Before everything ended....(wiki234 x Venomous Carnage)

Nov 29, 2011

The morning sun rose over Mt.Fuji, the air was cold as the winter snow began to fall the night before, Mark's eyes began to flutter open as he looked around his new surroundings, He was an exchange student from america, due to some actions in his old school his parents felt this was the last straw before military school...

His host parents were nice but the fther was very strict, when his plane landed and they arrived at the home the night before he searched his luggage throwing away the pack of smoke he bought before his flight. Mr.Satou was a former police officer and was having no tolerance with Mark...his wife however was your typical overprotective mother makig sure he was well feed and well taken care of.

He slowly got up pulling his phone off the charger and streaching before getting dressed and walking downstairs he found a note on top of his lunch.

Mrs.Satou - "Mark, don't forget your lunch i packed something special, i know that things will be different but try to make some friends you are here for 6 months i'm sure you can connect with someone don't be shy!!

-Love, Mrs.Satou"

He sighed looking down at the neatly wrapped lunch, even though he tried to look on the bright side he couldn't help but resent his father for sending him to forging country just so he didn't have to deal with him.

Mark, grabbed his bag and walked outside the air was very fresh and crisp, the area he was in was not clogged like the downtown area it was kind of nice the cherry blossoms along the street the smell of everyone's breakfast in the air a very different change. Meanwhile back at the school the principal had Rei Miyamoto in his office her strawberry blonde hair in a long ponytail as she sat infront of his desk.

Principal - "Now Rei, we have a new exchange student due in today he will be here until Summer break, as the school ambassadress i want you and the rest of your class to welcome him with open arm's this will be a big culture shock to him so be as nice and plesant as you can."

She nodded and stood up saluting.

Rei - "Yes sir, i promise on my title as ambassadress that i will show him the utmost respect."

She walked out of the room and out the front of the school nowing he would arrive soon.

Mark, came closer and closer to the school he sighed and began to move slower he did not want to be in the place at all...he dug in his bag finding his emergency smokes and sat outside of the gate and lit one before he had to go inside.
Saeko was just an average girl living in Japan and going to school like everyone else, she had been living a rather busy and normal life, joining the kendo club (I think) and brig one of the top fighters too. Like always she was busy with school and that club all the time having not really much free time to hang out with any friends or doing something fun. She woke up, got dressed, and took her backpack and wooden sword since there was another practice today like always.

She walked and arrived at the school gates just looking around and continuing to walk through them into the hall of the building where she decided to drop off her stuff in the classroom then head to her locker since she still had time and school wouldn't start for a while.
Mark, looked at his watch just in time to see the purple hired girl walk inside, he couldn't help but notice her, as she walked off her finished his smoke and sighed before standing up only to be met by a young woman in a red beret and a sash that read, "School Representative"

She saw him approching and stood as if she was in the military rasing her hand to her forehead in a salute.

Rei - "Welcome, Mark! to Fujimi Academy! i am Rei Miyamoto, am the School's worldwide representative, Please come with me and i will show you to Homeroom aswell as your other classmates for this semester."

She said with a smile and she turned around.

Mark - "uhh....N-nice to meet you Rei, p-please lead the way."

As they began walking into the school the main hall was filled with students each with their own lives and groups, but Rei's group was the most well behaved and had the highest GPA of the whole school, as they walked there were tons of different student's, some jocks, from the football and basketball teams, the smart kids the popular girls and the regular student's which was their group, everyone seemed to have a place among one of the biggest schools in this area of Tokyo.

As they walked Mark couldn't help but overhear some whispers and talk about the Ebola virus, and how all the airports in almost every country was screening for the virus, and even rumors of the dead that were killed by the virus are proclaimed dead only to come bak to life mintues to hours later.

They got to the homeroom, and there she was the same purple haired girl from before, he smiled at everyone as Rei intorduced him to everyone.
After she had all her personal things safe and away for now, she slowly walked back through the hallway and crowd of people back to the class, sitting down and pulling out a small book to quielty read, ignoring everyone else's talking. Saeko sighed and leaned back against her seat, noticing the door opening and turning to see that it was a boy, actually the same one she saw at the gate in the morning. "Welcome to our class then, the names saeko nice to meet someone new." She said giving him a smile then turning to read her book again.
Mark smiled and bowed to the small group of classmates, He took a seat close to Saeko, before reaching into his bag and pulling out a notebook and a few books he brought from home, Saya looked at the clock and sighed pushing her glasses up on her face from the bridge of her nose she straighten her skirt and grabbed her book ba and turned to the rest of the group.

Saya - "I will see you all at lunch, i have a test to pass."

Mark, smiled at her and waved.

Mark - "See you later Saya, very nice to meet you."

She looked at him with a scowl and turned away and out the door, he sat bank down feeling kind of embarrassed.

Rei - "Don't mind Saya....she tends to be kind of mean especially to new kids."

Mark nodded and looked outside as the Cherry Blossoms moved in the wind and the morning light.
She sighed and smiled leaning back a bit and turning to the group, "well good luck then...hope you pass it." she said waving as she left. " she just needs to get used to someone new that's all.." Saeko turned back and leaned back against her seat again picking up her book and continue reading quietly.
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