Skyrim Omegaverse (MrFred and pqueued)


Jan 17, 2014
The Dovakiin settled into his favorite chair at the Bannered Mare and flagged Saadia the waitress to get him a bottle of mead. He loosened the belts holding together his suit of Nordic steel armor and propped his broad shoulders up on the back of the wooden chair. The crackling warm glow of the fire in the center of the room silhouetted his form against the wall behind him, making obvious from his bulk that he was an alpha. He removed his helmet and plunked it on the table with a loud clank revealing his small tusks. His green skin stood out among the Nord men populating the tavern, but his Orcish musculature was enough to match even the burliest of Nord alphas. He flared his nostrils, trying to locate a scent wafting through the air. Somewhere within the common room of the tavern was an Omega nearing heat, but he could not tell exactly where.

"Here you go Dragonborn," chimed Saadia as she plunked a corked bottle of mead onto the table in front of him. Saadia definitely wasn't it, she was a Beta, and an uppity one at that.
(Thanks for making it c: )

Felis watched from her perch in the corner, close enough to the stairs she could escape unwanted Alphas or grabby Betas wanting some of her. Her natural supressants were wearing off and her scent was going through her armor. Nightingale armor. Thin and easy to get about in, but it didn't hide her lithe features to show her social gender, nor her pheromones. Watching the tavern bustle, her attention was brought to the brute that had entered. He hardly caught her interest until Saadia brought up 'Dragonborn' in such a sing-song manner you'd think she owed him.

Standing and taking a small coin bag, Felis gave the bag to Hulda. The kind Nord knew she needed a room and was happy to give out her best till the elf was better. Her main source of fresh, cheap meat that wasn't cut to nothing. Anything to keep trades between the meaderys was. Footwork for Felis but it gave good deals.

"Thank you, Hulda, she smiled to the aged Beta before bounding up the stairs. The Dragonborn must have caught her scent, the way he'd been sniffing. It wasn't obvious, but she saw the twitch of his nose anyways.
The Dovakiin whispered to himself "She's hiding from you, Bogrum." Thes scent was weak, patially masked, but enough bled through for an Orc or Khajiit alpha to detect. He uncoked the bottle of honning brew mead and tipped it back into his mouth. He let the warm, spicy honeywine trickle down his throat, the high alcohol content leaving behind a gentle burn. With his throat warmed up he sat upright in his chair and spoke quietly but clearly in the dragon language. "Laas Nah Yir." Waves of color flooded into his vision as the aura of everyone in the room became visible as a haze over their bodies. He scanned the room for the ripples of pink that indicated a state of estrus. (Sorry for the delay.)
(It's fine c: apparently I'm not going out of state so I might be more active)

Felis was clumsier as she locked the door and stripped her armor and boots, tossing them over a. Chair and pllacing her belongings around the chair. The burn and inescapable feeling of needing to be filled pulled and tugged at the elf as she stumbled to the best. Not even the first wave of her heat, and she was already panting. "Damnit," she muttered, tugging the covers over her over-heated body.
Barely a minute passed and she kicked the covers off and moved to her knees. She was alredy starting to soak her undergarments. The need to find some relief overcame her need to keep from having an Alpha coming up to. fuck,knot, and breed her. She moved thin, pale fingers to her pussy, moaning softly into the pillow. To hell with the Dragonborn and any other Alpha!
Bogrum stood and picked up his bottle of mead. The pink ripple had moved to a rented room. He clanked his way up the stairs to his own room and stripped off his armor, Arranging the metal plates on his bed. He peeled off his gambeston and threw it on the floor, pushing it underneath the bed, then opened his travelling trunk. He selected some more comfortable clothes; a pair of light linen trousers and shirt of deep red wool. He exited the room pulling the red wool shirt over his muscular torso, not bothering tho lace up the chest. He walked briskly to the room where the omega was hiding. The pheromones he smelled earlier had begun to put him into a heat-like condition, leaving his heart pounding as though he was exerting himself. He smashed his shoulder against the door with a blunt sounding *whud* and hissed into the keyhole under his breath. "You know why I am here."
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