his acceptance had already kindled a small flame of desire. Getting up, she nealt at her brother's left side and took the gold clip from him.

"Now Zuko, I don't want you doing that," she chided shaking her head. "You are a Prince. I need you to be aware of that. Without such a reminder carelessness is a likely result. As I said this is important Zuko." Gently, she patted his head and put his crown back on his head. She looked into his eyes as innocent as a lamb and moved forward to place a small kiss above his left eye, just on his scar.

Rising she took his hand and began to walk him down the long room to the door. "There is a war meeting at dawn tomorrow. I will expect you there. Mai and Ty Lee are waiting outside in the garden and will escort you to your room. Feel free to ask them of anything. I will catch you up on details you need to know tonight, likely it will be late. I will send Mai to wake you." In front of the door she hugged her brother gently.

"Welcome home Prince Zuko."
When she knelt down and replaced the crown on his head, a small smile crept along his face. He'd never seen Azula like this before...and he liked it. This was a firelord he could learn to serve, despite his pride and his previous feelings towards her. "Sister...I will be your prince, just as I am the Fire Nation's. I do not plan to let the nation I worked so hard to come back to down. I pr--." his words were silenced when he felt her lips caress the scar just above his eye and plant a kiss.

He was stunned for just a moment, before he found himself standing up with her. There was an urge just then. A small desire to kiss her back. She was his sister yet...he suddenly felt an urge towards her that he hadn't before. The dominant nature within him suddenly roared out for this women. Her scent became caught permanantly in his nose, the touch of her skin and hands felt much more vivid, smoother, seductive. His crown was firm on his head, and a testamant to the type of man he was the moment he redonned it his chest perked up, his physique regained its strength, and he walked like the proudest and mightiest of princes. Kings, even. The strength returned to his voice, now encouraged by Azula rather than having her pluck at his weaknesses. He was strong in build and physique, cunning, but she...she knew how to toy with men at the tip of her fingertips.

"I will be there. Besides, I have been all over the nations. It's time I disciplined your incompetent generals and showed them what a true war strategist is like." He nodded towards her. "And...I'll wait for you tonight." He added towards the end, that hint of desire sparking within him once more as Azula welcomed him home.

For the first time, in his entire life even, he leaned in before the doors opened and placed his own kiss along Azula's cheek. His lips rugged yet firm. "It's good to be home, my Lord." He concluded, before bowing proudly and taking his steps outside. Once in the gardens, his eyes were automatically scanning for Mai and Ty Lee. He hadn't seen them in quite some time either.
"He should be coming out any moment!" Ty Lee protested, trying to be calm. A flush was rising in her cheeks, but she knew better than to resist Mai outright. Azula had made her intentions quite clear in their various...adventures. Ty Lee was Mai's, and together they were the Firelord's. Regardless, outside of the Royal palace, in the vast garden, the two women were seated on the east side a couple hundred yards away from the door, seated at a large fountain.

"How tiresome. I assumed Mistress would take him there." Mai muttered nibbling on the gymnast's neck. She was seated behind her pet, Ty Lee between her legs. Despite their modestly cut bathing suits the tight fabric struggled to cover their curves, Ty Lee especially. Although it was likely Mai's fault the other girl's breasts were spilling into her hands now. It was just far too fun to play with her love's growing breasts.

"Mai...Zuko is..."

Sighing, Mai looked up, disappointed to see Zuko walk out of the palace. In no particular hurry she let Ty Lee go to adjust her top. "Your highness!" She called, moving slightly to rise from her perch at the fountain. She bowed as he approached. "Welcome home Prince Zuko." The dark haired girl said in her typical monotone. "Ty Lee, rise and bow to the Prince" She hissed, a blushing Ty Lee struggling to get up.

"Hey Zuko..." The brunette said shyly looking at her toes. "Has the Firelord dismissed you for now?"
It wasn't long after Zuko stepped out that he noticed Ty Lee and Mai sitting by the fountain, a few yards away from the Fire Lord's doors. He hadn't caught anything quite out of place, as he was alerted to their presence by their call. What he did notice, however, is their significant growth. Oh and not only in height. Ty Lee especially had developed some perked, full breasts. He had to question her choice of attire, however. What she wore barely covered up anything at all, and while Ty Lee was fuller and more busy, Mai had grown quite a womanly and figurative body. Perhaps she lacked Ty Lee's...torso, yet she made up for it in slender him and a firm behind. A small smirk slipped across his lips, his childhood friends had developed into such beautiful women. To him, Azula was taking favor yet that didn't mean Ty Lee and Mai were not as good. In fact, they were almost on par.

