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Good Mobile RPGs?


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Good day or night to the beautiful people of Blue Moon. I have been wondering something and was hopine someone here could enlighten me. Being a big fan of Skyrim and RPGs in general, I looked on the Play Store to try and find a game similar. The closest I came to a similarly scaled game was a little gem called Ravensword 2. It got me to thinking, does anyone know of any games similar to that? I would love to know!
Uh, well, skyrim is a bit out of reach of mobile platforms. But there's fun RPGs to be had.

Lone Wolf is a crossbreed of an old Choose Your Own Adventure storybook and tough as nails Final Fantasy-esque combat. Graphics and writing are top notch, combat system is a game in itself.

Logging Quest is at the other end. Totally text driven, you make simple AI rules for an adventurer, and send your adventurer adventuring. After a period of time, they come back, and you can review the adventure log, sort inventory, equip, tweak rules, and send them out again. Surprisingly expansive for how simple it is, though.

There's also Aralon, Knights of Pen and Paper, the original Ravensword, Star Command is RPG-esque...
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