Terror from Reid's past (Krystal x LeoGrave)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal Kobayashi, the heiress to the Kobayashi hotel empire, and the Morgan-Chase oil and steel fortunes, so why may you ask was she a member of the FBI? Simply because she loved it. Her long blue hair was up in a high pony tail as she beat at a punching bag in her personal gym, letting off steam. Today would be the first day she would enter the BAU of the FBI. It was a great honor to be chosen, and she was excited, but also extremely nervous. She had no idea what they would think of her, and that scared her. She was rarely scared, but social interaction freaked her out a bit, having lived her life as mostly a loner, having only had male friends, girls writing her off. Krystal stepped into the shower after her workout, letting the warm water wash over her like a blanket of reassurance. "Its gonna be okay Krys. They'll love you." She tried to think to herself, washing away all the sweat with cherry blossom scented soap.

Derek and JJ were both at their desks, finishing up paperwork on their last case when she came in, blue hair sticking out like a sore thumb. It wasn't something she could control though, he hair was naturally that color. Krystal took in a deep breath as she stepped into the bull pen, meeting Dr Reid first. She smiled at him shyly, taking in his handsome features before she spoke. "Hello, I'm Krystal Kobayashi. Could you point me to Mr. Aaron Hotchner's office?" She asked, her southern Texan accent apparent as she held out her neatly painted blue fingernails for a handshake.

Aaron came out of his office, usual stoic smile on his face as he examined the two in front of him. "Oh, yes, miss Kobayashi. I've heard great things about you." He admitted as the shook hands, and Krystal smiled a little wider, glacial blue orbs looking the man over. She had to know what she was getting into. At 25, she was one of the youngest agents the FBI had, having joined at 18. She had wanted to make a difference in the world, and she still did. That's why she had begged to be the replacement for Emily Prentiss on the team.

"Hotch, case incoming." JJ said, looking to the man who nodded. He guessed this would be as easy a way as any to introduce the newcomer to the team. Morgan and JJ were already in the conference room when Aaron stepped in with Krystal, gesturing for her to sit. Introductions would be quick, as they had an urgent case on their hands. Krystal sat, smiling a little at Morgan and JJ, but not speaking. She was to nervous. None of them knew that this particular case hit straight to home for one of their teammates.
Reid was reading a novel when the new member of the team arrived. Lifting his head he only caught a glimpse of her blue hair before she was right in front of him asking for Hotch. "Hello. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid." He smiled some in a sheepish manor and lightly shook her hand. Then those dreaded words, 'Case coming'. To most this was when all goodness left the world. But for Reid it was a time to delve into his vast knowledge to catch the twisted minds that make the world the dark and grungy place that it really was. Entering the conference room he again saw the blue haired woman and gave a small smile.

Garcia entered the room behind Rossi and turned on the monitor. "Okay my lovelies. This is a weird one." He turned to sever images that look strangely like Reid. Rossi made a slight glance over to Reid which had a slight hit of terror on his face. Garcia continued, "We're being called in by Las Vegas P.D on this because this guy is some serious messed up in the noggin." She gave her usual charm and spin on the more gruesome details. "These people have all been found with whip marks in their backs and later with strangulation marks." Her voice was frantic by this point not wanting to look at the images on the screen.

Rossi looked from the screen to Reid before breaking the silence. "Well victim ology is going to be easy to figure out on this one." He gave one final glance to Reid. "Hotch?" He turned to the leader for an answer.
Krystal shook his hand back, a soft blush on her plaish cheeks. "Pleased to meet you Dr Reid." She said with a light smile, watching as the leader came over. He was next to shake Krystal's hand, introducing himself before he lead them to the comference room. She smiled back at Reid as he came in, still blushing a little which Morgan noticed, but kept quiet about. They had a case on their hands.

Krystal watched the screen, both horror and fascination. She had been prepared, but this was still shocking to her. Morgan looked at Reid. "Hey pretty boy, you okay?/" he asked the other, concern in the big black mans eyes. JJ too looked concerned, but she had to focus on the case. Hotch nodded at rossi. "right well, everyone, since we don't have time to properly welcome her, this is krystal kobayashi. she's our new team menber. wheels up in 30." he said in a jumble, looking to reid as well. he had no clue what could have the other so freaked, considering he'd been on the team for so long now.
Reid looked at the rest of the team seeing the looks they were giving him. But he made no real connection with why. No matter they had a case and it was time for him to do his thing. He was the last one to leave the room looking at the images. "Hesitation..." He spoke to himself before he gathered his things and leaving the office to get on the plain.