"Well well, you two have certainly grown..." he left a purpose pause at the end of that word, to hint at exactly what he was thinking about. "Closer." He finished, disguising his wicked thoughts as he leaned against a marble pillar, under the small gazebo just in front of the fountain. He watched Mai urge Ty Lee to hover over and give her own bows to the prince of the Fire Nation, and the small actions only served to remind him of his position and power, even over these two. Yet he could afford to be friendly, after all, he'd known them for quite some time.

"Hello, Ty Lee. Mai. It's been...years." He said with a handsome, charming smile as he approached them. His back was arched high, chest out and posture strong. Mai was tall, but Zuko taller still. Just as they had grown into beautiful, busty women he too had grown into a man, and his body subconsciously portrayed that growth with every movement.

"Yes...Azula set me free. In fact, the both of you are supposed to show me to my room now. It's good. That'll give us a chance to catch up, and you two can tell me all the dirty little secrets Azula doesn't want her protective older brother to know." A wicked grin slipped across his lips then.

Azula was not the only cunning one in the family.
Ty Lee turned scarlet, but Mai met Zuko's eye and gave a small bow of her head. "Certainly Lord Zuko. Come Ty Lee." Walking in front of Zuko, the women lead him past the Gazebo and turned towards the western wing of the palace. Entering, Mai turned to the Prince. "My Prince, the Firelord has commanded you to take your old suit back though she wanted me to warn you about the changes that were made to it. The wall that separate your room form her's was taken out so to give you more space, among other changes. Our Firelord did not want you to be dismayed." The palace itsef had changed. Art and tapestries hung everywhere, and scarlet curtains adorned the open archways between great rooms, pulled back by what looked like real gold. All of the guardsmen were plain clothed in simple black and leather, though there was no hiding the different look of various earth kingdom people either. The Dai Li permeated nearly all of the castle and mixed freely with their firebending counterparts.

It was already a great change from the solemn and grim Ozai who demanded uniforms and depictions of war on nearly every wall. Now paintings, truly ancient ones by the look of some, showed landscapes, dancers, mythic beasts. It was a celebration of the old culture the country missed so much. Ironically, it was brought to them by the second borne daughter of a madman but all servants within the castle at least looked...pleased.

They rounded a corner heading up a winding staircase before getting to the royal living chambers. The fourth floor up, there were only a few servants up here, and Mai paused to explain. "The Firelord is still working on putting together a personal guard for you my lord. For now, Ty Lee, myself, and these two guards are to watch you until after tomorrow. All servants up here have trained with the Firelord herself since before Lord Ozai departed for the Earth Kingdom. Their skill is matched by only Lady Azula herself."

"It's okay Zuko. You can bet that no matter what happens, we'll protect you." Ty Lee giggled slightly, taking Mai's hand. "Do you have to act so bored Mai? C'mon..." The brunette bounded to Zukos room and opened the door for him to see. Open and airy, the chamber had it's wide four poster bed that was ever so familiar, a couch, a balcony, a table large enough for small war meetings, and various wardrobes.It was like she had taken his childhood bedroom and made it more expansive, covering the walls with art and lighting, and presenting him with a view of the setting sun.

"Is it to your liking Zuko?" Ty Lee asked, leading him inside.
Zuko quite purposely let Ty Lee and Mai walk before him. It was quite the nice view to watch, their plump rears shaking from side to side in their respective attire. While Ty Lee's skimpy little outfit nearly had her rear falling out, Mai's robes left quite a mysterious air to what hid beneath, giving just as much intrigue if not more. Yet Zuko's eyes were eventually torn away as he looked upon the improvements within the palace. It was so much different than he remembered. Exotic, filled with colors, sharp gold meshed with strong leather uniforms on soldiers lining the hallways. The palace was almost a dead imitation of Azula's personality...and he liked it. "My old suite, hm?" He mused over the thought. He'd not seen it since he was a boy, just before his banishment. Though the news of the walls being torn down peeked his interest. "Oh? So I will basically be sharing a giant room with my sister." He paused, pondering, as a wicked thought or two briefly crossed his mind.

