Red String of Fate (Frogger and Malfrost)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
"This is a keepsake from my father. And this Scissor Blade was left behind by the person who murdered him. Now, you're going to tell me who this Scissor Blade belongs to, Satsuki Kiryuin!"

Ryuko jerked into an upright position, black hair a mess about her face, the single red streak amidst the black hanging over her left eye. The sheets were tangled this way and that, around her legs and about her waist. Her heart pounding roughly, adrenaline coursing throughout every vein within the girl's body, she ran a hand through her messy hair while kicking away the sheets. Light poured in through a nearby window, casting away the darkness like a blanket, and bathing the room with golden light. It was an eyesore, really given how she just woke up and all. With a groan, she let out a great big yawn...not in the least bit ashamed or afraid of being modest. Of course...that was Ryuko. Fierce, stubborn, one who fears little, and determined; that is her in a nutshell.

Blue eyes glanced out the window, only for the young woman to groan. "Crap, I'm gonna be late..." Ryuko grumbled, shaking her head and sending black locks flying about. It was a long moment until she was up, dressed and rearing to go...well, okay, scratch that last part. Formal education was never any fun...and college was proving to be pretty much along the same lines. Why she was bothering with it all, she had no idea...but it was something to do in the meantime. In a black skirt...a large white shirt, and a black-and-white jacket, Ryuko slung a bag over her shoulder and started heading out the door. Blinding light assaulted her eyes...causing the young woman to blink several times, and shake her head with a scowl. Hands in her pockets, she walked on...soon encountering other students, but keeping to herself.
Satoshi Goren might have looked like an average student, but he was far from one. He was of average height, with an average build with average length blonde hair. He walked down the street towards his college with a white button up shirt on and black pants. Despite his average looks, he was much more then just human.

He was a Kamui, a God Suit. One of the most powerful weapons ever created. He was different though in the fact that he had a human form that he assumed for most of the time. He had never actually bonded with a partner, but he planned to change that today. He walked beside Ryuko and sipped his coffee as he gave her a smile.

"You are Ryuko Matoi...correct? I know of your exploits, they are quite impressive. Do you miss your Kamui? If you there...I have a proposition for you, if you are willing to listen."
Ryuko glanced over in the stranger's direction, a veil of black falling over one eye whenever she did so. The blue could still be seen, however, despite being obscured...and there was a hint of irritation lurking within the depths. Hands shoved deep in her jacket pockets, she scowled...just wondering what the hell this guy was after. While everyone knew of the young woman's exploits, and how she saved the world from being covered by Life Fibers...not everyone knew about Kamui. Her expression more than a little suspicious, for good reason, of course, she brought out one the process, taking out a lemon.

“What of it?” Ryuko grumbled, taking a bite. Juice sprang forth from impact, a few drops landing on her chin...not that she cared. “I’m Ryuko Matoi, and of course I miss Senketsu… but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to replace him anytime soon. Thanks, but no thanks.” While the words may sound polite, her tone of voice certainly didn’t give that impression. Her expression a fierce scowl, she bit into her lemon again… enjoying its rich, yet sour taste.

It wasn’t long before Ryuko caught sight of the college, looming high above the surrounding city, tall and impressive, however imposing. Her blue eyes narrowed, dread filling her chest at realizing that her first class was math. It was a personal hell, having to endure the never-ending lecture.
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