Rossi stopped Hotch on the way to the plain. "You noticed it to.." He spoke softly. "Hotch I think we should take this one with a little more care. This guy is obviously after someone that looks like Reid..." He continued to the plain.
Krystal just grabbed her messenger bag from the seat, and her swords from the armory, strapping them on her back before she left for the plane. She didn't know anyone, but she smiled at Garcia. She liked the outfit the other was wearing. "Hi. I like your dress." She said softly, walking with the other woman. She could see that everyone was worried about Reid, and she was too. She could sense he was hiding something, but she didn't know what. Morgan and JJ were already on the jet when she got there, sitting in a chair by the window. She was uneasy, and not because this was her fist case. She had the sinking suspicion that for some reason, she'd be this unsub's next target.

Hotch nodded. "Agreed Dave. But I think maybe this unsub might actually be after Reid." He admitted, concern in his dark eyes as he boarded the jet, sitting across from Krystal in his usual chair.
Reid stepped onto the jet and sat down in his usual chair and sets his things down and began looking at the file. "Back to Vegas.." He spoke to himself. After a few moments the team was up in the air flying to where his mother is and someone from his past.

It was the dark of night when Reid's uncle Felix immerged from his home. He was scratching behind his ear as he walked down the road passed all of the sinners that flow to the brightly lit city. Voices whisper into his mind as he walks. "Don't hurt him... All you do is cry... Why are you so weak..." But one voice calls to him. A deep manly voice. "Felix... Why haven't you done as I asked?" He asked. It was Felix speaking to himself. "But sir... H-he's my nephew.." He stammered before he regained his composure. "He needs to die in order to release us from this torment." He continued. Felix continued to walk down the road until he came upon a slender male in his late 20s.
Krystal smiled at him. "I'm sure it will be fine, Dr Reid." She soothed a little, worried for him. While she knew she'd be the next target, she still worried about him. She was afraid that something would happen to him, because despite her better judgement, she was falling for him.

the man turned, looking worried for the other man next to him. "Can I help you with something sir?" He asked, his blue eyes showing concern but also slight fear. It was weird for someone to be out late like this in a suburban part of vegas like this.
Reid looked at her and smiled a shy but warm smile. "Oh I know. Actually the odds of everything being not fine far out weigh the odds of everything being fine. The world nine times out of ten isn't fine. But I appreciate the comfort." He rambled before turning his attention to the window of the jet. He didn't mean to ignore her he was just thinking about his mother.

Felix gazed at the man, voices causing an up roar in his head. "Y-yes you can help me... I-I lost something and I have to find it..." He murmured and reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. In one quick movement he had the man in his grasp. "Spencer..." He whispered before changing. In a deep voice he laughed. "Now Spencer it's time to die." He spoke as he dragged the man into a dark ally covering his screams with his hand.
Krystal looked at him with concerned eyes, grabbing his hand absentmindedly, smirking at him a bit. "DrReid, what you fail to realize is this particular heiress has a plan. A trap to be set." She told the genius, getting herself some tea, and he some coffee. Krystal looked at him, squeezing his hand. "Don't worry, amic. I have it all under control." She told him, shure the genius would understand the Romanian word for friend, gracing her lips.

There were screams of intense pain coming from the man until all fell silent. felix had killed him, and now spencer was on his way with his would be love, to catch him once again.
Spencer accepted the coffee and looked at Krystal. He smiled some at the word for friend. "Thanks.." He spoke softly giving her hand a glance when she squeezed his. "Where'd you learn that?" he asked her sipping his coffee.

Rossi glanced over at Spencer and Krystal. He grinned in a fatherly way when Reid smiled. "Hey Morgan." He softly called out. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" he asked glancing over at the pair. "I think Reid made a new 'friend'." He laughed some as he watched some more.
Krystal smiled back at him. "The Romanian? Oh, I'm friends with the actor Sebastian Stan. He taught me because he wanted me to be able to talk to his mother. She kinda babies us a bit." She said with a small chuckle, a few memories running through her mind. She missed them both, but Sebastian was on location filming captain america 3 and his mother was back in Romania. She took a sip of her tea, stirring it a little afterwards. The sugar hadn't dissolved enough and it tasted bland to her.

Morgan chuckled and nodded. "I do. Looks like pretty boy is pretty fascinated with her." Morgan admitted, giving Reid a thumbs up. He was trying to encourage him.
Reid smiled as they talked. He let out a soft sigh as he looked out the window. "Back home..." He spoke softly to himself as if he didn't want anyone to hear. He then turned and was Morgan giving him a thumbs up and blushed slightly. Spencer looked at Krystal studying her for a moment. She was beautiful and intelligent. Everything Spencer could possibly want was sitting right in front of him. The team was about to land in Vegas in an hour. Reid began having an internal break down. Recalling the images of the look-a-likes gave him a shudder down his spine that, although he desperately tried to hide he couldn't and Krystal could clearly see he was bothered.
Krystal heard what he said, but didn't voice that she had. She didn't want him to know that she was out of the ordinary just yet. That could wait until all this stress was over. "The unsub will most likely target Reid. I'd say there's a good chance he will be stalked." Hotch admitted, and Krystal and morgan nodded, looking worried. She squeezed Spencer's hand again. "I've got you're back, amic. Do not worry. Everything will happen as it should. " she reassured, taking a sip of her tea. She worried about him, but could sense that being near her heart was starting to change Spencer to a fae like she.
Spencer looked at the team. "Could you all please look like I'm actually going to survive this case." His voice was shaky. The jet landed in the city. "W-what am I going to do..." He moved his hand through his hair. Reid looked at Krystal with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Rossi looked at the rest of the team. "I think we should get settled and meet with the police." He looked at Hotch. "We meet back together in an hour." He motioned to Krystal. "Krystal why don't you stay with Reid while the Unsub is still out there."
Krystal smiled at him. "You will, amic. Doesn't keep the rest of the team from worrying. She admitted, squeezing his hand. Her Texan accent came out just then. "Ya'll can stay in my hotel in Vegas. I've got penthouse suites I don't use." She added with a grin, looking at Spencer. She wasn't trying to reassurre him.