"Very well then, I suppose it makes your jobs easier if we're both in the same room." He teased. The guards along the hallways made sure to salute or bow as he walked through, Dai Li and Fire Nation soldiers alike. This was home. This is what he wanted all this time. Respect. Honour. And now he was relishing in the power it gave him. Azula seizing the throne might have just been the best thing to happen to him in ages. His father, however...their score was certainly not settled. Yet he didn't dwell on the thought.

Ty Lee's adorable proclamation of protection snapped him out of it, as they walked past a few guards and made it into his old yet new room. He took a moment to let it all sink in. Quite an improvement over the iron ship's small cabin. He had to share it with an old, smelly uncle too. Sharing all this space with Azula was bound to be a much more pleasant experience. "You don't think I can protect myself, Ty Lee?" He asked her sternly for a moment, before a grin showed that he was only teasing.

"The guards outside will be enough. Being keeps a guy on his toes. I've learned to be a light sleeper." He proclaimed as he began taking off his armor, piece by piece. He was proud of his body, scar aside, and the prince of the Fire Nation had the authority to undress wherever he pleased. He let the door close behind Ty Lee and Mai, as he unbuckled his torso armor and let it fall onto the pillared bed. Scars adorned his back, nothing as severe as the one on his eye, yet they compliment the toned muscles lining his back nicely. No doubt they were the result of his most recent fight with the avatar. The golden crown piece followed, letting his long hair fall loose upon his shoulders and drape over them. The pants were next, the leather heavy as it fell from his waist and hit the floor, leaving him in his trunks as he walked over to the closet, exploring just what wardrobe he had that wasn't armor.

"Never the less, I do like this quite a bit Mai. Ty Lee. I think with you two here, and Azula right beside me...I can get quite comfortable."
"I didn't mean that hone--" Zuko's smile made Ty Lee's nervous rambling stop, and she stuck out her tongue in response. Mai might be bored and all protocol, but Ty Lee was nigh incorruptible.

"It does make more sense for the Firelord to stay with you though. There is much to...cover." A small twitch of a smile graced the mysterious dark haired girl as she moved to close the door. "Her majesty insisted on the changes. With the two of you together and the Avatar dead, there is likely nothing that could stop you." She sighed shaking her head. "I'm afraid we are just decoration." Her eyes lingered on Ty Lee before flicking back to the Prince. He had steadily matured over the years that it was impossible to know he was the same person Ozai and banished. Tall, muscular, regal...she could see why Azula had her fixation. Though it was a delicate topic to broach, the fact of the matter was Azula had intended for Mai and her love to tend to Zuko's needs in the interim. Although Mai was explained the rules, she was unsure if Azula mentioned them to her brother.

She moved the the sofa, taking Ty Lee with her by the hand. "How were your travels Zuko? Did you do anything fun at all? What does the south pole look like?" the brunette blabbered, clearly pleased to see her childhood friend, titles be damned.
Zuko snickered as Ty Lee stuck her tongue out. She was just as fun to tease as ever, though he knew Mai would need a little more work to get a smile out of. Still, he missed them...and just as he found himself with feelings for Azula, similar ones were beginning to brew. While what he felt towards his sister was a little deeper, a little more complex, Ty Lee and Mai as an item brought out something a little more...primal, in Zuko. Upon further inspection of his wardrobe, he decided against putting anything else on. Yet he turned as Mai explained to him the reason behind some of these changes. He laughed lightly when she proclaimed they were decorations, and he waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense. You're two of the most beautiful and powerful women the Fire Nation has to offer." He proclaimed with a stern tone, his point serious, yet his smile remained.

Walking over to the couch, he sat between Mai and Ty Lee. It was a tight feet, but he enjoyed the closeness of them. Ty Lee's breasts were hovering over his hands, while Mai's legs were curled and pressing at his side. "Who knows, perhaps there is a disgruntled fire nation traitor who doesn't enjoy the idea of my return. I'm going to need you two to remind him of my status and his place now, won't I?" He smiled, draping his arms over the back of the couch and allowing both of them to lean more against him if they wished. He might not have known it to be Azula's orders, but Zuko could think of quite a few things Mai and Ty Lee could help him with until his sister's return.

