The Trials and Tribulations of Avatar Katra (Omako & Amberice)


Sep 8, 2014
This was not a place a master waterbender would be. At least it didn't make sense to the young avatar. It was a southern island, away from the cold and nestled in a cool calm sea. There were enough people to merit a small village, giving the island it's name--Gao Di--but other than that it was little more than a sandy strip of land dotted with some hills and dense foliage.

Shima, growled quietly. She was annoyed. The beast was stunningly beautiful, well over twenty feet long and a gleaming silver that managed to look violet in the sun. "It'll be okay girl. It's just for a couple weeks. Once I get the basics down we can go home and practice there..." The dragon did not seem pleased with that. With a groan it started to head to the water before taking off into the air (likely to go find a turtlefish to eat). Sighing the young woman grabbed her backpack and moved closer to the hills.

Katra was eighteen, though her eyes had a certain wisdom in their emerald hue. Her skin was pale, but lightly dusted with a rosy pink hue showing her vitality. Her dark hair was piled into a messy bun on her head and her slim frame was wiry with strength. Dressed in a simple brown tunic dress and dark green pants (a necessary purchase after Shima dived into a river outside of Omashu with her things) she looked really quite plain.

Making her way down to the main street of the village she was directed by some locals up to the top of a steep hill where the aterbending master lived in his stone mansion. Entering through the gate she paused to take in his beautiful garden before she made her way to the door, knocking twice.
Meditating in the mansion's antechamber, Nonka inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to compose himself. His mansion was empty, as he barely hired any servants and wasn't one to often take students. He mostly kept to himself, occasionally finding some enjoyment when young women chose to visit his estate. He'd not only become a powerful waterbender, but he'd invented some techniques that many people enjoyed experimenting with. And in his 4th decade, he enjoyed attention where he could give or get it.

He'd been informed that someone of importance would be coming to the village to seek his tutelage, as many often did. Most students needed to display resolve, dedication, beyond mere natural talent. Opening the door, he was greeted by a plainly dress young woman. Her green eyes and pale skin told him that her lineage hailed at least partially from the Fire Nation.

"Hello, my name is Master Nonka. Whom might you be, and to what do I owe this visit?" He wasn't one to beat around the bush, never liking when his students tried to flatter his talents to learn his secret techniques.
Katra bowed seeing him.
"H-hello. My name is Katra. I have heard tales of you from the southern continent." It was true that not all of them were exactly good, However the creator of so many techniques had to be a good teacher. "I have come here to ask you to teach me your skills." She looked up her eyes meeting his. "I'm sure you hear this a lot but I was told that you were the best. I can pay for the lessons if you wish, I am a pretty good laborer if you need something done." She gave a small laugh, feeling nervous. "It's just...I really need a waterbending teacher. I am the avatar."
"I like to think myself good, but certainly not the greatest master, or even the easiest to learn from. I take it if you've come to me as the Avatar, your interest is in my unique techniques in particular. I should warn you, these techniques must be learned as much through experience and demonstration as practice. While not dangerous or lethal, I will need you to be willing to commit to push yourself and go beyond a certain comfort zone." Regardless of her answer he ushered her in to have a seat and discuss her travels a little bit. Many would be honored to train the Avatar, and while he was to a degree, he also wasn't sure if she could handle what he'd have in store.
Sighing gratefully she entered. It had been such a long trip. Although peaceful, the world was still vast and already as Avatar Katra had so many stupid squabbles she had to resolve that she was excited to begin to train anew. "Sifu Nonka, I am certainly willing to push myself to receive your guidance." She said with a small laugh as she entered. His house was open and airy and she was ever so grateful for the tea as she sat down with him at the table.

"Regardless of your humility sir, The Southern Tribe spoke so highly of you I felt it was in my best interests to seek you out. What is unfortunate is I have actually passed by this Island at least three times. Shima, my dragon, hates the water so it's hard to get her to land so close to it." She took a sip of her tea. "But I was told, specifically, you were able to bloodbend. Such a skill would likely be in my best interest to learn."
Having a seat across from her, he took a sip as she inquired regarding his bloodbending abilities. "So my name has spread throughout the Southern Tribe? And I thought as a hermit they'd hear so little of me. But you've heard correctly. Though I don't make use of it in particular, I did learn blood bending, though only as the basis for other techniques I developed." He put the cup down, using his bending to manipulate the liquid in the cup in front of them.

"You see, blood bending's basis is to control another using the liquid in their bodies; however, the technique is fundamentally barbaric and counter to the principle of water-bending. It involves control of the subject, forcing them to fight their own limbs, and the resistance ultimately makes it an useful, but inefficient technique. Hama, the original creator of the technique, was likely influenced by the Fire Benders who imprisoned her, using her technique to overpower the opponent's will, rather than direct them to their will. However, the manipulation of the body's liquids does hold potential. I developed techniques that could prove useful for parlor tricks and diversionary tactics alike by controlling other fluids. For example..."

As he said this, he twitched two of his fingers on the table, causing Katra's eyes to feel a bit swollen, involuntarily watering slightly.
"Ah," blinking away tears she nodded. "I see." Still though there was something to be said for bloodbending. It fascinated and disgusted her. Though is was entirely possible to perhaps nullify an attack before it happened by various other means, there was no denying the usefulness of actually causing an attack to actually stop happening via bloodbending. "Granted, I know it will take me a lot of work to get to that level I have had a lot of trouble with waterbending so far. To be honest you wouldn't be my first teacher."

Taking another sip of her tea she shook her head, "This is the one element keeping me from a fully realized avatar. If you would be patient enough to teach me, I would do anything for you in return."
"Well, to teach a difficult subject to a pupil is as much the teacher's task as it is the student's to learn. I will teach you so long as you have the resolve to stay through my training. In addition to practicing these techniques, you must experience them, witness first-hand how they can affect your opponents, if you wish to use them effectively in combat. I must warn you; these techniques require incredibly precise control over the element. While obviously the skill will come in due time, you must swear to never so much as attempt these on a live subject without my explicit permission, lest you cause permanent damage to your volunteer test subject."

He took another sip from his tea as he let her take in his terms as her teacher. "Should you wish to learn, I want you to don water and swim wear and meet me outside by the pond in 10 minutes for your first lesson. I want to assess what your current level of skill is."
"Certainly sir. I'll be right out. I swear to follow your terms." Finishing her tea, she bowed to her new master and went to her pack. In a flash her tunic was pulled off to reveal black silk hugging her breasts tied into a bow at her back. She packed the top quietly before standing up and removing her pants. Underneath were small black shorts that hugged her curves tightly. Swimwear proper she did not have, though she saw no problem with just wearing her small clothes. After all, it's not like Nonka was a monk.

Getting up she bowed again. "Will this be sufficient sir?" Her toned body was covered in soft creamy skin and her previously concealed curves were fully on display now. "I could go to the market and buy something if it would please you, though traveling does tend to make one pack light."
Looking her over, he had to admit she had a very admirable figure. "The attire choice is merely a matter of your own convenience, though I am surprised that you had no swimwear prepared if you've practiced water bending already. Regardless, we can begin now. Step into the water and demonstrate for me what you can do. Forms, power, and precision control." He stood atop a wave of water as he awaited her demonstration.

As she moved, his eyes were watching her body and figure as much as her form. Her curvy figure looked lithe and nimble, flexible enough to be proficient wherever she may need to be.
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