Hotch nodded. "right. We'll all stay at Krystal's hotel, and meet back in an hour." He agreed, and he smiled a little. He was worried for his friend, but didn't want to stress the boy out more. Krystal nodded at Rossi's deduction. "Good Idea." She agreed, taking Spencer's hand again. She need the contact to reassure herself he was real, and that this was all some very detailed dream. She took Spencer to her private penthouse, getting them each a drink. "You'll be safe here. Nobody gets in this penthouse without my knowing." She admitted, not explaining about the magical wards surrounding the top floor, meant to keep away any who would hurt the queen, and invisible fae guards around every corner.
Spencer accepted the drink and took a sip. He coughed some. "W-what is this?" He asked looking at the glass. He shrugged it off. Reid looked around the room. "Krystal..." He paused after a moment. "N-never mind" He sat down sighing some. "Where am I staying?" He asked looking at her. His voice was soft as he stood and paced a bit. He was on edge and she could see that.

Rossi walked into his room and set down his things. He let out a sigh and smiled sitting down on the bed. He pulled out the police report and began studying it.
Krystal chuckled a little at his cuteness. "Just rum and cherry coke, Spencer." She said with a smile, taking a sip of hers before she sat on the couch. She turned her head when he called her name. "What is it Spencer?" She asked, looking a bit confused when he decided not to ask. She smiled at him, a toothy grin that was both mischevious and dangerous. "Well, I have a spare bedroom next to mine, but honestly? I'd prefer if you slept with me. It would make me feel better." She admitted, knowing the man was extremely on edge. She figured him being with her in bed might ease his mind, because she knew it'd ease hers. That way she could keep her magic shield up around them as they slept, as an extra precaution
Spencer blushed some when she mentioned sleeping together. "U-um I-if it will make you feel better." He took another sip this time a bigger one. "I-I don't think I should be drinking this..." He put the glass down. Time went on and Spencer sat on the couch with Krystal. "S-so what do you want to do while we wait to meet with others?" He asked embarrassed some.

Felix returned to his apartment shaking and writhing. "That was weak!" He yelled into a mirror. "I-I'm sorry..." He spoke in a weak voice before switching again. "You need to kill him!" He yelled. "I-I can't! He's my nephew!"
Krystal smiled. "It would." she admitted, still not letting on anything pertaing to her powers or he actual lineage. He was to stressed out to know the truth yet. She smiled at him. "You want just a regular coke Spencer? Or I have this imported honey drink from Spain. You'd like it." She admitted with a smile, playing with her long blue hair a bit. What the honey drink really was was a type of wine from the fae lands. It didn't make you drunk, it was more something someone would drink when sad. The concept was to warm you up and make you feel like all your problems would work out. She smiled at him, putting a hand on Spencer's leg. "You know I don't know. I was kind of thinking about catching up on sailor moon crystal. Keeps me calm. Calmer we are, the quicker we can go home." She explained, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before blushing wildly. She didn't know why she did that, other than how much she liked him.
Reid thought about her offer. "No I'm alright." His voice was soft. He blushed slightly at her kissed. "Uh...," he stood stammering. "W-well look it's time t-to meet up w-with the others..." He stammered as he began moving toward the door.

Rossi read over the profile and thought. "Hmm... Just like..." He remembered a previous case where Reid was taken by the Unsub and was held for two days. "He was split.." He murmured as the time came to when everyone was meet back up.
Krystal chuckled and looked at the clock. "So it is." She said with a smile, walking over to the door. So, where were we gonna meet again?" She asked, noting how utterly adorable he was. She liked making him all flustered, well actually, she just liked him. "So, shall we go?" She asked, grinning at him.

Hotch and Morgan had come to the same conclusion as Rossi did, and they didn't like it. What if this was all a trap? Though Krystal seemed sure she had a "trap" that would reveal the killer, but they weren't so sure. Having just met her, they weren't sure if they could trust her.
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