When Mai called him by his name, he found himself preferring that. He snickered, humming a thought as he leaned back a bit more. "The South pole is full of nothing but barbarians...I saw more Iron Ships than anything else in my hunt for the avatar, really, but I will say this." He paused, leaning over to seize Mai's chin playfully between fingers and pull her face towards him. "Southern Water Tribe women have an exotic beauty to them." He teased, looking back to Ty Lee and motioning for her to come closer. "And you two, tell me, how has Azula been treating you?"
"Mistress is--" Ty Lee started before Mai cut her off with a look.

"The Firelord is wonderful. Zuko." Mai continued, a little blush still on her cheeks from when Zuko teased her. "She has allowed more of the old traditions to come into light including once again be held in respect." Her gaze lingered on Zuko for a moment before revealing a small smile, "Although we are technically her servants Zuko she wants you to feel as comfortable with us as ever. It would please me to show you the exact failings of those Southern Water Tribe women." She said acerbically, though with her own humor. Before Zuko was banished she always had a crush on him. It was inevitable to admire the strong willed youth. Though now, older and wiser, she knew her heart was Ty Lee's, but she also knew that didn't necessarily mean her attraction to the royal family was over.

As for Ty Lee...Azula was the best thing to happen to her. The circus life was rough and hollow, and try as she might to like it, it was humiliating to say the least. Azula had shown her so many things, not only places but feelings that she would always feel in debt to her. While her attraction to Zuko was primarily physical, she did truly want to be friends. And if he was anything like his sister it was likely through the physical that such a friendship would grow. The smalled girl snuggled into Zuko her soft warm breasts pressing into him.

"I couldn't be happier anywhere else," Ty Lee said honestly. "I've missed you Zuko. It's been more than a little weird without you." She admitted. "Mai here is just a bit jealous that you are in the middle instead of her. She gets needy like that." She stuck her tongue out again, this time at a slightly uncomfortable Mai. "Course," the gymnast continued, "I don't think that's entirely the case either. It's been a while since we have had the company of a man so maybe she's just all flustered."
"Oh I can see that."

Zuko snickered as Mai explained about the changes. It was quite evident as he was making his way to this room that Azula had added her magic touch to the place. If nothing else it was much more vibrant, much more full of the Fire Nation's culture and feel. Something their father had decided to ignore in favor of armor and war. It was just another one of those things Azula was good at, and he quite liked it. What did remove his mind from the thought however, was Mai's little teasing offer of filling in for the Water Tribe women's failings. He laughed as he was supposed to, as it was portrayed as a joke, yet Zuko knew there was much more to that statement.

"Well Mai, perhaps we can combine Azula's desire for my comfort with you, and your desire to show me how Fire Nation women are better than the Water Tribe's in one go. Don't you agree, Ty Lee?" He tilted his head towards the gymnast and flashed her a teasing smirk. She proclaimed how happy she was, and how she missed him, before dropping the hint that Mai was a little jealous of Zuko sitting in the middle and getting to touch Ty Lee. He smirked a little deviously, the dominant manhood within him wanting to fully seize their opportunity and their presence. "So you too belong to each other, hm? I knew since we were little, you know...that you two fit together like puzzle pieces." He jested, trying to tease them just to see a cute blush of red on their faces.

Yet his hands moved and his arms circled their waists, pulling them in closer to him. He let Mai's leg drape over his lap as she mounted one leg, letting his knee push in her robe and settle between her thighs, while Ty Lee was pulled a little higher, her ass pressed against his thigh and her body turned to him, her breasts perked and angled just beneath his chin. "Yet the company of a man should not fluster you...especially your oldest friend." He smirked, tilting his head to Mai and offering her a devilish grin.

"So how comfortable did Azula want us to get, exactly?"
Mai turned uncharacteristically scarlet. "I uhh..." She was at a loss for words. She had been feeling a bit hot all day (Just seeing Ty Lee playing in water could do that to her) but it had been a long time since she had even be able to entertain the thought of being with Zuko. She wondering if he could feel the sudden temperature increase between her thighs. Surprisingly though, it was a giggly pink Ty Lee who answered him.

"I guess the line is up to you Zuko." She chimed biting her lip slightly. "As long as you are nice to Mai I don't think she would complain." She moved to nuzzle his neck lightly. "You know, she really likes it when you kiss her ears like this." she punctuated with a small nip to his ear lobe, her hands knotting in her lap. "She gets really tremble-y and wet watching too," the giggle brunette continued, whispering in his ear. "And she tastes so yummy when she's frustrated Zuko. You wouldn't believe it."

Mai sighed pleasantly, slowly rubbing herself against Zuko unconsciously. She loved watching Ty Lee get into her dirty talk almost as much as she liked listening to it herself. "It's not nice to tell him all of our secrets Ty..." she said slowly, a dazzling crimson burning her cheeks.
"Oh is that so?" A wicked grin slipped along Zuko's lips at all the information Ty Lee was so generously offering. Mai's nervous blush, and the rising heat between her thighs did not go unnoticed. Yet Ty Lee was doing the better job of catching most of his attention. Not only was she telling him all of Mai's little naughty secrets, but she had her lips and tongue nipping at his ear already, and the seductive whispers continued. His leg rose just a bit, applying a bit more force against Mai's subconscious grinding against it. There was nothing separating the muscular leg from Mai's folds except for the simple dress she wore, and so the friction from his now grinding knee would rub and grind against her clit a lot more vividly.

"So our beautiful Mai over here gets turned on watching her little toy talk dirty and toyed with too, hm?" He grinned, focusing his attention back to Ty Lee in order to capitalize on this opportunity and get Mai worked up. "Well let me test out that theory, Ty Lee." he proclaimed, before his hand wrapped around Ty Lee's waist and pulled her closer against him. Her breasts would press into his chest now, the action forcing the small bra holding them up to subside and have one of her breasts spill against his naked chest. Her nipples were hardened as they pressed into him, and Zuko tilted his head to repay Ty Lee's favor. His lips were the ones pressing against Ty Lee's neck now, kissing a line up from her shoulder all the way to her jaw where he landed a small bite.

His arms pulled them both closer, his eyes closed as his lips worked up to the corner of Ty Lee's lip where he stole another kiss, before pausing momentarily. "So Mai would get even wetter over my knee if say...I do this?" Not only did he admit to Mai that he knew how wet she was, but he did something to turn her on further. His hand cupped Ty Lee's ass tightly and pulled her forward, pressing his lips sensually to his own. It only took a few seconds for the embraced lips to crave more, and his tongue invaded. It found Ty Lee's own quickly, licking and toying between their lips and leaving a trail of saliva to hang between them. Water Tribe women were one thing, but these two...these two he could fuck to his heart's content and the would only moan and obey.
Ty Lee moaned softly in his mouth, one hand cupping the side of his face, the other pressed against her chest. She loved feeling naughty like this. She could feel Mai's eyes on her, hear the dark haired woman's breath catch slightly as she watched Zuko. The elation of having such an audience--both Zuko and Mai--caused the gymnast's own thighs to heat up. She wanted more.

She faced Zuko, and nibbled on his lower lip slightly, grinding her chest into his. "What did you do with those Water Tribe girls Zuko? Would you like to show Mai?" she teased, dragging her hand down from his chest to place it delicately on her girlfriend's thigh.

Mai could feel the lust burning in her veins. She loved how Ty Lee could be so slutty and dirty, and she loved that the other woman did it partially because she was so turned on by it. her thin dress was damp, and the constant rubbing of her clit almost made her pant.

"You know Zuko, Ty loves it when you tease her here~" she punctuated bringing her hand to the brunette's chest. Gently pressing Ty lee back, she got to her exposed nipple. Hard and a delightful pink, she barely started to rub it before Ty started to coo adorably. "She begs me to suck on them so often I'm surprised she isn't filled with milk yet...though when that happens she'll probably need me to suck here won't you?"
Zuko got swept up in Ty Lee's pace for as long as he could, letting Mai enjoy herself on his leg while his tongue explored every inch of Ty Lee's mouth. Only when Ty Lee separated herself just to nibble on his lower lip and press her breasts against his chest did he grin at her question. The man could not handle all this elation, these two beautiful women on his lap, without some kind of reaction. Quite evidently and obviously there was a throb within his briefs, and if one looked, they would see a hardening outline of a shaft start to press against the light fabric.

"I'm sure I can show Mai a thing or two...those Water Tribe girls had some really interesting things to show me, you know...things about the female body I didn't know before..." he teased, as he watched Ty Lee's hand slide down to Mai's thigh. Zuko could already sense how close Mai was to releasing some much needed tension. Her cunt was grinding on his knee harder and harder, and her dress had dampened his knee with her wetness.

"Is that so, Mai?" He responded with a cheeky smirk, watching as Mai's hand reached forward and grabbed Ty Lee's exposed breast. He watched the fingers caress and rub against the pointy and hard nipple before he let out a pant of seduction. His own cock was throbbing at this point, getting hard enough that the tip was pushing through the waistband holding it against his body and proturuding out. Zuko was certainly not a...small, man. Just from the outline one would realize he was a good eight inches or so, and it seemed he still had more to offer. Yet then, he heard something that piqued his interest more than anything.

"But Mai...if you're so busy sucking Ty Lee, who is going to take care of your prince, hm?" He grinned, running his hand along Mai's back until he slid down the curve of her ass and past her dress, letting his fingers slide along the wet and heated folds for the first time.
Mai gave an involuntary shiver, "Oh my prince, I'm sure we can work something out." With great ever she pushed herself off his leg slithering to his front on the floor. In a fluid movement, she unclasped Ty Lee's top, letting it fall to the ground. Not needing an invitation, Sweet Ty moved to take up more of Zuko's lap, taking his mouth with her's once more. Mai had other plans however and went to Zuko's growing erection, kissing the strained fabric gently. "How would my prince liked to be taken care of?" she asked nimbly, tracing the line of his cock through his pants. "We have so many ways we can please you Zuko, you can ask for whatever like." She smiled, enjoying the view of Ty Lee's round ass and Zuko's straining cock. As excited as she was she knew this couldn't last. Azula was clear on her orders. Zuko's cum was hers. No if's, and's, or but's. Though there was no need for Zuko to know that just yet.

Ty Lee broke her kiss with the prince to giggle at Zuko, her eyes glassy with desire. "So what would you like m'lord?" She nuzzled his nose with hers, blushy and bright. "I can promise we are very good at taking orders." she murmured, taking his hand and putting it on her bare breast.
Zuko lustfully watched Mai as she pushed herself away and slithered down beneath him, something about that thought and her place at his feet only served to turn him on further. Yet it was the sudden touch of her lips against the wet fabric of his pants that had him biting down on his lip in lust and pleasure. A small grunt of desire escaped, yet words could not come out before Ty Lee slid along his lap, affirmed her position atop it, and stole his lips once more in a kiss. His tongue quickly darted to lick her own, replacing the need for words. His hips bucked upwards towards Mai, encouraging the touches of her fingers and tongue. His cock, thick and throbbing, pulsed against her touch in anticipation. Zuko's hands slipped down Ty Lee's body, his hands cupping her ass tightly and removing whatever cloth hid her bare skin from Mai. His hands spread her ass cheeks wide for a moment, giving Mai a nice view of everything Ty Lee had to offer while simultaneously letting his fingers roam along Ty Lee's pucker.

The kiss broke just then, and Ty Lee giggled with desire. "Oh you've gone and made your prince quite lustful now...Mai, be a dear and see how much of your prince's cock you can fit down your throat, hm? As for you..." He grinned as he watched Ty Lee, looking at her like an animal stalking its prey. "I'm going to have a little fun with you before you join Mai at my feet." With that, he gave her no chance of rebuttle before his lips darted forward and seized Ty Lee's round, perked breast between his lips. He caught her nipple between his teeth and quickly began to yank and tug, sucking her like a child at his mother, as if he was expecting her to lactate for him. Unlikely, but the thought served to turn him on.

As for Mai, she would find herself quite occupied. Not only was Ty Lee's holes there for her to taste and Zuko's finger roaming, but his cock had effectively pulsed and throbbed its way nearly out of his briefs, giving her the first look and full access to every inch of his throbbing, thick eight inch shaft.
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